Chapter 280 280. BLESSED CHILDREN

Noah spent a bit of time glancing around the first floor since it had books that interested him. He did the same for the second and third, before eventually arriving at the fourth and last floor, where the books were.

He immediately began looking for books about the history of the different continents and the different races or maybe species, and very quickly he found himself sitting in front of multiple books housing different information and side views of the history of the world. Needless to say, he started with the view of the Cusk nation.

There were five continents on Cregar, and the books mostly listed them in an order of how powerful the continents were. With the Dragon continent of Lagederon being at the top, followed closely by the Giants continent of Blizarun, then the Dark continent, the Elvian continent, and finally the Human continent of Lidrath.

Noah felt taken aback seeing humans at the bottom of the list but compared to what he learned about the other continents he couldn't help but find the humans bland.

According to recent research and past findings, the human continent consisting of three nations the Papine nation, The Cusk nation, and The Nevaldine empire, was the least magical place on Cregar!

The mana density in the large continent had suffered a great deal as a result of abnormal activities caused by a particular individual. The books though, never mentioned who the individual was.

Due to the abnormal activities, the entire continent suffered a significant decrease in its mana density, and shockingly the world never refilled it, opting to leave it as it was.

This led to the downfall of the human Millenials earlier and was the reason for their slow rise in power compared to the other continents. This apparently was why only magical beasts mostly existed within the borders of the Lidrath continent.

Monsters such as goblins, kobolds, gorgons, and many other creatures were not available simply due to the low density of mana.

Topic on the Dragon continent of Lagederon was soon his main focus, and he found that a lot was available about the continent.

According to the books, the dragons were a mostly primal civilization. Although they featured intelligent ones, the majority were wild beasts almost similar to the magical beasts of the human continent, only their incredible power being the difference, and their ability to quickly gain sentience.

There were dragons of different elemental natures, such as fire, wind, earth, and water. And just like the elemental affinities available to man, there were metal dragons, ice dragons, lightning dragons, light dragons, and darkness dragons.

The hierarchy of the dragons was based mostly on bloodline, which would tell whether a dragon would be considered noble or not. The dragon's continent, had one ruling family as they were the ones with the purest dragon blood which surprisingly meant more power and bloodline authority over the rest.

Unfortunately, the name of the family wasn't mentioned. But according to the books they had terrifying power available to them and would have wiped Lidrath out if not for the particular person that had caused the drop in mana density. A weird turn of events.

Noah moved on to the giant's continent, and as he expected, Giants based their power on how big and strong they were. Those creatures would be oversized humans if not for their lack of elemental affinities.

However, Giants had a deep connection with the earth, and were able to manipulate earth with mana as their fuel, even if they don't feature mana cores like humans. And their connection wasn't also considered an affinity, but a genuine connection with Cregar's lands.

According to the books; the strongest giants were able to directly transform vast landforms into rocky spectacles or proper wasteland in the blink of an eye. Because of that incredibly potent power; they stood in second place.

The Giant's only weakness was the dumbness that befell them from birth only until they reached a stronger level of connection with Cregar's land could they escape their natural weaknesses.

The books went on to further explain that the giants considered their connection to the land to be how powerful they were, and the stages were simple. For obvious reasons.

There were six stages of power known to the giants. The names had to be translated to fit the language Cuskians spoke. The first stage was the Dust stage, the second was the Mud stage, the third was the Plateau stage, the fourth was the Hill stage, the fifth was the Valley stage, and the sixth was the Mountain stage.

There were no explanations given on how to understand the different stages, but theirs was better compared to the dragons who had no information on their levels of power in any of those books.

Noah arrived at the Dark continent, and to his utter shock, very little was spoken about it, and only details about the dark continent being shrouded in thick darkness. Apparently, it was a magical reaction, but none of the writers knew what the cause of that wonder had been.

However, according to the little available about that place, it was written that creatures attuned to the dark lived there and the encounters with them had left scars in the minds of many.

The Elvian continent soon became his focus and it took him more than an hour to find books containing basic information about that species.

Thanks to the descriptions available in the books Noah found that the mysterious man he encountered on the edge of the snake's valley had been an Elf.

Elves had a bad relationship with humans but were one of the more spectacular species. According to the books, the elven continent was home to the lushest of environments, since apparently the entire continent in all its grandeur was just a massive lush and magical forest.

The elven continent was ruled by one royal family. Unfortunately, nothing was said about them, only that they were the longest-living individuals in the entirety of Cregar. Many authors even termed them the blessed children of Cregar due to the strong connection they shared with mana and nature.

Unfortunately, many wars had happened between the Elvian continent and the human one, with no clear victors, only growing hostility. The reason for the fighting was never mentioned, but Noah could guess that it would be something he considered stupid.

He read other articles about the different continents and its unique creatures that managed to send waves of excitement and shivers in his mind.

From the books Noah could also find out that there were places in the world properly untouched by civilization, since according to small details, it was belived that creatures far powerful than all the races lived there.

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