Chapter 281 281. FIRST DIVE

Noah eventually branched to more topics and couldn't help but marvel at the vast variety of topics that the library held. He could jump back and forth between both sides since he had paid for them. He felt he got his money's worth since before he knew it the card in his pocket buzzed, signifying that he had spent a day there already.

Noah had never been more shocked in his life. 'That's probably an exaggeration,' he thought. He had been so engrossed in his study that a day had gone by too quickly, and there was still a lot he had not read yet. Even the book he had in his grasp contained a topic he found very intriguing as it spoke of the anatomy of the magical beasts, and the various characteristics associated with specific magical beasts.

He had read nothing less than seven books on that topic, but there was something about that author that gripped him. The individual had written a few other books, ones he had been fortunate enough to come by, and the style of description and explanation was so smooth Noah read many sentences multiple times just to fall into wonder.

However, the individuals' writing style wasn't the only thing that appealed greatly to him, but their profound wisdom. The individual managed to explain things that many other authors found difficult to explain. Their name thankfully was written on the book, and it stated "Eldrov Franiost".

'I have to leave,' Noah said contemplating whether to get another card or not. But when he recalled the shining prompt informing him of the dungeon's creation, he could only postpone learning to another day. Nevertheless, he had gained a whole lot from his time there.

Noah returned the card and exited the library to walk toward the building containing his room. His mind bubbled with newly gained information as things began to gain a deeper clarity than before.

Noah understood how ill-knowledged he had been for the past five or so months in Cregar. Too many things he had not even known were possible about Cregar and its people.

The Papine nation was termed the country of Saints, as its rulers and citizens were mainly religious individuals who worshiped the gods. Few books spoke of the more powerful individuals there being those termed the Blessed.

They were apparently people who had received power from high above and trampled over every other. Details on that topic were nonexistent on the four floors, so he had to settle with the little he was allowed, which was already a lot. The Papine nation wasn't on completely good terms with the Cusk nation.

Noah honestly felt excited to do some adventuring. The thought of far stronger people out there forced him to accept that he had to be more if he planned to survive.

The Nevaldine empire on the other hand was the friendliest nation even if its military force was feared by both nations. Much wasn't said about them only that they were cultivators who had a similar power ranking to the Cusk nation.

He also read a bit about deviants, but they weren't different from what the mercenaries had told him, even if there were more examples of deviants.

All in all, Noah found the planet of Cregar rich with different civilizations and magical wonders. The library couldn't provide all he needed, but from the little he had read, he felt the world open up in his eyes.

He eventually arrived in front of his room, and quickly entered it.

Sitting on his bed, Noah opened the panel that featured his desired information.

[Dungeon creation Completed]

[Dungeon of the Dishonored Serpent]

'That's a cool name,' Noah thought arching an eyebrow.

[Do wish to begin dungeon dive]


Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for what he was about to do. Needless to say, he also felt his excitement peak at that moment.

Picking yes, Noah felt his environment fall into an unsettling silence, then a series of blinding red magical circles, featuring more than five inner circles flickered into existence. Noah felt the world around him stretch as he left his bed to instantly arrive inside a blank white cylindrical room.

"Okay?" Noah muttered looking around, the feeling he felt in that room, was something he had never experienced. He felt alienated but also had a sense of belonging. Both sensations, however, never overwhelmed the other creating the profound weirdness he felt.

[Briefing of the dungeon will begin]

A red screen appeared before his astonished eyes, but before he could reply the floating panel, another one appeared.

[Dungeon of the Dishonored Serpent]

[Grade: C]

[Difficulty level: High]

[Floors: 5]

[Bosses: 3]

[Rewards for completion: ??? ??? ???]

Followed by the screen was a flash of blue light that injected information into Noah's mind. He quickly gained an understanding of how dungeons worked, and how that one would work.

The beasts he had given to the system for the dungeons' creation would not be used in the dungeon itself. They were more or less the currency for the creation of dungeons. Which meant he would be meeting different types of creatures in different types of dungeons.

"I'm ready," Noah announced, and a mechanical swirling noise began to sound around him. The sound reached a peak point and another series of high-tier magical circles this time blue in color expanded above and beneath his figure, to wrap him in a gentle light of teleportation.

Noah opened his eyes in a dimly lit environment. Before him was a massive wall featuring a red door that had a serpent's head inscribed on its dimly glowing structure.

The world around him was closed off with smooth stone walls that gave off the vibe of an underground cave.

"This seems to be the entrance," Noah muttered walking towards the door purely on instinct. Sweeping his gaze on the 9m tall and 5m wide door, Noah searched for anything that resembled a key or something that would allow him to push it open since his strength had done nothing.

He very quickly found a spot on the door shaped like a palm. The palm happened to be situated in the opened mouth of the inscribed serpent, and immediately he placed his palm on it, he felt something prick him, but that arm suddenly become unmovable forcing him to bear the constant pain.

Shockingly, essence although minute in quantity poured out of his core to flow into his arm and through his palm into the hole.

A spectacle occurred at that point.

The serpent's head suddenly came to life as a bright red glow filled its eye sockets. The serpent suddenly turned its head to him, its menacing eyes staring directly into his as if looking for something. Something Noah had.

Noah felt the force holding on to his hand let go, and saw what resembled fangs receding into the palm-shaped hole.

A blinding crimson light flashed on the door at that point, and it quickly began to move open. The sound of a heavy object resounded in the caves and back into Noah's ears, but his focus was already on the world before him.

Taking multiple steps past the doorways, Noah felt it shut behind him, and he turned to glance at it for a moment before focusing on the dungeon path before him.

Danger flowed into his mind immediately he focused, and he didn't hesitate to retrieve his daggers and call upon Muillix, or so he thought. To his bone-shaking shock, a prompt containing outrageous information appeared in his eyes.

[Inventory has been disabled along with other spacial items]

[Muillix has been disabled]

[Healing speed has reduced to 20%]

[Potions have been disabled]

This was Noah's first dive into a dungeon, and it would prove to be a hard one.

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