Chapter 279 279. LIBRARY

[Dungeon creation: 100/100 Tier 3 Beasts]

A shining red panel containing those words appeared in Noah's eyes after he had given the beasts to the system.

"What next?" Noah asked the system, his eyes not shy of the excitement he felt.

[[I will begin the creation of the dungeon after which you will then be allowed into it]]

[[Note that each dungeon has a one-time use]]

[Creation of Monster dungeon commencing]

[First-time creation will take 10 hours. Preceding creations will take 2 days]

[Time till completion: 9:59:55]

A frown appeared on Noah's face at that point, but he could only settle for the reality. "What do I even do now," he thought, falling flat on his bed. The panel continued to blink in his eyes, so he closed it for another time.

A few ideas popped into his mind, but most of them sounded boring. He still felt an intense desire to gain knowledge, so he decided to visit the library.

Arriving before a big brown building sitting on a flat land of around 30 acres. Its overall shape resembled a cube featuring two spherical objects on its right and left rooftop. A tube-like channel connected the two spherical buildings, and it was also used to cross between both unique buildings.

The building was probably one of the most unique architectural wonders he had seen in that city since its true purpose couldn't be understood at a glance.

Walking past the unguarded door into the library, Noah found a wide hall expanding in his sight. On both sides of the big room were four different balconies featuring rows of shelves filled with books. The space before him featured chairs and a series of randomly placed bookshelves, small in size.

There were stairs if he directly looked at both his sides leading to the four different floors in that building, however, things changed when he glanced upward.

A whole world seemed to exist on its own above him since many people moved up and down the different angled stairs.

The stairs that led to the upper chambers which were the spherical buildings he saw on the outside, stretched from the hall he stood within.

At the far end of the room was a Z-shaped stairs case that led to two elevators on two different sides. The elevators then traveled upwards into the space cut out for their passage into the spherical buildings.

His view of that part of the building ended at that point, as even the stairs high above him intersected and led into the different areas cut out for them into the spherical structures.

In essence, the place was massive, and the white lights and white tiled floors, walls, and ceilings made that detail even more obvious.

Noah would have whistled if not for the lack of sounds in the human-filled hall. He felt more or less astonished to find that many people were inside the library. Then again when he recalled that the guild allowed excursions from the outside world into its multiple unique facilities he could only come to terms with it.

He soon walked towards the small table on his left featuring a standing sign that told him it was the reception.

"Good day, how may I help you," the male sitting behind the desk greeted immediately Noah's figure moved closer to him.

"I've come to read books of course," Noah replied sweeping his gaze on the man's features.

The expert looked past his early thirties; had really short brown hair that was too short for anything more than a low cut. He however featured a nicely groomed beard. It seemed nature had endowed him in the aspects of facial hair, and it looked good on him.

The man sported a black robe with the crest of the guild in red, a strange sight. But Noah didn't feel ready to ask questions.

"Are you a guild member or not?" the man asked initially.

"I'm a guild member," Noah promptly replied while his eyes occasionally darted to the man's big beard, it truly was a once-in-a-blue-moon type of sight since it seemed most individuals in Cregar hated facial hair.

"Ah okay, what rank are you, as I've never seen you around. If I have I would surely remember," the peak middle-stage expert explained.

"I'm currently an E rank as I'm new to the guild," Noah explained hoping the addition of his membership status would bring some sort of gains, like a discount or something similar.

"Take this then. These are the rules for those below D rank," the man said handing a brown scroll over to Noah, it seemed he had that resource in abundance.

Noah opened the scroll to immediately read its contents, and a frown couldn't help but set on his face, even if it remained light.

The guild had a really strict set of rules for their information compared to other things. Those below D rank could only go as far as the four floors in that building, they were not allowed to take up scrolls twenty meters from its shelf, which was why there were tables and chairs far closer to the shelves than the stated distance.

However, they could only take scrolls farther than 20m if one of the staff had approved of that action. But taking scrolls out of the building would mean hurting the guild which would lead to the activation of the oath. In essence death.

They were not allowed to make copies of the information, simply reading and going was enough. However, if there were ever any need for such an action, they would need to have someone higher than rank C giving them the go-ahead, and since the oath was connected to the mind, a negative motive would immediately invoke the wrath of the Oath.

Those lower than D rank would need to pay a fee each time they wanted to ascend floors. The fee would be a constant 7 silvers. But thankfully it lasted 24 hours, after which a new few would need to be paid.

In total, one would need 28 small silvers to gain undisturbed access to all four floors of both sides for a whole day. It also didn't matter if they left the library during that period, they were allowed to go and come as they wanted during that time.

"So what would you like?" the expert asked Noah.

"I'd like to pay for all four floors please," Noah replied bringing out the required sum.

"I'll begin the process then," the man said as a series of lines appeared before him, flashing their red light on Noah's figure to scan him.

Noah glanced at the space above him at that point. In truth he had never hoped to actually be allowed access there, but it remained a bummer nonetheless.

"Take this. It houses the required passes for all four floors. However its last's only twenty-four hours. You are allowed a five minute span to exit all floors after the twenty-four hours have ended. If you do not however, you will be sanctioned by the guild itself." the man explained handing over a thick black wooden card featuring exactly seven golden lines on its back and front.

Needless to say Noah understood not what the lines were meant for, but he also didn't care much.

Receiving the card, Noah prepared to move, when a question only the man before him could answer popped in his mind.

"Where can I find books about the other continents of Cregar and the different creatures?" he asked.

"Over there is where books based on similar topics are," the expert answered pointing at the top floor at the right side of the building. Noah immediately departed from him at that point.

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