The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 120: It Is Common Occurrence For Skills To Turn Out Extraordinary Despite Its Mediocre Appearance

Chapter 120: It Is Common Occurrence For Skills To Turn Out Extraordinary Despite Its Mediocre Appearance

We have been on the bike for dozens of minutes again.

After the battle with that giant spider, we have been steadily aiming for the Defense Forces base without encountering any major obstacle.

(Weve come about halfway)

We are currently on the national highway at the prefectural border. Leaving behind the city where we have been, we are now in a mountain. Enemy Detection is constantly on the lookout, and there isnt any problem as of now.

Kyu. Kyu. Kyuuu!

Hey, be quiet.

Our new companion, Kiki, seem to be enjoying the wind while riding on my shoulders.

Is she that happy to be our companion? Also, wont she fall off if she doesnt hang on to me tightly?

With one hand, I put Kiki inside the hood of my hoodie.



Kiki sounds disappointed while Fujita-san lets out a huge sneeze. Apparently, Kikis tail struck his nose.

Ah, sorry about that.

Its fine. Dont mind it.

As we drive through the mountain while holding such conversations, we eventually see a parking area in the distance. Its a simple place with only a toilet and a vending machine.

Cool, lets take a break over there.


Its good to proceed steadily, but we cant rush ourselves too much. Its important that we take breaks and relax our minds.

(Also, I cant contact Ichinose-san unless we take a rest)

Confirming that there isnt any monster around, I enter the toilet.

The one for females.

After entering one of the stalls, I lock the door and open my status plate.


Kiki gives out a surprised noise. On the screen, there are a bunch of unread Mails. Theyre all from Ichinose-san.

(So things are going smoothly over there for the moment.)

She is currently doing what I requested of her. Rikka-chan should be helping her out as well. Next, I open up the Chat menu and proceed to explain the situation regarding Kiki.

That is what happened. Sorry for deciding things on my own. I see. I was confused when a new name suddenly popped up on the list of party members. Understood. Theres no helping it. Also, its good to have a new companion. I have no intention of blaming you. I-Ichinose-san what a nice child.

If we just ignore her problematic behavior with mails, shes an excellent girl.

But a Lesser Carbuncle Although it comes with the Lesser modifier, if we are to talk about Carbuncles, arent they the type of monsters that provide buffs in games? I was saved by them many times in the past when I played games online. Or is it like that super famous mascot character that likes curry? Regardless, to be able to tame such a rare monster, Kudou-san must really be a natural when it comes to taming. I wonder if that is true? I have not paid much attention to it, but when I think about it, its really strange that monsters are willing to become my companions without being under the influence of skills and occupations And an image! You didnt send an image! The child is mofu-mofu, right!? Its cute, right? Quick! Send an image! No, there is no such thing as an image. Also, your personality really shifts abruptly when youre mailing.

Im shy in real life, so whats wrong with being talkative while exchanging mails. Its better than having communication issues both in real life and online. I think. Also, if you raise the Mail skill to LV 5, you get to unlock a function called Image Attachment. So please raise the level of Mail quickly and send an image of Kiki. Quick. Eh?

For a moment, I mutter in confusion and look back at the chat text. Image Attachment function? Legit?

You received a Mail.

A mail is sent as if to prove her point. An image-like item is added below the subject. When I click to see the image, it turns out to be a picture of Momo lying on the floor and rolling around.

So cute.

Oh, also its 4K. What a uselessly high resolution.

No, thats not it.

I learned about it just now. Just before Kudou-san contacted me, the experience of Mail accumulated to the point where it leveled up. So thats what happened. To think she can advance so quickly without receiving as many points as I do. Ichinose-san, what a fearful girl especially when it concerns mails.

(But seriously, the Image Attachment function seems quite useful) The images that are taken can be preserved in a specific file.

According to Ichinose-san, the functions that can be added to the Mail are as follows: LV 2 Chat Option

LV 3 Simultaneous Transmission Option

LV 4 Notification Setting

LV 5 Image Attachment

(Mail might be a skill that is more powerful than I gave it credit for.) In particular, attaching images is quite appealing. Until now, I had some doubt raising the level of Mail, but I should seriously consider raising it.

Thats all for now.

Understood. Ill contact you on my end if something occurs.

It would be suspicious to remain in the toilet for too long, so I cut the chat after giving her the crucial information.

(As for the image of Momo, Ill look at it again later on)

Theres no doubt that itll heal me. Upon leaving the toilet, I witness Fujita-san leaning on the bike and smoking.

How astringent. Its a scene that can become a mess despite me being the driver.

(TN: No idea what the author meant at all.)

Are you good now?

Eh, ah, yes. Sorry for the wait.

Fujita-san throws something at me. Its a can of coffee. Just when I am about to wonder where it came from, I see that the vending machine has been pried open.

Oi, are you this is legal, civil servant?

Figuring out my thoughts, Fujita-san looks at my face before laughing.

Whod blame us in this kind of world?

Well, youre right

Are you fine with coffee? There are tea and hot chocolate as well. No, coffee is fine.

I love it with a bit of sugar. Although its very little, the taste is so sweet that one would never imagine that so little sugar is put inside.

When I take a sip, the sweet flavor spreads in my mouth. Umm, its lukewarm. The sugar and the caffeine circulate within my body. Fujita-san also drinks coffee.

We must drink when we can. If we return to the City Hall, Shimizu-chan would be nosy. He speaks as if to joke, but there should be some truth to his words. In todays world, its difficult to enjoy the sweetness of a canned coffee.

I guess Ill bring some back as a souvenir

Saying that, Fujita-san packs some canned coffees in his backpack.

I would very much like to just retrieve the entire vending machine, must lets hold back for now.


Kiki begins to move frantically on my shoulder. Whats wrong?

Kyuu! Kyuuu!

Kiki stares at the can of hot chocolate that Fujita-san has grabbed.

You want it?

Kyuuuu. (nod nod)

(Carbuncles like cocoa?)

Unexpected. I turn towards Fujita-san who nods and tries to hand Kiki the hot chocolate with a smile.


Its intimidated.

Oh, Fujita-san, you have teary eyes. Nothing good comes out of a bearded ossans teary eyes.

Without any choice, I open the can before handing it to Kiki.

Kyuu Kyuu

Kiki dexterously supports the can with her front legs and drinks the hot chocolate. She looks delighted. On the other hand, there is a middle-aged man that is peeking at Kikis tail as it swings around beneath my chin.


I laugh unintentionally.

Oioi. You shouldnt be laughing, Ichinose-chan.

Sorry, but the scene is so strangehahaha.

Really, young girls these days are too mean. Ossan over here is very hurt haaaa. Kyuu?

Fujita-san laughs along with me. A question mark pops up above Kikis head. Somehow I was able to have a good rest.

A few minutes later-

We should begin traveling again.


Its time to go again. I ride the bike and try to start the engine. However, just before it does, Enemy Detection picks up a signal.


Its not a monsterits coming from humans.

And theyre quite powerful. Theyre approaching us.

Oi, whats wrong?

Fujita-san who is behind me asks in a questioning tone.

Someones coming, and there are many of them.


The air around Fujita-san changes. While being careful, I look towards the direction where Enemy Detection reacted.

(I dont feel any hostility but what is this feeling?)

I stare at the direction for a few seconds. Then, a few men appear 50 meters away from us. There are 6 of them. Theyre all wearing camouflage suits, holding rifles, and possess bags and helmets.

The Defense Force?

They notice us as well. They appear to be surprised.

To think wed meet here

Fujita-san gets off the bike and steps forward. Then, someone from the Defense Forces side also comes forward.

The man in question is quite old and should be around the same age as Fujita-san. They close in before shaking their hands.

Long time no see, Towada. I didnt think wed meet here.

Same here. Didnt know you were alive, Souichiro. Its good to know that youre safe. An acquaintance? Is he the acquaintance among the Defense Force who Fujita-san mentioned?

Ichinose-san, you dont have to be wary of them. I told you about him, right? So Im right. Fujita-san beckons me.

Souichiro, who is this girl? And why are you here?

Ah, thatll take some time to explain. Are you free right now? Im fine. I also have something to say. Wait a second.

The man turns towards the other Defense Force members.

Everyone scatter! Watch out for the surroundings!

Yes sir!

With that, the rest of the Defense Force members spread out. Their movements are much more refined compared to the SDF members that came to the shopping mall. They probably fought a lot of monsters along the way. There isnt any wasted movement.

But that in itself is making me sense a feeling of discomfort.

(Theyre too on guard)

They seem somewhat impatient as well. Their expressions are tense. Checking their equipments closely, there are scratches here and there.

A nasty premonition rises within my mind.

Fujita-san sits on the bench near the vending machine, and I follow suit. The Defense Force person sits on the opposite side of Fujita-san.

Now, what should I begin with.

Holding a cigarette, Fujita-san explains to the SDF member how we came here. He talks about the City Hall, the Golem, the Queen Ant, and mentions how they wish to defeat the monsters with the SDFs powers.

The SDF personnel listens silently.

And thats how we arrived at this point.

I see it must have been hard on you.

The SDF personnel nods after listening to Fujita-sans tale.

Well yeah. Still, if Gramps if Mayor Uesugi and everyone else werent there, I wouldnt have been able to accomplish so much. Id have been dead a long time ago. Dont be so humble. They survived thanks to you. Youve always been great at encouraging people. Ah, can I have one? Its nothing like that. Here you go.

They laugh in nostalgia. The SDF personnel receives a cigarette from Fuijta-san and lights it on. When he puffs out, Kiki, who is lying on my knees, twists as if it is unpleasant. Oh, so shes bad with cigarette.

The personnels gaze lands on me.

Oh, I havent introduced myself to you. Hello, I am Towada Tsukasa, and I am the captain of the Self Defense Force. Ive been acquainted with this person since way back. Nice to meet you. Saying that, the Defense Force personnel, Towada-san, bows politely. Hes completely different from Fujita-san.

Oi, weve been friends for 20 years and youre calling me this guy? Hmph, at this point, whats wrong with rough handling you?

Well, you arent wrong

Umm Im Ichinose-Natsu. Nice to meet you.


I bow my head. On the other hand, Kiki tries to intimidate him.

Souichiro, just double-checking, but this one isnt harmful right? Towada-san points at Kiki who is in my arms.

Yup, no problem. But arent you surprised?

I have a subordinate who can control animals and monsters. Does she also have an occupation or a skill related to that? Nope. Nada. They just gather around me. But since hes interpreting things on his own, lets leave him alone.

Okay. Well then, lets get into the main topic of our discussion Fuijta-san looks straight at Towada-san and bows.

Towada, Ill be blunt about this. Can you help us?

It might sound unconvincing, but its quickest to rely on your power to overcome this situation. I know that you guys are also in a difficult situation, but still. Please help us.

Towada-san does not answer. He watches Fujita-san with a difficult face before slowly opening his mouth.

Sorry, but its not possible.


Fujita-san has a stunned looked for a moment before reverting back.

Is that so Okay. Please forget what I just said

Dont get me wrong, Souichiro.

Towada-san cuts of Fujita-sans words before continuing.

No matter how critical the situation is, if there is a call for help, we will rush anywhere. It is our duty to protect the country and the people. If its something we can do, well gladly do it. Then

But thats assuming our powers are working properly.


Having said that, Towada-san bows his head this time around. Fujita-san and I are both disturbed by his actions.

Sorry as of now, we do not have the power to answer your expectations It cant be that

Towada-san says something that is our biggest fear.

The garrison we were in has long been destroyed. Only the six people here survived. His words convince me that my previous prediction was correct.

Battered equipments. Tense expressions. I had a feeling I knew what that meant. I wished for my prediction to be wrong, but nothing is as accurate as a bad premonition.

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