The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 119: It Isn’t Mofumofu Which I Like, It Is Momo Who I Like

Chapter 119: It Isn’t Mofumofu Which I Like, It Is Momo Who I Like

Kyu! Kyukyu!

The fox is looking at me with its sparkling eyes.

A Lesser Carbuncle.

That is apparently this foxs race.

What the a fox?

Fujita-san, its not a normal fox. Its most likely a monster. Look at the gem on its forehead. There is a red gem on the Lesser Carbuncles forehead. No, maybe its its magic stone? Fujita-sans expression changes the moment he sees it.

Indeed. Hmm, so there are monsters like this one

While saying so, he readies his handaxes without relaxing his guard, preparing himself against his opponent. Im impressed by his attitude. It appears that he hasnt experienced the shuraba for nothing. (TN: Im assuming that hes talking about the past few days.) Kyukyu.

Unlike us, the Lesser Carbuncle approaches us happily whilst waving its tail. It doesnt seem to be vigilant at all.

(Is it perhaps thinking that we saved it?)

It was wrapped by the huge spiders threads. It was most likely about to be eaten when we arrived and annihilated the spiders. From an outsiders perspective, it would indeed look like we saved it (But this is all a coincidence after all)

We didnt come here to save the Lesser Carbuncle, but the end result is still the same. Just in case, I load my gun, but the Lesser Carbuncle trembles in surprise.

Kyu? Kyu, kyuu! Kyuuu!

While trembling in fear, the Lesser Carbuncle stares at us.

Im not hostile, it seems to say.

Its cute.

Fujita-san who has his handaxes ready says so with a serious face. He currently looks like a dad who is being looked at by a Chihuahua.


Ah, sorry about that. Its not like Im not wary of it But doesnt it look really fluffy and cute? Is this old man alright?

The Lesser Carbuncle also tilts its head in confusion. Fujita-san is surprised by this gesture. (Wait. What if this guy also has a Charm skill like the one that the Student Council President has) When I try to scrutinize it, the Lesser Carbuncle lies down on its back. With its belly facing the sky, it stares at me with teary eyes.

Oh, thats not it. Its actions just serve to show how clever it is. But its unfortunate. No matter how cute and mofumofu you are, I already have my close partner Momo. Hence, my heart will never shake.

It isnt mofumofu which I like, it is Momo who I like. Its precisely because its Momo that I like her. No cheating. Definitely not.

(Speaking of Momo, she enjoys being rubbed on her stomach when she exposes her stomach like that.) When I stroke Momos stomach as she lays her back on my knees, she lets out a Kyuu to express her satisfaction.

Her cuteness is destructive. The destructive power is so great that it compels others to continue stroking her. Momo is cute and heals me even in my delusions I miss her. I want to quickly meet her.

Lesser Carbuncle looks at you as if you were a friend. Do you wish to befriend it? Again, the voice inside my head raises an alert. How annoying. To begin with, whats the merit of having this guy as my companion?

Furu furu.

The gun on my hands shakes.

(N? Does Aka think its a good idea to accept the Lesser Carbuncle?) (Furu furu!)

Aka shakes violently. Definitely! It feels like Aka is claiming so. Isnt this the first time Aka is expressing its opinion so assertively? Un, what to do.

While wondering, Aka who is in the form of a gun shakes unnaturally for a moment. Then, the Lesser Carbuncle who has been lying on its back suddenly gets up.


The gem on its forehead shines. A pale light wraps around myself, Fujita-san, and even Aka.

This is

Whats this light? I can sense powersurging into me?

Is this the light I saw back then during the battle with the spiders? Back then, I also felt my strength rise when I was enveloped by the light.


I check my status.

Kudou Kazuto

Level 19

HP: 210/210

MP: 58/58

Strength: 157 (+16)

Endurance: 153

Agility: 338

Dexterity: 308

Magic: 35

Magic Resistance: 35

There is something that was never there on the status before. Next to Strength, there is the number 16. It should mean that 16 points worth of strength has been added to my status.

Kyu! Kyu! Kyu!

The gem on the Lesser Carbuncle shines even brighter. In response, the glow on our bodies intensifies and the status of our Endurance, Agility, and Dexterity increases.

Numerically, it is an increase of around 10% to 20% of our original status.

(Support skills something like a buff huh)

That must be this fellows skill. When I look back at the Lesser Carbuncle, the Lesser Carbuncle shakes its tails as if its saying Impressive right? Praise me! Praise me!

Lesser Carbuncle looks at you as if you were a friend. Do you wish to befriend it? For the third time, I hear a voice inside my head. Certainly, this is a useful skill which is quite attractive.

(Wait. Aka, you knew about this?)

In response, Aka shakes as if to say, Yes. Somehow.

(Now that I look back, Momo reacted in a similar fashion back then when we picked Aka up.) It might be something like an instinct which animals and monsters possess. I would like to discuss with Momo and Ichinose-san, but that wont work in our current situation Ill contact them later on.

(Haa Okay, Aka.)

I select yes within my head.

The Lesser Carbuncle has become your companion.

Certain conditions have been met.

The occupation Monster Tamer has become available.

The occupation Monster Tamer was originally available.

If the occupation Monster Tamer is selected as a new occupation, it will automatically start from LV 3. Im not even thinking of becoming one, but the level of Monster Tamer is increasing gradually. Its as if she is whispering to me and compelling me to take the occupation.

No, it must just be my imagination. Lets leave it at that.


The moment I choose yes, the Lesser Carbuncle jumps onto me with tremendous momentum. Its trying to use its front legs to cling to my stomach region desperately.

H-hey, are you alright, Ichinose-chan?

Eh? Ah, yes. For some reason, its quite intimate with me Intimate, is itIts still a monster you know?

Oh, actually

I tell Fujita-san about the Lesser Carbuncle becoming my companion. Fujita-san appears to be shocked.

Looks at you as if you were a friend That really sounds like a game Yes.

Un, but a monster

Fuijta-san makes a difficult face while rubbing his chin.

The mayor may be fine with this, but persuading the other members would be quite the task And also, when we arrive at the Defense Force base, make sure to hide it. Its bound to cause a disturbance otherwise. Um Fujita-san, are you fine with this?

I ask him nervously, but Fujita-san replies with a soft look on his face.

Eh? Of course Im fine with it. Even if its a monster, if we dont have to kill it, isnt it for the best? He laughs it off as if its nothing. Im quite impressed at his response. He is no doubt different from my former colleagues.

Kiyu, kiyu!

The Lesser Carbuncle takes a seat on my shoulder. Apparently it likes it there. Its tail is touching me, so it somewhat feels like there is a muffler around my neck.

But this guy is really cute.

He extends his hand to gently stroke the Lesser Carbuncles head.


Unfortunately, it dodges.





Suu, suu.

Kyuu! Kyuu!

Sasa, sasa

Hey, am I disliked?


I fail to say anything to Fujita-san who is looking slightlyno, quite downhearted.

Oh right. Do you want a name?

The Lesser Carbuncle nods to my question. It wants one.

In that case Ill



Leaving Fujita-san who is depressed aside, I think carefully.

Hmm, how about Kiki?

Because it has yellow fur like a fox. Just like that time with Aka, I suggest a name using my straightforward naming sense, but Kiki smiles in satisfaction.


Apparently it likes the name. Oh yes, I should check its status. I immediately check on the information regarding party members.


Lesser Carbuncle LV 7

LV 7. That sounds about right.

Ichinose-sans status screen should also display Kikis name on it, so I should contact her soon Now then, Fujita-san, we should leave.

Ah, yes.

I restart the bike with Kiki on my shoulder and Fujita-san behind me.

Hey, Kiki-chan, can I just have a slight


I laugh unknowingly as I watch Kiki and Fujita-san have such exchanges.

However, at this time, I had no clue. No clue that, aside from buffing party members, Kiki has another outrageous skill and that the skill would prove pivotal in the battle to come.

On the other hand, Nishino and Rikkas party was out to subjugate the giant ants.


The log that descended down crushed the head of an ant. Accompanied by a dull and blunt sound, a yellow magic stone fell to the ground.

You have gained experience.

Goshogawara Hachirous level has increased from 8 to 9.

Fuu, fuuu. Did it work!?

Goshogawara checked the condition of the new log. Apparently, there was a log sitting around in the office.

Oh, Ossan, not bad. Then here as well!

Rikka held her billhooks on both hands and charged into a group of ants. The ants that were weakened by the insecticides were not able to resist the strength of Rikka. In the blink of an eye, the ants were cut down and turned into magic stones.

You have gained experience.

Aisaka Rikkas level has increased from 13 to 14.

Yes! My level increased again.

Dont let your guard down, Rikka. Our surrounding is dark, so there might still be ants waiting in the darkness. I know, Nisshi.

They were currently at the shopping district near the City Hall The Underground Shopping Area. After throwing in smoke pesticides into the ants nest, one of the holes was found to be connected to an underground shopping area in the vicinity.

When they entered with caution, they encountered numerous ants within. Since the ants were weakened by the pesticides and the attack force had Rikka, they believed that it would not be a bad idea to diminish the enemys force. As such, they set foot into the ants nest.

As a result, they were able to reap a huge harvest. By defeating a large quantity of ants, they were successful in raising the level of everyone in Nishinos team.

(Im afraid we have yet to enter their true nest)

The flashlight was pointing at a direction that was even deeper in than the Underground Shopping Area. From deep within, they sensed something ominous.

(No barging in thoughtlessly. We must gradually deplete their strength before arriving at the deepest part of their nest.) This much should suffice for now. After analyzing their situation, Nishino gave instructions to retreat.

(Oh, I wonder if Ichinose-san is doing well.)

The image of the girl who left an hour ago flashed past his mind. She was Rikkas best friend and their new companion.

(Even though she claims to be introverted, it somehow feels like shes building a wall around her) He thought there was something strange about the way she acted, as if she was acting. It was most likely the case of her being distrustful of others.

Theres no helping it, Nishino thought. They would have to build their trust from now on.

(Un, she would want to have an idea of how were doing here, so I should send her a Mail.) Ho-Ren-So was important. Report, inform, consult. Information sharing was critical in a situation where they had limited ways of communicating. It was better to know each others situation. Nishino casually checked his Mail address list.


He tilted his head. It wasnt there. Ichinose Natsus name didnt exist on his list.

Strange. He met her yesterday at the Napping Room. Her name shouldve been somewhere around Fujitas and Shimizus, but it wasnt there.

Nishino looked for her name while tracing the screen with his fingers. Where the name Ichinose Natsu should originally have been at, what was listed there wasKudou Kazuto?

He had no recollection of such a name. A name which should have been there. A name which shouldnt have been there. Confusion. Doubt.

What is going on?

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