The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 121: A Minor Resolution

Chapter 121: A Minor Resolution

The Self Defense Force is already destroyed.

Having heard Towada-sans remark, Fujita-san becomes speechless. However, this happens only for a few seconds. He regains his composure and begins questioning Towada-san.

Annihilated what do you mean? What happened, Towada?

Towada-sans face changes when he is questioned. His face turns pale and he begins shivering as if he does not want to recall a frightening memory.

(Was it that bad?)

Were they attacked by monsters, or was there internal conflict? After experiencing the destruction of the school under the monster tamers hands, it wouldnt be weird for such a thing to occur.

What happened, Towada? Can you answer me?

Despite Fujita-san repeating his question, Towada-san continues to shiver without opening his mouth. Hes behaving completely different from before.

(Its unlikely that hell provide us with an explanation)

What exactly happened? What is making him so fearful? Did he get chased down by a monster capable of throwing heavy machinery with one hand? Did he have a life-or-death struggle with a wolf capable of producing anything from the darkness?

Regardless of what truly transpired, we would need to drastically alter our plan. If the SDF has already ceased to exist, there isnt a point in remaining here. We should return and come up with another plan immediately.

(Of course, this is assuming that we choose to believe this mans words) Personally, I dont think Towada-san is lying to us. Ive been observing him for a while now, but his words dont sound like an act.

It may be due to the influence of getting the Acting skill, but I can tell the subtle difference between a person who is behaving naturally and a person who is scheming. In this regards, Towada-san is being truthful. He is only telling Fujita-san the facts.

Well, it may be possible for Towada-san to have a skill which surpasses my Acting, but lets not go down that spiral.

Its safe to be cautious, but nothing would get done if we constantly have to think before doing something.

Fujita-san, he seems to be suffering, so isnt it fine if he doesnt explain? Rather, what should we do from now on? Eh? Oh, right

Fujita-san puts his hand on his chin and thinks for a while before looking back at Towada-san.

Towada, what are going to do from now?

Towada-san remains down for a while, but he eventually murmurs a reply.

We were planning on setting up a base camp in your town its not like a town exists anymore for us What did he say at the end? I couldnt hear because of the volume.

Okay, then how about joining us at our base?

I told you we cant. Currently, we dont have the power to respond to your expectations. No, I didnt mean it in that sense.

Fujita-san lets out a big sigh. He once again takes out a cigarette and lights the fire.

Towadaaaaa, youre really too serious. Its borderline stupidity. Huh?

What I mean is. Why are you assuming that I dont want to have you guys as our companions? As I said, since our base is already gone, we wont have sufficient firepower to What. I. Mean. Is.

Fujita-san cuts Towada-san and speaks.

This and that are different. What Im asking is why I would wish to abandon a friend I had for over 20 years. Tsu

Towada-sans eyes open wide upon hearing Fuijta-sans words. Light shines upon his eyes which previously seemed to have lost hope.

Its really a shame that I cant enlist the help of the Defense Force. A shame indeed However, Im glad that you survived in such a situation. Souichiro you

Fujita-san extends his hand out.

So, Towada, come with us. I need you.

Towada-san laughs at the invitation.

You really never change. Youre just like how you were back when we were in school. I did change. I can drink and smoke now. I even married. Well, my wife and my child ran away though. You were so close to Saki-chan. You guys divorced?

Dont mention it. A lot of things happened.

I-I see Um Sorry about that. Ill pretend like I never heard. Dont mind it! Itll hurt me even more! So. Whats your answer? Fujita-san asks once more. Towada-san grasps onto the hand.

Im counting on you from now on.

Of course.

Fujita-san lets out a genuine laugh.

Good. Now that thats settled, Ichinose-chan, Im sorry, but can you head back to the City Hall first? Eh?

There is a great disparity in the travel speed of someone riding a bike and someone walking on foot. Can you go back to the City Hall to report on the situation in advance? Towada and I will talk to the other people and return as soon as we can. Oh Understood.

Certainly, its more efficient if I move alone. More specifically, its better for me to move alone.

Then Ill leave immediately.

Ah, you have to be careful, got it? Safety first.

But of course. Fujita-san should also be careful not to die.

How cheeky of you.

He shuffles my hair with his hand.

Hey, Fujita-san. Nowadays, thats considered sexual harassment. But I dont feel unpleasant. It makes me think, I dont mind if its this person.

(Is this what it means by an adults inclusiveness?)

I dont have something like that. Despite also being someone in the work force.

Everyone in my company prioritized themselves. If there was someone like him, would something have been different in the shitty workplace?

But, well, Im glad, Ichinose-chan.


Im glad youre talking to me normally. In the City Hall and on the road coming here, I felt like there was a wall between us two. !

My heart jumps in surprise. This person is truly sharp. He can see the essence of things.

But Im not feeling that anymore. Im glad that youre conversing with me normally.

He must be sincere with his words. Hes simply worried for me. Hes unlike me who is being calculative.

Okay, I decided.

Hm? What is it, Ichinose-chan?

I stare at Fujita-san.

Fuijta-san, can you give me some of your time when you return to the City Hall? I have something to tell you. What is it about? Cant it be here?

Yes. Its something for you to find out when you return.

I should tell him properly when they return. About Ichinose-san and me. I can place my trust on this person or so I think.

Fujita-san, see you later.

With that, I leave the parking area while riding the bike.

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