The Villain's Story

Chapter 226 [226] Unhinged, Unleashed.

Whilst people were largely unaware of the happenings in the slums of the city, Lucas was starting a fucking army.


HE took over three gangs, The Red Bull Gang, The Pesky Blunders, and the venom vipers.

Three...all in a week.

No one knew what he was doing, but he had fed them clothed them with proper clothing, and made rules for them...

And for now, people were following.

Why wouldn't they? Their abusive gang leaders had been killed, and they were being fed well and also given clothes...although they were unaware of the source of money. They liked it.

And Lucas was not terrible...shockingly.

They didn't know why he was doing this. But what they did know was that their lifestyle was getting better...although it still had revolts...Lucas Had crushed them mercilessly.

Thank god they didn't know that Lucas was just overjoyed that he had his own subordinates.


Alan walked alone in the middle of the night towards a certain household. A household that housed his sister and his Grandparents.

He walked towards it...and after confirming the presence of three individuals inside...he was about to knock on the gate, But then....all of a sudden.

The world turned red...and he heard voices.

[What makes you think they would welcome you? That he will welcome you?]

[It was a lie!]

[They just want the fame and money you have.]

[Lies! All that previous meeting was all lies.]


A heavy pressure, a suffocating type of feeling. A Feeling of distrust, anxiety, and worry.

Suddenly, it all descended upon him...this suffocating feeling.

'...what the heck?'


[Why waste your time with this futile lament?]

[Futile! Useless!]


[Do you honestly think they give a damn? they don't care....everyone puts on whatever mask to get what they want.]

They invaded his mind, assaulted his thoughts and these voices made him stop.

They halted his steps, stopped his thinking, and made him question his actions.

[Thank God... you are not stupid.]

[Good...they don't give a damn.]

[All lies! They all lie to get what they want.]

[Familial relations will tie you down.]


Alan clutched his head...the pain in his head, the voices clouded and pained his mind.

[Why not just end them?]

[Kill them just like I did.]

[They are only bricks that bring you down!]

'...where are they coming from?'

He wondered....oblivious to the strings of jade descending from the sky, making their way toward them.

The voices...where were they coming from?

The strings of jade inched closer and closer....and Alan looked up towards the sky, the blood-red sky.

And saw a giant...a giant with a metal mask, and jade eyes, twirling his fingers around the city, and from those fingers stretched out thousands of strings of jade silk that surrounded the entire city.


The jade strings inched closer and closer....closer and closer to Alan's figure...and then in an instant the Red World Vanished.

The door to the house opened....and it was as if he was the one that broke the barrier between reality and the red world.

An old man, carrying himself with dignity and Elegance, much like his wife looked at his grandson and said.

"Come inside, You'll catch a cold."

The irony of his words...He said that to the man whose blood was as cold as ice.

Alan...still confused and shocked...and terrified entered the house with shaky steps.

"Why are you embarrassed? There's no reason to be embarrassed."

His grandfather said. It was as if he knew about the turmoil in Alan's mind. And he tried to calm his grandson.

"Come, Samantha's fast asleep. We Prepared dinner."

He said, calmly as he led Alan to the dinner table.

"You can hang your cloak there. We prepared your favourite dish."

He said and sat at the dinner table along with his wife, and they both silently waited for Alan to come.

Alan hesitated once...he had talked with his Grandmother before but his grandfather was foreign to him...well the grandfather of the original owner of this vessel.

He sat down...and his Grandmother poured him soup.

'Chicken soup...'

He thought in his mind.

'Was this Aranus's favourite dish?'

HE questioned...he found it funny how the favourite dish of the greatest threat to the universe was simple chicken soup.

He took a spoonful...and flavour exploded in his mouth.

It felt felt amazing, delicious.

"I made it the exact way you wanted it, Mathew requested it."

Amanda Peccator...his grandmother said.

'...he asked for it to be made?'

Alan thought as he glanced at his grandfather, Mathew Peccator who was eyeing his wife.

'...what was as if they knew I would come here today...'.

Alan thought...but then he disregarded that thought.

"It's it's perfect."

He said, thanking his grandmother and expressing his fondness for the dish.

It felt so good to him...and he liked this atmosphere.

It was not overbearing nor was it suffocating.

It was perfect.

" I went to your guild to inquire about you...but it was closed at the time I went in. Apparently, most of their staff was busy because You and another of your companions were finishing a raid."

His grandfather said.

"...ah yes...were busy with expanding and other issues about the territory."

Alan answered, shyly.

It was a shocking thing coming from the usually confident him.

"The area Twilight gained control over has been developed very well. The People are happy and most of all. Isn't our shop thriving dear?"

His grandmother said, praising the efforts of his guild.

"Yes, people come to the area more often. And most of the opinions of young people have changed. Although the old timers are still suspicious. I can convince them once you come to the shop."

His Grandfather said although Alan didn't know what he was talking about?


He thought...but was afraid to ask. However, his grandmother noticed the confusion on his face and answered.

"We own a coffee shop, business has been going good because of Twilight raising the spirits of the people."

"I also get more visitors during the night, I also don't have to worry about security. The Patrols are doing great at their job. And no matter what time it is, People always come to see the tv commercials of Twilight's goddess duo."

It was a peaceful conversation.

"Your guild is doing wonders in the area."

His grandmother said with a soft smile.

And slowly, but surely Alan opened up during the meal. Talking more and more with confidence

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