The Villain's Story

Chapter 227 [227] The Truth, In His Eyes.

It was peaceful, and not as stressful as Alan expected. It was good most of all.

'...I didn't think it would be peaceful.'

Alan thought in his mind, as he sat on the bed of 'his' room.

He surveyed the room, It was Aranus's room when he was a child.

"...I still wonder...."

Alan he picked up a portrait of the Family, One that showed Aranus as a child and Samantha as a baby along with the entire family.

Besides this there were also a few more pictures of Aranus as a child, a newborn all the way till adolescence.

Why? Why were Aranus and his sister Samantha in an orphanage?


Based on what Alan had seen, The Grandparents are well off, not really rich but definitely poor. They had more than enough wealth to support Aranus and Samantha after the death of their Parents. And it wasn't like they sent off the two orphans willingly. Their actions, regret, and hospitality didnt make me think they would do that.


Alan dialed Maxwell's number on his watch. And after a few seconds, Maxwell picked up.

[Yes? What do you want?]

"I want you to do something."

Alan said.

[Which is?]

"I want you to find out everything about the Aror Demonic Invasion Incident, and also about my parent's death and court case that lead afterward...Everything."


There was silence from the other end...and the reply from MAxwell shocked Alan.

[I can't do that.]


[Well I 'can' but I can't really do our position is really tight.]

"What do you mean?"

[I mean... People are eyeing us everywhere...One single movement from us is enough to arouse a years worth of suspicion. And On top of that I'm busy with everything else... The Management and other issues.]

"...when will you be free?"

Alan asked Maxwell...feeling a little hopeless.

[Not soon I can tell you that.]

Maxwell said...and Alan had given up hope until.

[But it's not like I'm the only one capable of doing it. Why not go to a broker in the Black Market? There's this Crimson Something guy that is really good at what he does to the point Even I know him because of all the praise. I can schedule an appointment with him and he can do the work. Besides this is also a good excuse to build a good relationship with the Black MArket of Aror.]

"...What if the information spreads that way? Is He Trustworthy?"

Alan asked Maxwell. To someone as Ignorant as him. The black market didn't seem that trustworthy.

[The Black Market wouldn't be as successful as it is if it wasn't for their secrecy. To them the information of their customer's is worth more than their life. One slip up and the reputation they will get will be deadly. I can schedule an appointment with that crimson. You can go with the Rich girl.]

"Huh? why Sabrina?"

[There's no one else who would know the Black Market better than the heir of the richest family on Earth. Besides I value my life. Keeping her here will surely be the warrant her family needs to send an assassin after me...please.]

It looked like he was begging at the end... And Alan agreed.

Well, He was 'her' bodyguard. And Besides it didn't matter because Alan did need someone who knew the Black Market well enough to guide him.


he then ended the call. And wandered around the room. Sometimes even checking on Samantha sleeping in the house. It was late in the night so the girl was sleeping.

His Grandparents also appeared to have gone to sleep as well.


Alan said. And Stepped out of the house through a window, donning a hoodie

Although it was night, the city itself was still pretty lively. And then he wandered through the streets as he was trying to find a secluded Alley.

'It was definitely 'him'.'

He thought in his mind.

The red world, the giant in the skies wearing a metallic mask that had Jade Eyes, and the strings of Jade silk that descended from his fingers.

James...that motherfucker.

'Why did he interfere? I thought he was severely weakened?'

Alan thought as he entered a dark and empty alley, and went far from the streets.

"Hey...come out."

He called, yet no one answered.

"...I was a fool for thinking that would work."

Alan sighed...laughing inwardly at his stupidity until...The world turned red again.

[Why? It worked...didn't it?]

He heard the same voice again, and then he looked to the sky...and found a jade green eye staring down at him from the alley.


Alan stood the voice was heard again.

[Hmm? Cat got your tongue?]

A mocking voice.

"What is the purpose of you doing this?"

Alan asked, the jade green eye in the sky.

[I need a purpose? I just do it for fun.]

"Fucking Bullshit."

[Yeah...your right.]

The voice laughed, the mere presence of it sent Shiver's down Alan's spine.

"Fucking Bastard....why did you interfere then?"

Alan asked, not hoping to get answers.

[Because your actions were foolish.]


pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ [You just had to lay low and train...get stronger and eventually the Abyss wouldn't even be able to touch you...but you HAD to fuck everything up.]


Alan stayed silent...his gaze never leaving the Jade Green eye.

[Everything...i had every fucking thing planned, yet you had to go and ruin...why?]

HE asked, And Alan remained quiet...a silent pressure enveloping the atmosphere.

"Shut up..."

Alan finally opened his mouth.

[After all that silence, the only words that come out of your mouth are Shut up? Do you even see yourself?]

[Uselessly clinging onto some form of affection, thinking your all great and all that. That you have a responsibility. But in reality your just a kid that needs attention...right?]


[Why the hesitation then?]


[And now why the silence?]


Alan said...the pressure in the surroundings weakening him.

[Why don't you step outside the alley?]

The Jade green eye said.

Alan's body moved, not of his own volition.

"What the hell?!"

He yelled, his body was not under his control.

He resisted with all of his might...he tried but then he was outside the alley...and onto the streets filled with people...


He lay still, shocked.

[Everyone...wears a mask.]

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