The Villain's Story

Chapter 225 [225] Unhinged, Unleashed.


Lucas, bleeding from his mouth and various other parts of his body said, sitting down on a rather soft yet moist material.

"Damn...They beat me up good."

He remembered the fight he just had.

'What was their name?'

He thought, but then looking down, and seeing the symbol, or rather tattoo he remembered.

"Red bull gang...right?"

He said as he looked towards a prostrating man, someone with a bright red mohawk and a rather malnourished physique.

"Yes Sir!'

The man said, taking care of his tone so he didn't offend Lucas.


Lucas took a knife out of his abdomen as he breathed out, and applied a potion to the wound.

"Hey, Why are you all so skinny and scrawny looking?"

"I do not know, Sir!"

"Don't Know? Did this guy not feed you or something? Take this card and buy food for yourselves. Bring it here and don't think about running."

Lucas said, as he threw a platinum card toward the man, who immediately ran away and went to do the task assigned to him.

'...shit should I follow him?'

Lucas thought, regretting the fact that he gave him his card.

Who would willingly listen to him when he just obliterated the entire gang?

Lucas rubbed his eyes, trying to get the dirt a certain man threw at him away.

That very man lay dead beneath him, along with the other corpses of his loyal followers.

"So, Which one of you still wants to fight?"

Lucas asked, Looking at the beaten-up members of the Gang...who all didn't dare talk back.

"So, I'm the boss now, Right?"

Lucas said with a grin...and none of the remaining surviving members dared to deny it.

"Oh come on, don't be sad, Imma feed you all to get rid of your disgusting ribs and also will clean this shithole up. Oh, after that we will be going to the black market. No one disagrees, right? Or do I need to repeat it?"

The terror-filled faces of the surviving members become even more struck with fear as they remembered what had just happened.


[Red Bull gang base, an abandoned warehouse.]

A filthy place, filled with a few members eating and fucking prostitutes.

They all had red mohawks along with the tattoo of a red bull on their backs or arms.

In the center of this fuck hole, filled with prostitutes being fucked and malnourished henchmen who could only watch as the other more valuable and loyal members filled both their bellies and desires.

Was a large, muscular man with bull rings in his nose a face even his mother wouldn't love, a face resembling a fucking bull.

He had a woman kissing him both up and down and was fondling another whilst he was entirely nude...

Tattoos covered his entire body, the most prominent one being on his chest, a large charging red bull covered with blood.

Everyone, well at least the few loyal and valuable ones and the large man were enjoying themselves.

Whilst the others just watched with envious eyes.

And then...just then.

The door of the warehouse opened and a young man with Brown hair, and Emerald eyes entered, holding another Member of the Red bull gang by his hand.

He threw the man towards the ground, and every pair of eyes was focused on him.

"Yo, This the Red Bull or whatever Gang?"

Lucas said nonchalantly, all whilst everyone looked at him, the large man and his valuable subordinates with rage and the others with confusion and curiosity.

"So, I'm the new boss from now on, K?"


The Large bull-like man laughed, before ordering his subordinates.

"Fucking kill him."

And the men rushed towards Lucas.

Lucas too ran towards them whilst brandishing his brass knuckles.

He punched the face of one man, whilst he elbowed the other.

HE moved swiftly to dodge the attacks of the members.


A member yelled, to which Lucas answered.

"I haven't fucked any mothers yet, I don't have any interest in MILFs."

He said, whilst he rotated his body to land an elbow towards another man, and then immediately rotated his hips to land a hook kick towards the guy that just said mother fucker.

What? Did everyone think Lucas only knew boxing?

Arken taught every student of his a multitude of things, yes they had their own specialties but they still knew a lot.

Lucas Jabbed, Punched and kicked until no one could stand up. Well, whoever attacked him anyways.

"You son of a bitch!"

The large bull-like man said, enraged as he charged towards Lucas, His thing dangling in the air.

"Hey, Don't talk about my mother like that!"

Lucas said, and was about to charge towards the man...but then.



"Got you..."

One member, who still had some fight left in him, had stabbed Lucas in the abdomen. And Lucas who wasn't paying attention had been injured.

He kicked the head of the member with full force, and as he prepared to fight the charging bull...what he saw in front of his eyes wasn't the man....but dirt.

Dirt went in his eyes and Blinded him and the next thing he knew his face was being slathered with punches.


Again and again and again, Until Lucas could finally see somewhat he immediately counterattacked.

The large man who was sitting on him and punching him was killed in an instant.

A spiked metal chain, emerging from the ground, pierced his heart and he collapsed to the ground. And Lucas stood up...mana illuminating his figure.

And then....



Multiple metallic chains erupted from the ground and penetrated the men who had attacked him... and one lucky soul managed to bow down and prostrate himself before the chain could get to him.

Just like that, their hearts had been penetrated with metal and they were dead, the prostitutes ran and then Lucas sat on the pile of corpses he created, the leader of the Red Bull gang at the top. He sat as if he was a king climbing up to his throne.

And then Lucas said, with a devilish gaze and a cold voice, addressed the surviving members of the red bull gang as he sat on top of their former master.

"So...anyone else wanna rebel?"

And none rebelled.

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