The Villain's Story

Chapter 224 [224] Draconians (2)

[Draconians are a race of warriors and magicians. The Humanoid monsters are also called Dragonmen because of their upright standing and reptile-like figure. They have appeared in multiple games as enemies and sometimes Allies, they are said to have been created by the Dragon God to serve the Dragons.]

'It's the same...'

Sabrina thought as she scrolled through the screen, reading the information written.

[Some Draconians are said to be former Humans, who had gained the interest of dragons and had a suitable vessel. The dragon offered them to be their successor and gave them the bloodline of dragons. They share the same strengths as Dragons, such as vastly superior physical abilities, and also share the same weaknesses, such as a reverse scale.]

[The chosen humans are to go through many trials in order to receive the full extent of their Guardian Dragon's powers. These Humans can transform into Half dragons, draconian-type beings, and full dragons once their vessel has evolved to handle it completely.]

[They are also able to entirely change their races from human to Dragon by concentrating their bloodline or letting their Guardian dragon do it for them. This however only happens for a few promising individuals.]


This is useful. Sabrina thought as she wondered.

'THe internet maybe isn't as bad as they all said it was...'

She thought, remembering the warnings of the Elders back in the family.

She then took out a notebook and started recording everything she learned.

Draconians are a very interesting species. A species that garnered her curiosity.


"Boss, Should we go?"

Kazikato asked Alan, Whilst he readied his mana.


However contrary to his expectations, Alan rejected the notion.

"I'm tired. We should both rest. They haven't tried anything. They just observed us and we don't know who they were as well.."

Alan said.

'Although I do have an Idea who they might be.'

He thought as he entered the vehicle.

'Im tired....and I have some stuff to do as well.'

Alan thought, and they departed towards the main guild building.

"How did the raids go?"

Maxwell asked them, to which Kazikato responded.

"Not really fun, the monsters were weak. It was boring."

Maxwell laughed as he said.

"Well, you two did only raid low-leveled dungeons. It is to be expected."

Alan stayed quiet for a while as Kazikato and Maxwell chatted.

But then as he looked outside the windows onto the streets he noticed a change in their territory.

'The people are smiling...and Twilight Members are patrolling the area?'

He thought, his curiosity piqued. He saw people even gifting the Twilight members with all sorts of gifts.

The streets looked happier, and the people looked to be more welcoming...although there was still an odd apple here and there.

"Like what you see?"

Said Maxwell, Attracting Alan's gaze.

"Let's just say that I, Alice, and Sabrina worked our asses off."


Alan asked, hearing her name.

"Oh yeah, half the new members we got are because of her. She goes on a lot of welfare events we held helping the people. I got a few trustworthy people to guard her. And because of her face, she really opens people's hearts. Along with Alice. I made them both into clerks. And most of all this is free labor!"

Alan, upon hearing Maxwell...suddenly woke up from his tired state and had a look of absolute fear on his face.


HE asked...wanting to confirm his suspicions against him, not believing the words he heard before.



As a meteor hit him...the look on his face became even more afraid.

"...Alice is understandable...but do you not know about Sabrina...?"

"Yeah, I know."

Alan's fear tripled as he heard Maxwell again.

" suicidal?"

He asked...and Maxwell responded.



"We've arrived, Young master."

Alfred, Lucas's Butler said. Informing the sleeping Lucas that they had arrived at their destination.

Lucas opened the door, donning a hoodie beforehand. Hiding his face as he stepped out, as well as the blue necklace he was wearing.

"Are you sure you will be okay? Young master I can accom-"

"I'll be fine Alfred."

He said, before closing the door.

Alfred, Looking at his hooded figure walked through the Slums with worry.

'Children these days are so rough...'

He he saw his Young Master walk the slums.

Lucas, wearing the necklace given to him by his Master and the brass knuckles he bought recently. Walked alone in the slums, heading towards the black market.

'What do you define strength as, Lucas?'

He remembered a conversation with Arken, The Sword Saint, and his master.

'Being Strong.'

'Explain that.'

He remembered his stupid reply, and also his Master's wisdom.

'Can't Can you? Strength isn't defined just as being physically strong. It is the power to make others bend, the authority that lets you be unshaken in front of others and their demands. The power that makes you stand above them...It can come in various forms, Such as Intelligence, Background, Talent, And Physical Strenght. Right now strength in th form of Physical Strength is what you need...but there is a flaw you believe in.'


'Your talent. You believe you are less talented than others, so you must work harder...but you cannot be more wrong.'


"Strength comes in many ways, So what if your talent is a lacking factor? In the end, the determined and spirited ones survive...Strength...'

His master stopped...hesitating before continuing.

'Strength can be gained in numerous ways, whether they are morally questionable, legally impossible, or even downright Inhumane.

What matters is, you got that strength, through whatever means necessary. Being Right and True is the authority of the Strong, It is their right.'

'Now don't take this wrong, I am not letting you go down that 'route', no way. But What I will let you do is something else.

Learn How to fight, With no rules. Learn how to fight without being restrained by the rules of Shield.

Fight the filth of Society in All our battles, learn their ways, and rise to the top of the Underworld.

Learn how to Fight, Dogfight, Fight to the death any way to get stronger.

Learn Cruelty.

And rise to the top of the scum of this world, Rise to the top of the Underworld whilst still being in 'control.'

Lucas wondered what that meant for quite a while. But now he understood.

The scum of this world needs cleansing, they also became strong.

And I, Lucas Hiddleston can learn from them, their ways. Their cruelty.

Lucas heard voices from an alley in the slums.

"Damn, look at their fucking faces. I wanna fuck them so bad. Just imagining their moans makes me all horny."

" I know right? Just look at them. The bitches here can't even compare."

He saw 7 people, all shirtless and having a tattoo of a bull on their backs, talking about something.

None are awakened, he thought and made up his mind to walk away. Not seeing the point in fighting them.

"Sabrina and Alice right, They're probably horny sluts behind the TV. Probably fucking the higher-ups in Twilight. The Boss even has his eyes on that Sabrina bitch."

He stopped. Hearing a familiar name. No two familiar names.

"Huh? what you looking at punk?"

But he was noticed and soon surrounded. But his gaze was on the mini Tv in the Alley, showing a face he knew. Sabrina Wellington.

"Im talking to you bitch!"

The gang member said, however noticing Lucas's handsome face and the necklace chain he could see.

He snatched the necklace, and although it wouldn't separate from Lucas's neck, the gang member could still see the jem embedded within. And Immediately a bright smile was present on his face.

"Holy shit, he's good looking and also has a good necklace! We hit the Jackpot boys!"

Lucas didn't flinch, his gaxe still glued to the T.V

"Strip him!"

The Gang member holding his necklace said, and he tried to yank the necklace. A brass knuckle came at his face at supersonic speeds.

He was sent flying in the air, his face unrecognizable now. His skull crushed and he was soon about to die.

"Fuck! Get him! He has knuckles!"

The rest of the gang members rushed at him holding their metal bats and other weapons.

But today would be the day they would die.

Although it was gone now...Lucas once had a crush on Sabrina, a big one at that.

And he was also someone who knew the importance of the pride of a noble.

And to see it desecrated it here?



"pwease....don't kieee neee.."

A Gangmember, whose face was disfigured beyond recognition said, as Lucas dragged him by his mohawk.

He saw the Tv, and saw the two girls displayed on it, Apparently doing charity work.

He didn't have any sort of crush on Sabrina now, He didn't wish for death.

But the other one did arouse his attention.

'No...I mustn't let myself be distracted.'

He thought about his previous perverted ways...and regretted them so much. So Cringy and embarrassng.

He shut the T.v off before saying to the Gand Member.

"Oi, Take me to your place, or Hideout or whatever it is called."

"wikk. you sphhare mee?"

"Yeah, just take me to your boss."

Lucas lied with the most sincere look on his face.

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