The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 160: She Came From The Old World

Chapter 160: She Came From The Old World

The treasures left behind by the Immortals were tantalizing. Elites from three extraordinary planets – Eura, Heluo, and Yuhua – had traveled through the vast expanse of space, engaging in fierce battles and rivalry to seize these unique items that held the power to change their destinies.

Wang Xuan delicately felt the two metal tags, inspecting their intricate designs. However, he couldn't discern any hidden secrets. The real value of these tags lay in the mysterious substances within, the essence infused by the powerful beings of the three planets.

"These tags evoke endless speculation," Wang Xuan thought, his heart racing at the possibility of them being related to the inner sanctums, with which he had multiple encounters. What could be so special that it would be stored within such sanctums? He couldn't miss out on this potential treasure.

His anticipation grew. He was determined to find the location and unlock the "black box" left by the Immortals, which, he believed, contained a reward powerful enough to rewrite one's destiny.

After washing all the battle armors, Zhao Qinghan spread them out to dry in the forest. Under the sun's rays, the armors gleamed brilliantly.

Wang Xuan prepared breakfast by roasting an animal resembling a muntjac. In these mysterious lands, their diet mainly consisted of meat and berries.

"Have you deciphered anything from those keys?" Zhao Qinghan inquired.

"I have some theories," Wang Xuan replied as they ate. "We should search this outer region. There's bound to be a special place that holds tremendous opportunities."

As they dined, Wang Xuan shared his plan to outpace the others, hoping to cut off their advancement.

Zhao Qinghan, taken aback, listened intently. Drawing on the ground, she sketched a rudimentary map based on her knowledge. The inhabitants of the new star had explored these secret lands for years. While they knew more about the outer regions, their knowledge was still quite general, lacking details. The planet was shrouded in mystery with a thick aura of peculiar energy that interfered with sophisticated instruments, making exploration a challenge.

As they discussed their plans, Zhao Qinghan suddenly exclaimed, "It's eating the meat!"

To their surprise, Grandmaster Ma had quietly snatched the remaining half of the roasted muntjac. The creature first tasted a bite, then voraciously devoured the rest in the clearing.

In the shimmering light of the Hidden Land, Wang Xuan remarked, “It seems Grandmaster Ma is transitioning, possibly into a mythical creature.” He knew that as Grandmaster Ma continued to evolve, the formation of wings demanded substantial energy. And now, the creature had developed a taste for meat.

After savoring his feast, Grandmaster Ma licked his lips, showing an insatiable appetite. Closing his eyes to savor the taste, it seemed he had discovered an entirely new culinary world.

Under the abundant sunlight of the Hidden Land, it wasn’t long before their armor dried completely. Grandmaster Ma donned two sets of azure alloy armor, while Wang Xuan remained in his dark, gold-tinted Euran battle attire.

Zhao Qinghan wore the soft black battle dress from Eura beneath the blue-gold armor of the Old World – a double layer of protection. Naturally beautiful, she now appeared even more radiant with the armor. The classic armor gave her an aura reminiscent of an elegant, ancient female warrior.

Wang Xuan couldn’t help but appreciate, “It suits you perfectly, and you exude charisma!”

Everyone has a desire to look good, and it seemed Grandmaster Ma was no exception. Adorning the armor, he strutted gracefully, even performing a turn as if showing off.

Both Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan felt that Grandmaster Ma had truly attained a level of sophistication. “Impressive!” Wang Xuan praised. But as Grandmaster Ma raised his proud head high, Wang Xuan jokingly added, “A pegasus like this would surely be a showstopper on the streets.”

Grandmaster Ma shot him a glare. Had he not been aware of his inability to defeat Wang Xuan, he might have given him a kick then and there!


In the outer region of the Hidden Land, passersby gasped in astonishment upon spotting Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan. "People from Eura and the Old World have joined forces? How did they come together?" Some felt a foreboding sense of seriousness and considered long-term implications.

Typically, encounters between different factions led to instant confrontations as they were natural rivals. One of the onlookers mused, "You're overthinking it. Didn’t you see that horse in armor? The people from the Old World must have been ambushed by those from Eura." Another lamented, "Such a beautiful woman, reduced to a prisoner of Eura."

Although Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan seemed outnumbered as a pair, their swift passage through the dense forest deterred any pursuit. Those who witnessed their capabilities assumed they were powerful enough to annihilate an entire troop. This misconception spared Wang Xuan many potential confrontations and conserved their energy.

Initially, Wang Xuan had undertaken several covert operations, getting close to these foreigners, employing his psychic domain to grasp the essence of their conversations, aiming to gather valuable intelligence. In the end, with a gleam in his eye, he became convinced of the existence of an exceptional place which required metallic plaques for access. His hypothesis had been proven right.

Whether it was a realm within or a treasured artifact, it concealed wonders that could only be accessed using a significant amount of mysterious elements. Regrettably, the details of this specific location eluded him.

Soon, Wang Xuan made a startling realization. He would need all twelve metallic plaques to get any indication or guidance. However, he felt confident in his innate ability to locate any region suffused with the mysterious elements.

Both Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan opted for a cautious approach, evading individuals from the three transcendent planets, keen on avoiding futile confrontations. For the next two days, they explored the more remote areas in search of this peculiar place. With two of the plaques in his possession, Wang Xuan was unworried about others finding the destination first.

Studying the terrain, Zhao Qinghan advised, "We shouldn’t proceed further. We are getting close to the deeper parts of the Hidden Land. It's dangerous there!"

As the sun began to set, the colors in the forest ahead gleamed vibrantly, revealing a richer concentration of energy than the surrounding areas. Wang Xuan felt a surge of vitality with every step forward.

A thought crossed his mind. "Could it be that the cautious old man from the Zhong family took a risk at a crucial moment and obtained a wondrous item from this very region?"

"Yes, but it's dangerous out there," Zhao Qinghan gravely confirmed.

Wang Xuan's intrigue deepened. Whatever artifact Elder Zhong had discovered was no ordinary item, especially if it could extend one's life. The prospect tempted him. "What exactly did Elder Zhong find? Do the other wealthy families know about it?" he inquired.

"Don't venture there. It's truly dangerous," Zhao Qinghan implored, her beautiful face solemn in the evening glow, fearing he might recklessly plunge into peril.

Understanding her concern, Wang Xuan nodded. At his current level of mastery, there was no need for rash actions. A systematic progression would still lead him to great heights. However, the impending arrival of the red-clothed enchantress into the human realm weighed heavily on him, fueling his urgency to grow stronger.

Even though she didn't wish for him to take risks, Zhao Qinghan shared what she knew. "There's a rare wonder in that place called the Earth Immortal Spring. Many mighty creatures frequent it, making the area incredibly hazardous. That Elder Zhong emerged unscathed is truly remarkable."

"Earth Immortal Spring?" Wang Xuan exclaimed, captivated by the name. Anything associated with Earth Immortals was far from ordinary.

Zhao Qinghan clarified, "The name might sound grandiose, but compared to the Earth Immortal Herb, it's likely not as potent. Ancient texts describe it as the spring water used by Earth Immortals for brewing tea—a spiritual water source. To them, it's just water with a touch of spirituality. But for ordinary folks, it promises an additional fifty years of life."

"That explains why Old Zhong looks considerably younger," Zhao Qinghan remarked.

Wang Xuan's eyes lit up with desire. "Such a treasure! We may not be Earth Immortals, but to us, this spring water might as well be the fountain of life."

"It can nurture and sustain life," Zhao Qinghan explained, "but it's not a potent elixir for breaking through barriers. The Earth Immortal Spring is mild. It nourishes the body, heals wounds, and enhances potential—it's a tonic, really." As she glanced towards the deep heart of the mystical land, a gleam was evident in her eyes.

After all, who wouldn't yearn for eternal youth and beauty? The prospect of extending one's life by a lifetime held immense allure for everyone.

"You've got that sparkle in your eyes," Wang Xuan teased her.

"Of course, I'd love to preserve my youth for a very, very long time!" Zhao Qinghan admitted candidly, her eyes twinkling as she gazed at the mesmerizing vista bathed in the evening glow. Still, she reiterated the need for caution.

"If even Old Zhong could drink from the Earth Immortal Spring, so can we. We should head back there and bathe in that thing!" Wang Xuan declared.

Upon hearing this, the grandmaster horse, a companion on their journey, eagerly perked up, looking eager and hopeful.

Wang Xuan glanced at the horse and assured, "Don't worry; there will be some for you too."

The horse wagged its tail in delight, but Wang Xuan added, "After we've had our turn, you can go have a drink too. You can even jump into the spring if you want."

The horse seemed slightly annoyed, feeling as though it was always the last in line. Wang Xuan could not help but chuckle at its antics.

Yet, Wang Xuan was not hasty in pursuing this newfound goal. Firstly, he still sought the mysterious land, and secondly, he wanted to make adequate preparations. He hoped the white horse could grow wings in the coming days and also wished for Zhao Qinghan to become stronger.

With the mystical land teeming with spiritual herbs and given Wang Xuan's prowess, he was confident in collecting some rare items. Soon after, fortune smiled upon them. They stumbled upon a cluster of fiery-red exotic herbs called Fire Cloud Grass. Before entering this mystical realm, every explorer had been trained, and this particular herb was well-documented in herbal compendiums. Unlike some exotic fruits of myth, this one was known, unlike others which remained elusive and undocumented.

In the heart of the mystical realm, a golden beast stood guard—a massive cat gleaming with an aureate sheen, stretching over ten feet in length, possessing an aura nearly rivaling that of the grandmasters.

Suddenly, even before Wang Xuan could approach, he spotted two figures in the distance, both familiar faces from the New Star. "Zheng Rui? Zhou Yun?" Zhao Qinghan exclaimed in surprise. How had they ventured so deep into this perilous territory?

Zheng Rui stood poised atop a cliff, gazing intently into the depth of the realm, while Zhou Yun seemed listless, resting on a nearby boulder. Something about Zheng Rui's demeanor was off.

Hesitating, Wang Xuan signaled Zhao Qinghan to remain silent. Before long, a majestic white peacock, radiant in the evening glow, soared towards them. Even from a distance, its overwhelming presence emanated an intimidating aura, unmistakably marking it as a creature of extraordinary power.

Yet, facing this mighty being, Zheng Rui remained unfazed, his face a mask of impassivity.

"Something's amiss," Wang Xuan murmured, his intuition on high alert.

"It's her. She followed us from the Old World!" Wang Xuan's heart raced. The reach of that enigmatic figure meddling in the mortal world seemed to expand with every turn, now even making her presence felt in this secluded realm.

Using his spiritual perception, Wang Xuan detected a shimmering light hovering above Zheng Rui. His heart sank, and a cold dread washed over him. For when that ethereal silhouette turned its gaze upon him, it graced him with a smile. It was… Enchanting.

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