The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 161: No Longer Immortal

Chapter 161: No Longer Immortal

The ethereal light resembled a bubble, gently bobbing in the void. Within it, a woman glanced briefly at Wang Xuan before her gaze returned to the white peacock, as if she was intently listening to something. Celestial light occasionally emanated from the apparition, falling upon the rocky cliffside.

Without a doubt, this woman was communicating with the white peacock, and the process seemed to deplete some of her energy. Wang Xuan watched the falling light intently, pondering whether any residue would remain.

Gradually, the luminous apparition blurred and vanished, absorbed into a beaded bracelet worn by Zheng Rui. The names - Zheng family, Origin Life Research Institute, and the Da Xing'an Range Underground Laboratory - when put together, revealed the identity of the woman.

The female practitioner had arrived!

Although she appeared only fleetingly before disappearing, Wang Xuan was certain of her identity. Had members of the Zheng family been manipulated? The female practitioner was unique. For three millennia, her perfectly preserved physical body lay resting in a boat made of the Feathered Divine Bamboo. Presently, of all those who ascended, it seemed only she had left behind an intact body.

While an immortal leaving behind just a fragment of bone could serve as a conduit, maintaining a strong connection with the mortal realm, and potentially playing a significant role in the future, the female practitioner leaving her entire body raised many questions.

Back in her time, she seemed to have meticulously prepared for every possible outcome, an escape route for unforeseen circumstances. Many who ascended did so with contemplation, for from antiquity to the present, there was no established path or experience, only exploration.

Why did the accomplished Fang sorcerers of the Early Qin era suddenly vanish at the height of their prowess? As the most powerful among them ascended, their path became desolate. These premier sorcerers once hunted divine birds and captured mythical beasts. Their travels were marked by auspicious omens, yet they vanished without a trace.

The Daoist traditions followed a similar trajectory, facing numerous challenges and changes over the ages.

In the evolving traditions of Daoism, the focus had initially been on achieving inner serenity and accumulating spiritual energy, as encapsulated by the teachings of Laozi and Zhuangzi. Yet, as these practices required an elevated spiritual aptitude, the sect incorporated more tangible rituals like Qigong and breathing exercises. The rise and eventual fading of the alchemical arts and the golden elixir philosophy hinted at a broader sentiment: that the age of immortals was but a distant memory, and those once present had been irrevocably lost.

Yet, the enigmatic Priestess stood out as a beacon of exception. Wang Xuan had inadvertently reawakened a sliver of her spirit that she had strategically concealed within the Inner Landscape. This fragment of consciousness seamlessly integrated back into her meticulously preserved body, prompting Wang Xuan to question her state of being. Could it be that she had, in some mysterious way, been reborn? His head swam with the implications, for her possession of the Feathered Divine Bamboo boat highlighted her significant influence during her time—an evident sign of her foresight and meticulous planning.

"Zheng Rui seems... different. He's departed with Zhou Yun," Zhao Qinghan noted with unease.

"We should steer clear. I suspect they're under the influence of otherworldly entities," Wang Xuan advised, his voice dripping with caution.

Hovering momentarily upon a cliff, the majestic white peacock took to the skies, disappearing into the heart of the mysterious territory, leaving a trail of enigmatic energy in its wake.

"Could that peacock be a demonic entity?" Zhao Qinghan queried, his gaze lingering on the horizon where the creature had vanished.

Wang Xuan responded with a solemn nod. "It's highly probable, and it exudes an aura of danger. I’m not eager to cross its path anytime soon."

With the imminent arrival of the Red-clad Fairy and the unexpected emergence of the Priestess, one couldn't help but wonder about their motivations. Were they exploring or in search of something elusive?

Wang Xuan harbored deep skepticism about the Priestess appearing here without any particular reason. He pondered if he could somehow persuade the Priestess to counteract the Red-clad Fairy. Intuitively, he felt that both women were immensely powerful, and any confrontation between them would be catastrophic. But there was also the fact that the Priestess had her sights set on him, with intentions to confine him for three years. Merely reflecting upon this gave him a headache.

Moreover, if the Red-clad Fairy and the Priestess decided not to duel but instead recognized each other and joined forces, he'd be in grave danger. At their level, mutual compromises and alliances were more probable than conflicts.

"Perhaps," he mused, "the Priestess present in this realm only embodies a fraction of her consciousness, while her main essence ascended to immortality, operating behind the scenes."

This realization made him wonder if he was just overthinking and scaring himself. Although the Priestess had her physical body and some remnants of her spirit—potentially allowing her to become powerful, maybe even live again—it seemed unlikely she'd cause any immediate turmoil. He concluded that if she were truly powerful, she wouldn't have needed to use Zheng Rui's body as a vessel and hide within his bracelet.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan was seized by a compulsion to gauge the true extent of the Priestess's capabilities. He didn't intend to confront her directly, but merely wished to meet, exchange greetings, and closely observe her through his spiritual realm. He believed that by assessing her strength, he could estimate the power level of the Red-clad Fairy who was about to enter their world.

However, he managed to rein in his impulsiveness. "She's at least at a transcendental level; otherwise, she wouldn't have dared to face that formidable white peacock," he surmised.

"What are you pondering?" Zhao Qinghan inquired, looking puzzled.

"The entity controlling Zheng Rui was powerful, but now it's departed. Let's move closer and investigate," Wang Xuan suggested.

The area had since returned to calm. With caution, the duo approached and eventually ascended the cliff. Wang Xuan hadn't forgotten the radiant light left behind by the Priestess. He immediately extended his spiritual realm to probe the rocky cliffside, searching for any residual energy.

"She's transcendent, even stronger than the Silk Serpent," he concluded after his inspection.

Wang Xuan closed his eyes, immersing himself in deep reflection. When he opened them a moment later, there was a newfound confidence in his gaze. "I get the feeling," he began, "that while the realm of Transcendence is powerful, it's not entirely out of reach."

His intuition told him that his earlier predictions were proving accurate. Judging from what he'd felt, the Red-clad Fairy likely occupied a similar tier, probably a stronger figure within the transcendent realm but certainly not divine.

"Perhaps she's a step above the 'Enlightenment’ stage, probably around the 'Life Soil' or 'Herb Gathering' levels?" Wang Xuan mused, feeling a surge of motivation. If he could elevate himself into this transcendent domain, the scales of power might tip in his favor.

Having discerned their strengths and weaknesses, Wang Xuan's apprehensions about them began to wane. While they might be unparalleled forces elsewhere, in this world, their dominance was not unchallenged.

"The realm of mortals belongs to Wang Xuan!" he whispered to himself, realizing that bolstering his capabilities was now imperative. If destiny were to set them on a collision course, he was determined to turn the tables on the Red-clad Fairy.

Zhao Qinghan's jade armor glinted red in the evening glow, draping her as if she wore a crimson robe. She laughed lightly, teasing, "What about realms beyond the mortal coil?"

"Be it the realm of immortals or mortals, Wang Xuan shall have a say in it!" He declared with unwavering conviction. Bolstering his self-confidence was crucial, and he was determined to find ways to penetrate the transcendent realm in the coming days.


Before long, a roar echoed through the forest, startling the surroundings.

Approaching the cluster of the fiery-red medicinal herb once more, Wang Xuan and his companions caught the attention of a golden cat over a meter long. The formidable beast had been eyeing the same herb, known as the Firecloud Grass.

Grandmaster Ma, full of enthusiasm, took it upon himself to face the golden feline, driven by a desire to consume the herb. With a startled "Meow!", the majestic creature scampered off, leaving the Firecloud Grass to its fate.

However, no sooner had Grandmaster Ma tried the herb than he let out a yelp of distress. Grimacing and almost spitting the grass out, he was overwhelmed by its sheer bitterness. Half of his face seemed to go numb from the taste.

Wang Xuan remarked, "The Firecloud Grass isn't mature yet. If it's this overpowering for Grandmaster Ma, I reckon any human who consumes it would lose their sense of taste for days and be left with lingering bitterness."

Zhao Qinghan nodded in agreement. "It's just as the herbology texts describe. I never expected it to be this bitter."

Grandmaster Ma shot them an accusing glare. Had they known about the bitterness all along and chosen not to partake? Their silent acknowledgment made his irritation all the more apparent.

"Though it's not mature, its medicinal properties are potent. Better consume it and not let it go to waste," Wang Xuan consoled. "The next spiritual herb we find won't be bitter, I promise."

The very next day, the group stumbled upon another unique medicinal plant. Glowing in a radiant purple and exuding a rich fragrance was a fruit resembling an apple. Eagerly, Grandmaster Ma took a bite but soon grimaced again, the bitterness still prevailing.

Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan relished the remaining fruits, finding them sweet and juicy. Wang Xuan clarified, "The Purple Jade Fruit is indeed delicious and not at all bitter. However, after consuming the Firecloud Grass, everything will taste bitter to you for days."

Grandmaster Ma growled in frustration. Days of enduring the lingering bitterness? The prospect was not at all appetizing.


Drawn by an irresistible pull, Wang Xuan cautiously delved deeper into the concealed realm, yearning for a mere glimpse of the legendary Celestial Spring. However, sensing the presence of ethereal beings, he quickly retraced his steps, marveling at Old Zhong's fortunate escape from such a perilous domain.

“Enough with the dilly-dallying! Grow your wings so we can savor the waters of the Celestial Spring together," Wang Xuan quipped.

In the ensuing days, Wang Xuan tirelessly prepared meats and sourced spiritual herbs for Grandmaster Ma. He hoped that these offerings would accelerate the manifestation of the mythical wings he envisioned for his companion.

A couple of days later, while wandering through a less vegetated terrain, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan stumbled upon an intriguing discovery. "The enigma lies just beyond!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, sensing a powerful and unparalleled aura, distinct from anywhere else they'd been in the realm.

"It appears to be the remnants of an ancient temple," Zhao Qinghan observed, awe evident in his voice.

The landscape was strewn with the remnants of a bygone era—broken tiles and fragmented walls lay in a melancholic disarray. Dominating the center was a peculiar two-tiered mound, painted in stark black and white, evoking images of a layered cake. This formation was the very source of the intense, mysterious aura.

Wang Xuan theorized that this might be the Inner Landscape Relic. Legends spoke of supreme entities who, upon their untimely demise, would merge a fragment of their spiritual realm into a physical relic, creating wondrous artifacts.

“The Celestials' treasure is likely sealed within this dual-colored mound,” Wang Xuan mused, his heart racing with anticipation.

Yet, he hesitated to proceed. Lurking beside the mound was a massive spider, its body adorned with black and white patterns that mirrored the mound's hues. To Wang Xuan's astonishment, this was no ordinary spider—it hailed from the transcendent realm. Anchoring its vast web to the ruined walls, the guardian spider vigilantly protected the mound's secrets.

In the depths of the Hidden Land, a location untouched by many, Wang Xuan wondered what kind of creatures might inhabit such a place. It was evident that the beast in their vicinity, a creature of transcendence, was attracted to the mystical energies here. It had probably chosen this spot for its cultivation.

The presence of such a transcendent creature was unexpected and alarming. "We shouldn't provoke it for now," Zhao Qinghan whispered, "let's wait until Grandmaster Ma's wings are fully grown." She believed there was no need to rush into danger.

Wang Xuan nodded in agreement. He had encountered transcendent creatures before and knew well of their lethal potential. Meanwhile, Grandmaster Ma, the white horse, strutted proudly. Faint golden wings had sprouted from its sides. However, they were still small. While Grandmaster Ma could now fly short distances, he wasn’t yet strong enough to carry them swiftly across vast expanses.

"If they continue to grow at this rate," Wang Xuan speculated, "in three days, Grandmaster Ma should be able to soar through the sky and navigate the earth. Then, we can come back here and seize our destiny." He was eager to discover the relics left behind by the immortals in the Hidden Land's treasures, which were said to have the power to alter one's fate.

Suddenly, the distant echo of a massive explosion resonated through the landscape, causing a part of a nearby mountain to crumble. From the cloud of dust and debris, a familiar figure emerged in a frantic retreat. To Wang Xuan's astonishment, it was none other than Old Chen, appearing in such an unexpected place.

Reacting swiftly, Wang Xuan grabbed Zhao Qinghan, seeking refuge behind a pile of boulders. Grandmaster Ma, demonstrating intelligence beyond a typical horse, followed suit, gracefully slipping into hiding.

Given that Old Chen was fleeing, it was evident that he was being pursued by another transcendent creature. Thankfully, they were a good distance away.

"Chen, did you even try to fight back? Always running!" From not too far behind Chen, another voice rang out. It was the old man, Zhong Yong, dashing with unparalleled speed, his feet barely touching the treetops, appearing almost as if he were flying.

"Old Zhong," Chen called out, "give me your Five-Color Golden Pill technique, and perhaps I can enhance my combat capabilities!"

"In exchange for your Buddha Fist!" countered Zhong Yong.

Both men were in a pitiable state, covered in blood and running for their lives. Wang Xuan was taken aback. One was the sly old fisherman and the other, a cunning veteran who had laid low for a century. Surprisingly, these two had teamed up. Representing the pinnacle of combat power from both the Old World and the New World, and known for their own cunning strategies, their collaboration was indeed a formidable union.

Yet, seeing them bloodied and on the run was a revelation. Behind them, six transcendent warriors were in hot pursuit. They chased the pair, who took them on a wild, circuitous route before diving deeper into the Hidden Land.

It became evident to Wang Xuan just how fierce and brutal battles among the transcendent beings could be. Both old men were clearly at a disadvantage and on the run.

Zhao Qinghan, with a touch of admiration in her voice, remarked, "It's bold of Old Zhong to partake in such a transcendent battle." Known for his usual caution, Old Zhong had shown a surprising audacity, challenging fate when the stakes were high.

With a solemn expression, Wang Xuan declared, "I need to become stronger, and quickly!" He yearned to venture deeper into the Hidden Land and partake in the transcendent battle himself.

"If I don't intervene, they might both perish," he muttered, realizing that saving Old Chen was imperative. As for Old Zhong, his household possessed a treasure trove of unparalleled scriptures that Wang Xuan had coveted for long.

Zhao Qinghan, ever observant, commented, "Don't be overly concerned. From the looks of it, our two acquaintances aren't exactly at a disadvantage. On the contrary, it's their pursuers who seem infuriated, hunting them down with palpable malice."

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