The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 159: There’s Still Space For A Lover

Chapter 159: There’s Still Space For A Lover

Wang Xuan turned his gaze to Zhao Qinghan, who sat just behind him. Their faces were close, and the delicate scent she carried filled the air between them. Her bright eyes met his, and the gentle breath she exhaled caressed his face. As she opened her mouth to speak, Wang Xuan gently set her down. The reason was not her words, but the clear dissatisfaction from the Grandmaster Ma.

Grandmaster Ma, the horse, was visibly agitated. Its nostrils flared, emitting a white glow. It had been fiercely engaged in combat, using a combination of biting and kicking to keep its foe at bay. Yet, amidst this intense battle, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan appeared to be having a tender moment, locking eyes and losing themselves to each other.

Grandmaster Ma neighed loudly, expressing its immense displeasure. It seemed on the verge of abandoning the fight, thinking perhaps it would be easier just to let its adversary go.

However, when Wang Xuan approached the scene, the mood shifted immediately. The enemy Grandmaster, from the planet Heluo, felt a spine-chilling dread. Seeing Wang Xuan's return only confirmed his worst fears that his companions likely met their ends. An attempt to flee was thwarted when Grandmaster Ma unleashed a bolt of lightning from its mouth, temporarily paralyzing him. The power of the lightning had been amplified after consuming the demon fruit's core.

As Wang Xuan advanced, with a mere flick of his finger, he sent forth a terrifying flame. The fire struck the enemy, turning his alloy armor a glowing red. The man screamed, desperately channeling his inner energy to fend off the flames, narrowly avoiding being burned alive.

Seizing the opportunity, Grandmaster Ma shot out another bolt of lightning, sending the enemy soaring through the air. With unmatched agility, the horse lunged forward, performing a graceful move reminiscent of a horse stepping over a swallow in flight. Landing triumphantly atop the fallen foe, it seemed quite pleased with its deft move.

In a flurry of kicks and stomps, Grandmaster Ma took over, leaving the adversary half-dead in no time. Wang Xuan, seeing this, decided to let the horse handle the rest, standing back and letting the Grandmaster finish what it started.

As the sun began its ascent, the world came to life. Dewdrops glistened on the leaves of flowers and vines, shimmering in the soft glow of dawn, hinting at the boundless vitality of nature. The sun-kissed forest radiated an ethereal light, a sight both serene and treacherous.

Breaking the calm, a massive bird of prey soared across the sky, its piercing cry slicing through the dawn's tranquility. From a distance, the roar of some unknown creature resonated, disrupting the picturesque morning. It was a reminder: this was the Forbidden Forest, and vigilance was essential.

Zhao Qinghan, tall and poised, gracefully made her way through the landscape, seemingly indifferent to the distant calls of beasts. The morning light illuminated her delicate, alabaster face. The strands of her shoulder-length hair seemed to glow, and her eyes sparkled as she approached Wang Xuan without uttering a word.

"Do you not fear I might kill you to keep a secret?" Wang Xuan asked, his gaze shifting from Grandmaster Ma, the horse, to her.

"I'm not afraid," Zhao Qinghan responded, standing directly in front of him. She was tall, almost reaching a height of 170 centimeters. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. "I'll keep your secret."

Zhao Qinghan, often known for her cold beauty, now beamed radiantly. Her smile was youthful and sweet. "No one else will know you became a grandmaster in such a short time. This will be our shared secret," she said with a hint of joy in her voice, seemingly delighted at the idea of sharing such an intimate secret.

Today, she had witnessed Wang Xuan effortlessly defeating foreign grandmasters, and it left her in awe. She had never imagined that Wang, a familiar classmate, possessed such astounding capabilities. The revelation had left her in a daze, struggling to comprehend the full extent of his power. After all, he was someone she knew well, yet his true strength was astonishing.

Beneath the soft light of the rising sun, Zhao Qinghan smiled, her lips curving up at the corners. She placed her hands gently on Wang Xuan's shoulders, gazing intently into his eyes. Slowly, she tiptoed and swiftly planted a kiss on his cheek. As she pulled away, her vibrant red lips appeared even more enchanting amidst the glow of dawn.

Wang Xuan was taken aback by her unexpected gesture.

Wang Xuan's mention of "killing to keep a secret" was clearly in jest, a fact that Zhao Qinghan understood. Wang Xuan trusted her implicitly, confident that she wouldn't betray his secret. He saw Zhao as a bright, principled individual. She was shrewd, capable of handling situations adeptly, and she had always been kind to him as a classmate.

Before they ventured into the Forbidden Forest, she had assured him that as long as she remained unharmed, he would face no danger. True to her word, once they arrived, she had ensured his safety, even ensuring they camped close to each other during the nights.

It was her unwavering dedication to his safety that had compelled Wang Xuan to rescue her from the clutches of a monster, with the two of them soaring through the night sky together. Their shared experiences, especially their close brushes with death in the Forbidden Forest, had naturally drawn them closer. They were comrades who had faced adversity together, forging a bond of trust and reliance.

However, as for taking their relationship a step further, into the realms of romance, Wang Xuan believed they weren't quite there yet. He was a rational person and had a clear perspective on matters of the heart. He was sure that Zhao Qinghan, even more level-headed than him, felt the same.

While their shared perils had fostered a deep bond and Wang Xuan had gone to great lengths to save her, he believed Zhao's feelings were more of gratitude than romantic affection. He felt he understood her well. She had clear aspirations for the future and was incredibly poised. Even during their school days, she was actively involved in managing her family's affairs.

Living in a technologically advanced city, Zhao Qinghan wielded a portion of her family's resources and power. She was a woman of strong convictions and a defined sense of self. Wang Xuan had once told his friend, Qin Cheng, that ordinary men stood no chance with a woman of Zhao's caliber. He had advised him to stay grounded in reality. This perspective was not just for his friend's benefit; it reflected Wang Xuan's own realistic understanding.

That's why Zhao Qinghan's recent gesture took him by surprise.

Reflecting on their shared experiences in the Forbidden Forest, Wang Xuan realized the bond between him and Zhao Qinghan had indeed deepened. On multiple occasions, he had saved her from life-threatening situations, and perhaps those moments of vulnerability led Zhao to show an uncommonly sentimental side. Yet, they had only truly been close for a short time, and Wang Xuan was clear-headed about this. He believed their bond was stronger than that of mere friends but not yet at the level of lovers.

Taking a step back, Zhao seemed briefly tense after giving Wang Xuan an unexpected peck on the cheek. Yet, she quickly regained her composure, standing unapologetically in the soft morning sunlight, her beautiful eyes glinting. She smiled, saying, "Even though we've known each other for a while, our true connection only began recently. You've saved me multiple times, and for that, I am both grateful and deeply moved. There was a moment when my heart fluttered. But to call what we have a romantic relationship would be premature."

She candidly admitted that the dangers of the Forbidden Forest had made her more vulnerable than usual. Acting on impulse and knowing she was the only one privy to his secret, she had kissed him on the cheek.

All Wang Xuan could do was sigh in admiration. Zhao was so poised and collected, unlike many other women who might have been flustered in such situations. "Do you have anything to say?" she asked, a playful smile gracing her delicate features.

"You've said it all. What more can I add?" Wang Xuan said, slightly exasperated. He felt as though he'd been put on the back foot, an unusual feeling for him. "I think I was taken advantage of, and it's only fair I return the favor." Without hesitation, he held her face and planted a firm kiss on her cheek. Then, attempting to kiss her lips, he was stopped by a gracefully raised finger. Undeterred, he kissed her other cheek. In his mind, he felt he'd redeemed himself, ensuring he wasn't completely passive in their exchange.

Zhao Qinghan pulled out her compact mirror and inspected her reflection. For the first time, a faint blush colored her cheeks, and two distinct red marks were visible. She shot Wang Xuan a reproachful look. Why were you so forceful?

With a bright smile, Wang Xuan jokingly remarked, "Those who practice the Golden Body Technique have excellent physical stamina!"

Suddenly, both felt something amiss. Turning swiftly, they caught sight of Grandmaster Ma, the horse, stealthily peeking at them with deep, mysterious eyes.

"Has this horse gained sentience? Sneaking up on us like this!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, giving the horse a playful slap to shoo it away.

Zhao Qinghan, always the observant one, noted with surprise, "Look, there's a bulge on either side of the white horse's body. Could it be developing wings?"

Studying the horse closely, Wang Xuan speculated, "A second growth phase, huh? Alright, become a Pegasus, and soon enough, you'll carry us through the skies to explore the heart of the Forbidden Forest."

Grandmaster Ma, the horse, proudly raised its head, appearing almost disdainful of Wang Xuan's remarks.

Glancing at a spot not far from them, Wang Xuan noted that the grandmaster from Heluo Star had already met his demise, trampled to death during the white horse's frolics.

Subsequently, Wang Xuan combed through the forest, not only stripping the armors off the fallen grandmasters but also searching them for any other valuable spoils of war. Later, seizing an opportunity, he took out a battle uniform from the Eura star people hidden in the shard of the blessed land and handed it to Zhao Qinghan.

"We have plenty of armors. We should armor up Grandmaster Ma too," Wang Xuan suggested.

Gratefully, Zhao Qinghan accepted the battle gear, urging Wang Xuan to remove his Eura star battle uniform so she could wash it in a nearby spring. But as he did, she caught a glimpse of Wang Xuan's undergarment – made entirely of tree bark. She couldn't hold back her laughter.

Feeling a tad embarrassed, Wang Xuan didn't know how to respond. He quickly diverted his attention, heading deeper into the forest to retrieve the iron arrows scattered around. He appreciated the weaponry of the master archer and thought they might come in handy in the future.

Upon returning, Wang Xuan noticed Zhao Qinghan diligently cleaning each piece of battle armor. He remarked, "We don't really need to wash the armor for Grandmaster Ma."

Grandmaster Ma, taking offense, looked at Wang Xuan with growing displeasure, contemplating whether to part ways with him. However, recalling the mysterious bugs and the core of a demonic fruit he had consumed recently, the horse reconsidered. Those delicacies had been instrumental in its transformation.

"We should clean it anyway," Zhao Qinghan interjected.

Grandmaster Ma immediately nodded in agreement, though moments later, it seemed to grow disinterested in watching the two humans.

Zhao Qinghan smiled, adding, "After all, we'll be riding on him."

As Wang Xuan sifted through the spoils of war, he discovered a unique metal tag he had taken from the archer. He had seen something similar among the belongings of the Eura star people, and he quickly retrieved it from his pouch. Both tags, no bigger than a palm, were silvery-grey, ornate with intricate designs, and made of a sturdy alloy.

Previously, Wang Xuan hadn't given them much thought, but now, he couldn't help but be curious. Extending his spiritual senses, he examined the tags, sensing an unusual presence within them. His exploration was met with resistance, as if a mysterious force blocked him. Taking a deep breath, Wang Xuan exerted more pressure, but hastily withdrew when he felt a strange pull.

Intrigued, he realized that each tag contained a dense, mysterious substance. Wang Xuan pondered, "Could these teams be battling and competing to collect and snatch these metal tags from each other?"

Noting her attention, he asked Zhao Qinghan, "What do you think these tags resemble?"

While washing the armor beside a clear spring, Zhao Qinghan glanced at them and said, "Keys. They remind me of ancient keys used in old locks."

A flurry of thoughts raced through Wang Xuan's mind. An excited realization dawned on him, "Could there be a secret chamber that requires this mysterious substance to unlock?"

If that were the case, he wouldn't need to gather more tags; he already had the keys!

"Could there be a hidden sanctum in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest? Perhaps a place holding a unique treasure?" Wang Xuan speculated.

"A relic left behind by the ancient immortals, concealed within this treasure?" His eyes gleamed with anticipation.

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