The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 128: Arrival In A New Star

Chapter 128: Arrival In A New Star

Caught in mid-air, an overwhelming surge of anger welled up inside Wu Yin as she stared at Wang Xuan. It was an all-too-familiar sensation, reminiscent of their previous encounter. Yet, this time, the sting of embarrassment was intensified by the fact that they were surrounded by familiar faces. Each shocked gaze from the onlookers amplified her humiliation.

The color rose to her cheeks, a blazing combination of anger and embarrassment. The sensation was almost like fire coursing through her veins, consuming every bit of her composure.

Zhong Cheng, who had been unceremoniously shoved by Wang Xuan, was sprawled a fair distance away. He groaned in pain, clutching his waist and cursing his misfortune.

Wang Xuan remained steadfast, blades at the ready, anticipating a threat to emerge from beneath the ground. However, an unexpected silence ensued. His complexion paled. Was he being mocked? Were the creatures of this place playing a cruel joke on him? Frustration gnawed at him. Without a legitimate threat, his actions would be indefensible. He felt the weight of impending confrontation, especially from the fiery-eyed Wu Yin.

In a fit of impatience, he stabbed his blade into the ground, hoping to coax whatever lurked below into action. Regaining her footing after the abrupt flight, Wu Yin subtly massaged the spot where she'd been struck. Her fiery gaze, full of anger and reproach, was locked onto Wang Xuan.

She seemed to silently accuse, "Not you again!"

Her hand instinctively reached for a weapon. She was resolved to not let this incident slide. Beginning her journey in a new realm on such a discordant note was unthinkable, and she was set on confronting Wang Xuan.

"Something is definitely lurking beneath us!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, continuing his fervent attempts to pierce the ground with his blade. Hoping to clear his name, he added, "While I may not be as powerful as many here, my senses, especially in detecting spiritual presences, are incredibly sharp."

Many in the group turned to look at him with a mixture of skepticism and intrigue.

However, Yang Lin, a renowned Master of the New Arts, tilted his head slightly, evidently picking up on something. He was not the only one, for other genetically enhanced individuals in the group with similar capabilities began to sense it too. The expressions of seasoned explorers within their ranks darkened.

"Run! Get out of here! There's a Sand Worm lurking underground!" shouted one of the experienced adventurers, leading the charge to flee the scene.

Instantly, a ripple of panic washed over the group. In this unfamiliar territory, even the slightest hint of danger could send the less experienced into a frenzy. Out of the three teams, which consisted of over a hundred members, the majority were novices. Watching them scatter in disarray was like witnessing an army in full retreat.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xuan joined in the frantic escape. Had no one sounded the alarm, even diving into the Yellow River wouldn't have been enough to absolve him of blame.

As Zhong Cheng managed to stagger to his feet, he was once again knocked down, this time by a rookie from the Wu family's team. As Wang Xuan raced by, he swiftly grabbed Zhong Cheng by the collar, hauling him up.


In a flash, there was a sudden explosion from behind. Wild grass was thrown into the air, and dirt and rocks scattered everywhere. From the ground, a creature burrowed its way to the surface. It was as thick as a water barrel, with a unique circular mouth as wide as its body. Its maw was filled with sharp, closely-packed teeth.

"Thanks, Wang! I owe you one!" exclaimed Zhong Cheng. Even though he was still grimacing in pain from Wang Xuan's earlier shove, he couldn't help but express his gratitude.

Without a word, Wang Xuan pushed him towards Zhong Qing. The mage hired by the Zhong family had already rushed over, grabbing Zhong Cheng and taking off.


From the disturbed ground behind them, nearly two dozen creatures, each nearly ten meters long, emerged and gave chase. It became apparent that the first creature had deliberately remained hidden, waiting for its comrades below. These creatures displayed a surprising level of intelligence, seemingly preparing for a coordinated group attack.

Fortunately, the group were quick to react, or they would definitely have taken severe casualties.

“There’s a whole nest of Sand Worms down there!” someone shouted, having identified the life forms that were attacking them.

These monsters had the appearance of worms, but were far larger than their counterparts on Earth. With a formidable length of ten meters and covered by thick exoskeleton, these monsters were lethal to the humans around them. Their large maws could easily snap a person in half. Escape from these creatures were not easy, for they were able to burrow underground, and crawl at astonishing speed on land.

But the members of the exploration team were all practitioners of the Arts. They were able to escape to safety with relative ease.

"Are you okay?" As Wang Xuan sprinted forward, he spotted Wu Yin nearby and reached out to her with concern.

With a physique that epitomized grace, Wu Yin's escape seemed like a dance of elegance. Clutched in her hand was an alloy knife, its sharpness reflecting her recent urge to turn it against Wang Xuan. Her emotions now were a mix of gratitude and lingering frustration.

She considered voicing her thanks but pride held her tongue.

"You've got soil on you," Wang Xuan pointed out gently, fearing she might react impulsively if someone else made the observation.

Checking herself, Wu Yin's eyes widened at a conspicuous footprint, a blatant testament to where she had been kicked. She discreetly adjusted her attire, hoping few had noticed. But when she sought Wang Xuan again, he had cleverly melted into the crowd, likely maintaining distance from her. Then, her gaze met Little Zhong's, who was unabashedly staring. "Focus on escaping, not gawking!" she snapped.

"It's fine. Only two of the bigger creatures pursued us. We can handle them," another voice chimed in.

A Master of the New Arts then stepped forward, ready to confront the danger. He waited for the right moment to strike. Wang Xuan, too, reentered the fray, moving fluidly within the group, his knife at the ready. Maintaining restraint to avoid unleashing his full power, Wang Xuan delivered a precise cut towards the menacing worm. The blade glinted coldly before making its mark.


Emerald-hued liquid spurted out, the lifeblood of the Sand Worm. Though Wang Xuan's blade penetrated deep, it was shy of splitting the creature entirely. Without hesitation, he pulled back. Within the expedition group, a handful of seasoned veterans who had navigated this treacherous terrain before, swiftly took charge. Their expertise shone as they efficiently beheaded the two giant worms.

All the while, Wu Yin, driven by a surge of frustration, launched herself at the worms, hacking with unbridled fury. Long after the creature was lifeless, she continued her barrage. It took a moment for her to realize her overzealousness, after which she retreated, a mix of horror and revulsion on her face. One could only wonder if her anger was solely for the worm or someone else in her imagination.

The incident left the novices in the group unsettled. Their initiation into this mysterious domain had offered a stern warning: unseen perils were omnipresent, and any distraction could be deadly.

"Sharp reflexes, Wang Xuan," a seasoned explorer commented appreciatively.

"Exceptional psychic abilities," a Master of the New Arts observed, giving a nod of approval.

Gratefully, Wang Xuan responded, "Thank you. My senses might be heightened, but I'm still green in actual combat. If I can provide early warnings of any dangers, would you ensure my safety?"

The group agreed unanimously. They continued their journey and soon paused for a much-needed respite.

Taking a momentary pause from their ordeal, the group finally had the chance to absorb the beauty of the unfamiliar world around them. Stretching out before them was a lush forest, teeming with life. Among the majestic trees, colossal golden mushrooms stood tall, appearing like ornate umbrellas anchored to the earth.

"Be wary," an experienced explorer advised, "those mushrooms are laced with potent toxins. But aside from that, this area seems relatively benign."

Wang Xuan observed the verdant expanse. The trees were immense, with some so wide that they would require a group to encircle their trunks. Yet, what captivated him the most was the tangible aura of varied energy substances in the atmosphere. To his astonishment, he felt the presence of ethereal particles, previously encountered only in mythical realms. Although these particles were dispersed thinly compared to those mystical worlds, their mere existence here was profoundly intriguing.

Could there be a link between this world and the Old Arts?

A sense of kinship with this world surged through Wang Xuan. A deep-seated urge to embrace his full strength and perhaps even engage in a thrilling duel bubbled within him.

"Should we continue separately as planned?" Wu Yin queried.

The initial strategy had been for the three factions to explore in separate groups, simultaneously delving deeper into this enigma. However, after the recent near-miss, Wu Yin felt the collective strength of unity was essential.

"I believe we should stay united," Zhong Qing proposed.

"I'm of the same opinion," Zheng Rui added.

Zhao Qinghan's nod solidified the consensus. With the decision made, they decided to journey onward as one.

The day had reached its peak when the group settled for a brief pause, munching on the provisions they brought along.

Surprisingly, Zhou Yun sidled up to Wang Xuan. "Never expected you to step out of the ancient realm and journey into this mystic territory. Quite a daring move!"

"It's been a while, Old Zhou! Missed you," Wang Xuan replied warmly, genuine gratitude evident in his tone. The Five-Page Golden Book Old Zhou had shared was pivotal for him.

"Call me Brother Zhou," he corrected with a playful glare, then whispered, "You've kept our little duel a secret, right?"

Wang Xuan held back a chuckle. For all of Zhou Yun's formidable aura, he was rather conscious about keeping that incident under wraps. "Of course," Wang Xuan affirmed.

Relieved, Zhou Yun added, "Now that I've honed my skills to perfection, I reckon I could handle eight of you at once. But I won't challenge you. We're allies in this adventure."

Wang Xuan laughed softly. While he considered another playful confrontation with Zhou Yun, he decided it wouldn't be right to always target him.

Suddenly, a deep humming interrupted their conversation. A group member scrambled up a nearby tree to survey the surroundings. Their faces went ashen. "Wild bees! Swarming in masses. Oh God!"

Another teased from below, "Afraid of some bees?"

"These aren't ordinary bees," the scout shot back, panic evident in his voice. "They're massive, over two meters each, even larger than freaking cattles!"

The murmurs grew louder when the news spread: the hornets they feared were the dreaded Murder Hornets, infamous for their lethal sting. The adventurers climbed trees to witness the spectacle unfolding in the distant skies.

"It's a duel between two Murder Hornet swarms. We need to stay within this mushroom area for safety," an experienced explorer remarked, his voice thick with anxiety.

From his elevated vantage point, Wang Xuan saw the dark sky awash with an eerie shadow, as if dusk had arrived early. It was the hornets, battling fiercely, with fallen combatants dropping continuously. Their imposing size was evident even from a distance—making it clear that a single sting would spell doom.

His eyes traveled further to discover a colossal hive, standing as tall as a small hill. Its gray, ominous presence was a testament to its dangers.

"We should lay low until the hornet conflict subsides," came a cautionary voice.

Interestingly, the hornets refrained from approaching the mushroom territory, making it a temporary safe haven.

As night crept in, the group had no choice but to camp. The day, meant for exploration, had been unexpectedly unproductive. Following a modest dinner, they decided to rest early, hoping to set out at dawn.

"Wang Xuan, join me here," Zhao Qinghan beckoned.

Obliging, Wang Xuan settled his sleeping bag a short distance from Zhao, readying himself for sleep. Muted conversations continued, with some speculating about Wang Xuan's possible influential affiliations. The night's events seemed to further cement these whispers.

  …… Amidst the unnerving silence of the forest, the bond between Zhao Qinghan and Wang Xuan became palpable. While esteemed figures like Master Yang Lin and Zheng Rui opted to rest in a secluded area, Zhao Qinghan made a deliberate choice to keep Wang Xuan, her old school friend, close by. Her actions, while subtle, did not go unnoticed by the group, hinting at a deeper understanding between the two. Although appreciative, Wang Xuan remained mum, not wanting to draw attention to the protective veil he seemed to provide.

However, the eerie tranquility of the night was shattered when Wang Xuan awoke with a start, sensing a fleeting shadow's swift movement. Moments later, a panicked voice echoed through the stillness, intensifying the night's suspense.

"Where are those who were beside me? They've vanished!"

Pandemonium ensued as others chimed in, announcing the mysterious disappearances from their respective areas.

"My group's missing five!" a voice trembled.

"Four have disappeared from mine!" another cried out.

The chilling realization that thirty-seven members had evaporated into thin air without any signs was paralyzing. The palpable tension was almost tangible.

Trying to restore some semblance of calm, Zhao Qinghan, though visibly distraught, emerged, seeking comfort and answers. Wang Xuan, attempting to be the group's pillar of strength, reassured, "Stay calm. We'll find a way through this."

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