The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 129: Revealing True Colors

Chapter 129: Revealing True Colors

In the oppressive stillness of the night, the unexpected disappearance of companions was an unsettling realization that haunted everyone present.

An astounding thirty-seven individuals had vanished.

Without a trace, without a sound. The weight of their sudden absence hung heavy in the air. In the inky blackness of the forest, vision was limited to mere inches. The environment was eerily quiet, with the only audible sound being the frantic pulsing of heartbeats that seemed to echo menacingly.

"Even the night guards... all three of them have disappeared," a voice trembled amidst the silence.

Tension saturated the atmosphere. With each labored breath, dread thickened, as they pondered if, from the unseen depths, unseen eyes were surveying them, weighing their fates. Several newcomers were overtaken by uncontrollable shivers, the biting cold of fear racing up their backs, making their hairs stand on end. This real-life horror surpassed any fright from a cinematic thriller.

But this wasn't any scripted drama. This was a visceral terror unfolding in real-time.

Dreadful questions plagued their minds: What predatory entity was concealed in the shadows? Would it strike again?

They were no longer on familiar terrain. Whether on a distant planet in an alien galaxy or possibly trapped within a parallel universe, they were faced with unknown dangers.

Suddenly, a mournful sob shattered the oppressive quietude, its chilling timbre amplifying the group's terror. Who is it? What had they witnessed? Amid the rising panic, the group braced themselves, anticipating the unknown horrors that might follow.

The chilling cry echoed again from the forest's depths, pushing everyone to instinctively recoil.

"What's lurking nearby?" A rookie's voice trembled, her regret palpable. "Why did I ever venture into this cursed place?" Her body shook uncontrollably.

Another mournful wail pierced the stillness, even more haunting than before, its tone colder and more ethereal.

"It's merely a mourning bird," an experienced explorer calmly noted. His prior visits to the area equipped him with the knowledge that helped stabilize the group's mounting panic. "We're not being haunted by phantoms."

However, he silently acknowledged a grim reality: the mournful cries of such birds were often drawn to the scent of fresh blood. Given the unsettling disappearances, he dreaded imagining the possible fates of the vanished. The night, fraught with anxiety, allowed little rest. Everyone was on edge, acutely aware of their unfamiliar and perilous surroundings. But as the first light of dawn began to break, it heralded a much-needed respite from the enveloping darkness.

Several newcomers exhaled deeply. The night had tested their limits, mentally and emotionally, with the abrupt loss of so many of their peers. As daylight permeated their surroundings, the grip of fear and anxiety loosened.

"We need to search the area," Zhao Qinghan suggested, hoping to uncover any remnants or clues from the enigmatic events of the night. The lingering unknown was a pressing weight on everyone's minds.

New Arts Master Yang Lin finally stirred. Despite his unparalleled prowess, he had yet to exert his might in this bewildering situation. Eager to get to the bottom of the mysterious events, he made his move.

Wang Xuan, gripping his long blade, began heading towards the forest's edge.

"Wang Xuan!" Zhao Qinghan's voice held a note of concern. The incident had occurred in just one night, and it was under her leadership that everyone had come. She bore the weight of responsibility and was especially worried for her old classmate.

Around them, several people wore expressions of unease.

"My perception is sharp. I'll inspect," Wang Xuan declared, intent on investigating the eerily silent force that had spirited away their companions. His usually calm demeanor was tinged with seriousness.

As dawn broke, the early morning rays filtered through the mists, casting the forest in a hazy glow. But this gentle light did little to lift the oppressive darkness in everyone's hearts. A gruesome sight awaited Wang Xuan and Master Yang Lin a couple of miles out: skeletal remains, dripping with fresh blood, hung eerily from the trees.

When the news spread and more from the group arrived to witness this chilling scene, a few of the newcomers felt their calves tremble involuntarily, their hands, even as they held weapons, shook uncontrollably. Fragments of flesh clung to these skeletons, and the bones themselves were stained with large swaths of bloody sinew. Like gruesome pendulums, they swung in the breeze.

Some skulls still bore their eyes, capturing the terror of their final moments. The sheer horror of the scene incited a mix of fear and burgeoning fury in the witnesses. Every individual yearned to avenge the fallen, but the true enemy remained unknown.

Zhao Qinghan, Zheng Rui, Wu Yin, Zhou Yun, Zhong Qing, and others wore furrowed brows, deeply troubled by the ominous beginning to their journey.

"Traces of sedatives are present in these remains," remarked a female explorer, using a specialized detection kit on the skeletal fragments.

An anguished voice nearby observed, "They must've been drugged before being abducted. It explains our unnaturally deep sleep last night. We might've been exposed to a lesser dose."

Several veterans, familiar with the forbidden land, convened for a hasty discussion. Despite pooling their knowledge, they couldn’t identify the nocturnal assailant, having never faced such an event before.

Zhong Qing proposed, "We should vacate this area immediately. The creature's den is likely close by; it's too risky to stay."

The gruesome discovery deeply unsettled the group. There was unanimous agreement to move on without delay.

As dawn broke, their journey continued.

Wang Xuan felt an increasing affinity with this new world, particularly for those well-versed in ancient arts. His inherent energy seemed to be amplifying. He mused that with enough time in this place, even without consuming special substances, he could naturally evolve to Grandmaster status.

Amid the lurking dangers, the forbidden land's beauty was undeniable. The forests and mountain ranges were adorned with luminescent streaks of light. Unique energy particles floated in the air, shimmering like mist and smoke, creating a dazzling display when illuminated by the sun.   …… By mid-afternoon, the team reached a vast riverbank. Their initial plan to cross was halted when they observed an unsettling sight on the opposite bank: the radiant glow of what first appeared to be a sunset was, in fact, a massive swarm of blood ants, each as large as a chicken egg, moving in a dense, rippling mass. The sight unnerved those with a phobia of large groups.

"We should tread carefully," a seasoned adventurer warned. "Such large-scale migrations of blood ants often indicate disturbances ahead."

Their journey into this hidden realm had been anything but ordinary—encounters with aggressive poison bees, the migrating blood ants, and unexplained nocturnal ambushes. Following the river's path, they settled in a unique location by nightfall: a dense forest awash in deep purple hues. From leaves to trunks, the entire forest radiated this color and gave off a peculiar scent. The trees bore fist-sized, dark purple fruits that seemed tempting. However, on peeling them, they released a sharp, acrid juice with an overpowering odor.

An elder member of the group counseled, "Despite its off-putting scent, we must apply this juice to our bodies. It's not just repugnant to us, but to the wild creatures too. It'll keep them at bay."

Although the aroma was pungent, Wang Xuan, along with others, grudgingly smeared it on. Wu Yin seemed especially distressed while applying, and Zhong Qing, doused head to toe by her brother, responded with a swift retaliation. Even the resolute Zhao hesitated but eventually applied the juice, opting to don a gas mask afterward. Seeing the potential advantage, the entire group followed suit, bracing for another unpredictable night.

"Qinghan, join us here," Zheng Rui murmured, gesturing to two formidable individuals at his side. He invited Zhao Qinghan and the New Arts Master, Yang Lin, to rest nearby. Zhao Qinghan beckoned Wang Xuan to stay close, fearing the unforeseen dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Zheng Rui displayed a hint of dissatisfaction. He had feelings for Zhao Qinghan and felt no obligation to be as accommodating to Wang Xuan.

Zhao Qinghan calmly responded, “Everyone else came here willingly for the hefty reward. Wang Xuan is here because I invited him. I have to ensure his safety.”

“Fine,” Zheng Rui replied, casting a glance at Wang Xuan with the unspoken implication that he saw him as a burden.

Uninterested in the drama, Wang Xuan simply lay down beside Zhao Qinghan and soon drifted into sleep. However, in the dead of night, Wang Xuan was jolted awake. Expanding his spiritual senses, he searched intently for the source of unease. To his astonishment, the threat emanated from the sky above.

Hovering about a hundred meters above were shadowy figures, grotesquely humanoid in appearance. Their prominent fangs, chilling gaze, and monstrous demeanor set them apart. With human faces, animalistic bodies, and leathery wings, these beings silently approached, their intent evident in their menacing countenance. Eventually, these creatures clung to the tree branches, exuding a green mist below. It was evident that this was a type of toxin meant to render humans unconscious.

Acting swiftly, Wang Xuan flicked stone after stone, hitting several people's faces as a silent warning. Many, as it turned out, were already on high alert, anticipating another encounter with these carnivorous creatures. The group's emotions teetered between fear and anger. These monsters had evidently followed them, viewing them as delectable prey. Even the repellent fruit juice hadn't deterred them. As the moonlight revealed the creatures more clearly, their horrifying features became evident: largely human faces with protruding fangs, sunken eyes, bat-like wings, feline bodies covered in black fur that allowed them to blend seamlessly into the darkness, and razor-sharp claws.


As these silent predators descended, intending to snatch some of their group, the adventurers unleashed a barrage of strikes with their long blades. Splashes of crimson marked the night as several of these monsters were felled, their forms collapsing onto the forest floor.

The creatures' tactic of using the cover of darkness and toxins suggested they didn't have a clear advantage over the group. When their true nature was revealed, the group's fear lessened. They weren't confronting actual demons, so what was there to fear? A burning resolve to retaliate ignited among them.

Wang Xuan brandished his sword with deadly efficiency, cutting down four creatures in quick succession.

“Leader-level monsters are among them!” a voice shouted, moments before its owner was savagely torn apart.

Two formidable beasts, presumably a male and female, displayed unmatched brutality. Once their positions were disclosed, they launched a fierce onslaught.

“Circle them and strike!” commanded Zhao Qinghan, signaling the Master of the New Arts, Yang Lin, to lend his expertise. Other seasoned fighters were already clashing with these dominant foes.

Several from their ranks charged, aiming to subdue the monstrous duo. In the heat of the battle, Wang Xuan was relentless. The ground around him became a pool of crimson as he slew creature after creature. Yet amidst this chaos, he went unnoticed. Everyone was deeply engrossed in their personal duels, fending off their airborne adversaries. One of the pack leaders, seeing Wang Xuan's onslaught, made a swooping dive towards him. Evading Wang Xuan's strike at the last moment, it abruptly redirected its attention towards Zhao Qinghan, swiftly capturing her.

Fortuitously, Zhao was clad in elite protective armor, which shielded her from immediate harm.

Nearby, Zheng Rui's face was drained of color. Although he yearned to save Zhao Qinghan from the menacing beast, paralyzing fear held him back, prompting a hasty retreat.

The creature, unable to subdue Zhao instantly, spread its vast wings and ascended, silhouetted against the moon, its ascent so forceful that it splintered the surrounding treetops.

Under the shimmering moonlight, Zhao Qinghan's flowing hair framed a pallid face marked by vulnerability. She cast a despairing glance downward, her lips moving without uttering a scream, only a faint sigh escaping. Her poignant and ethereal beauty, as she was taken, left an indelible mark on all who watched.

Zheng Rui, overwhelmed with guilt, averted his gaze. The rest clutched their alloy blades, weighed down by a crushing sense of powerlessness.

Out of the blue, a silhouette darted upwards. Wang Xuan, who had been determinedly trying to bridge the distance, adeptly scaled a towering tree. Launching himself with remarkable agility, he managed to grasp onto Zhao Qinghan's ankle.

From the ground, a collective gasp rose. The audacity displayed at this crucial moment caught everyone off guard. Recognizing Wang Xuan, their previous perceptions of him shattered. In that selfless act of bravery, he had earned the respect and admiration of all.

The color drained from Zheng Rui's face, a mix of remorse and sorrow. He held little hope for Zhao Qinghan's return; history was a cruel reminder that none ever survived these monsters in the forbidden realm.

The creature, with its haunting speed, ascended into the night. Its eerie silhouette against the moon gave it a chilling, almost demonic aura. With its captives in tow, it vanished into the horizon.

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