The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 127: Reminiscent Of That Kick

Chapter 127: Reminiscent Of That Kick

Emerging from the wormhole, they were greeted by the vast expense of space with its shimmering brilliance, casting an enveloping silence around them. This vastness often invoked feelings of insignificance in observers, reminding them of their triviality in the face of the cosmos, where even planets seemed like mere specks of dust.

At this moment, the location of the new planet eluded them. Their warship's advanced scanning capabilities could not pinpoint the familiar star cluster they once called home. It boggled their minds just how many light-years they might have traversed, how far they had ventured from familiar terrains.

Wang Xuan found himself questioning whether they might have crossed over into an entirely different universe. And he wasn't alone in this speculation. Several members of the expedition wondered whether they had entered a new stellar region or, perhaps, a parallel universe. Only the top organizations with warp technology might have the answers.

Glancing over at Zhao Qinghan, Wang Xuan saw her engrossed in a set of documents, her expression somber. He decided against broaching the topic with her. Their primary concern now was the exploration of the Hidden Land. Distracting thoughts could be shelved for another time.

In the midst of this contemplative silence, a young man approached Zhao Qinghan, offering her a cup filled with a fragrant natural beverage. "Take a break," he whispered gently. This was Zheng Rui, an influential member of the team, hailing from the Zheng family, renowned for their "Origins Life Institute". He and Zhao Qinghan shared a professional bond. Of the thirty-six team members set to explore the Hidden Land, twelve were under Zheng Rui's lead.

"Thank you," Zhao Qinghan responded, setting aside her documents to accept the drink.

An air of solemnity pervaded the warship. Over the coming days, they would tread the thin line between life and death. Some among them, they knew, might not return from the uncharted world they were about to explore.

The warship's warp engines roared to life, thrusting the vessel forward through the vastness of space. They weren't close to the Hidden Land right after emerging from the wormhole; a decision likely rooted in safety concerns. Their anticipated journey to the star system that housed the Hidden Land was roughly four hours.

During the voyage, Zhao Qinghan began introducing some pivotal members of their team. "Meet Grandmaster Yang Lin," she said, pointing towards a distinguished figure. He was a celebrated master in the realm of New Arts. In the Hidden Land, the so-called God Factor or super-matter would be vulnerable to the corrupting influence of X-matter. Despite this limitation, Yang Lin, with his intense physical training and prowess, stood head and shoulders above the rest.

It was a common belief that masters of the Old Arts were best suited for combat within the Hidden Land. But such masters were rare nowadays, given the significant decline of their arts over time.

Standing next to Zheng Rui was a middle-aged man, a genetically enhanced super-being. His power was palpable, and he, too, held the title of a grandmaster.

"And here's Wang Xuan," Zhao Qinghan continued.

"Ah, your classmate, right?" Zheng Rui remarked with a playful smirk.

She nodded, leading the introductions onward. Many cast curious glances at Wang Xuan, wondering if he was merely there due to connections. But they brushed the thought away, knowing the deadly nature of the Hidden Land wouldn't spare the ill-prepared.

The warship traveled at an impressive pace. Soon they were entering the star system of the Hidden Land, drawing closer to its planetary belt.

"Do you see it? That's the Hidden Land!" Zhao Qinghan pointed out, directing their gaze to a life-bearing planet detected by the warship's scanners.

Wang Xuan stepped forward, peering intently. The planet appeared lush and green, but a hazy mist obscured a clear view. The abundant X-matter within the Hidden Land made it impossible to get a crisp visual.

The warship started decelerating, aligning its course with a brownish planet nearby. It wasn't the Hidden Land but bore a relation to it, much like Mars does to Earth in our solar system.

The Hidden Land was perilous for starships, making prolonged stays in its vicinity impossible. As a result, the neighboring planet, known as the "Brown Star," became the prime base for explorers. All expeditionary forces, their battleships, and other vessels anchored here. Only when ferrying exploratory teams did they dash to and fro the life-bearing planet of the Hidden Land.

The facilities on Brown Star were commendable. While they couldn't rival the advanced bases on New Moon, they were more than equipped to provide brief recuperation for the injured and refuel starships.

Littering the Brown Star's shipyard were magnificent battleships. These were the vessels of veteran explorers, who had already embarked on their journey into the Hidden Land.

Zhao Qinghan's ship touched down, planning to stay for a day. The strategy was to let the seasoned pioneers forge ahead first. They also intended to rendezvous here with the Wu and Zhong families.

The resting quarters of the Brown Star base resembled a small, fortified town. A sturdy protective layer shielded its tranquil interiors, while outside, sandstorms raged, blotting out the skies.

Upon their entry into the base, Zhao Qinghan, Wang Xuan, Zheng Rui, and Yang Lin drew the curious gazes of several onlookers. Their presence certainly didn't go unnoticed.

"Qinghan!" A familiar voice greeted with a broad smile.

"Zheng Rui!"

A group of young men and women approached, clearly acquaintances of Zhao Qinghan and Zheng Rui. They hailed from other powerful families, representing the brave and ambitious young generation.

With audacity to match their lofty ambitions, they hoped to follow in the footsteps of the veteran explorers into the Hidden Land. Their goal? To find and harvest rare treasures that might change their fates.

The group engaged in lively conversation. Despite any underlying intentions or rivalries, everyone wore a friendly smile and spoke of supporting one another within the Realm. However, many knew that such promises were just pleasantries. In the face of true danger inside the Hidden Land, one might only have the chance to fend for themselves.

To prevent conflicts over discoveries, each party had planned different routes within the Hidden Land, ensuring a safe distance between them. No one dared to risk their lives for another; to do so was akin to burning one's own lifeline.

Wang Xuan's gaze was drawn to a holographic advertisement nearby. His eyes widened at the exchange offers displayed by major organizations.

"300 grams of Earth's Marrow can be exchanged for 50 million Novadollars."

"100 grams of Solar Gold can be traded for 500 million Novadollars."

The allure of such rewards emphasized the gravity and potential of their upcoming expedition.

  …… Wang Xuan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Solar Gold? What is that?" The sheer value of this substance was staggering, marking it as a titan among rare treasures.

A middle-aged man with a weathered face and only one arm chuckled at Wang Xuan's astonishment. "Drawn to that list, aren't you? The first time I laid eyes on it, my heart raced with excitement. But after coming back from the Hidden Land, that enthusiasm cooled rapidly. Some of those treasures... you might pay with your life and still not obtain them."

He spoke candidly of his previous journey into the Hidden Land, a trip that had left him scarred but alive. Now, he worked in this base as part of the support staff.

Curiosity piqued, Wang Xuan asked, "What exactly is Solar Gold?"

"It's a rare metal from the Hidden Land," the man began, his voice tinged with reverence. "Legend has it that the weapons of ancient celestial beings contained traces of Solar Gold. Nowadays, major research institutions are studying how best to harness its extraordinary properties."

Wang Xuan nodded in understanding. The allure of the Hidden Land lay in its myriad mysteries, but most were so elusive that they could only be admired from afar. Some of the rarest treasures were even rumored to be guarded by transcendent creatures. Who, at their current level, could confront such monstrosities? The frequent stories of entire expedition teams vanishing without a trace spoke to the ruthless nature of the Realm. Showboating within its confines was tantamount to signing one's own death warrant.

His gaze swept over the dazzling array of treasures on offer. Many were items of legend, yet they'd all reportedly been found within the Hidden Land. The place was a staggering blend of wonder and terror.

Then, a specific listing caught his eye: the Celestial Herb. It could be exchanged for a whopping 60 billion Novadollars. And that was just the base price; negotiations were welcomed for higher offers.

Wang Xuan stared at the listings intently. After a moment's reflection, he felt the quoted price for the Celestial Herb was surprisingly low. After all, this herb was believed to extend one's life by centuries or even propel one to transcendence. The valuation seemed understated.

Indeed, as he scanned further, several powerful families had outbid the base price with astonishing offers. For instance, the Song family not only offered a lavish villa in a prime location and commercial storefronts, but they also added a rare script from the Taoist tradition, a secretive text penned by the legendary immortal Lu Dongbin that provided insights into the alchemical path.

The Qin family's offer was equally staggering: billions of Novadollars as a foundation, paired with an unparalleled Buddhist scripture, the True Sutra of Sakyamuni.

However, it was the Zhou family's offer that truly caught his attention: the inclusion of ancient golden bamboo scripts from the pre-Qin dynasty!

Who wouldn't be tempted by such treasures? At the present stage, a single Celestial Herb could be traded for legendary tomes and scriptures. Yet, the cruel irony was clear to Wang Xuan. Most who possessed the Celestial Herb likely wouldn't dare to trade it. Once procured, it had to be consumed immediately, for keeping it would almost certainly lead to one's demise. Anyone caught with such a precious item would likely be targeted and assassinated. Even the most distinguished elders from the wealthiest families might turn on each other, all for a taste of its fabled power.

Moreover, should someone consume the herb, they'd have to hide the truth. Certain research institutions, in their unbridled ambition, might go to extreme lengths, including extracting the medicinal properties directly from a living person.

Such was the madness fueled by the chase for immortality. It was the reason such astronomical prices were being offered.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened further as he continued to peruse the list. Beyond the Celestial Herb lay mentions of even more elusive treasures - the Eternity Stone, Destiny Elixir, and the Feathering Tree. However, these were mere speculations, elusive hints of their existence, as parts of the Hidden Land were too treacherous to explore. In comparison, the current area they were in seemed to be just the outskirts.

Having exchanged greetings with old acquaintances, Zhao Qinghan and Zheng Rui regrouped. Together, they led the team to their reserved accommodations, planning to rest and recuperate for the day.

Hours later, members of both the Wu and Zhou families arrived, joining Zhao Qinghan and Zheng Rui. The three groups, now assembled, began to acquaint themselves with each other's members.

Beside Wu Yin, stood a young man in his late twenties. Sporting a short haircut, his tall frame stood out at an imposing 185 cm. What was most striking were his piercing eyes, sharp and intense.

"Zhou Yun!" Wang Xuan recognized him immediately. Their paths had crossed more than once, and more often than not, those encounters ended with Wang Xuan besting Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was the close cousin of Ling Wei. Their first confrontation saw Zhou Yun unveiling a novel technique, challenging Wang Xuan. Alas, he was soundly defeated. Their next encounter took place beneath Qingcheng Mountain. The Zhou, Wu, and Ling families were jointly excavating an underground palace when Wang Xuan and Qing Mu got the jump on them. During that meeting, Wang Xuan, disguised by a lifelike mask that made him appear of mixed descent, once again defeated Zhou Yun. The defeat was so severe that Zhou Yun sustained injuries, including a fractured arm and was left unconscious. From that day on, he harbored a deep animosity towards the 'man of mixed descent.'

However, Wang Xuan's recollection of Zhou Yun was more favorable. After all, he had once retrieved the five golden pages from the legendary Zhang Daoling's book right from Zhou Yun's grasp. So, when their eyes met, Wang Xuan greeted him with a friendly smile.

Surprisingly, Zhou Yun, who had a mild case of face blindness, couldn't recognize Wang Xuan immediately amidst the crowd, thus momentarily overlooking him.

However, Wu Yin's keen eyes caught Wang Xuan's friendly gesture. In response, she coldly turned her back on him, her raven-black hair flowing gracefully, presenting her elegant silhouette as a barrier.

"Old Wang!" A surprised exclamation echoed.

Upon seeing Wang Xuan's silhouette, Zhong Cheng hastened toward him. His shout drew the curious glances of many.

Wang Xuan turned, his expression stern. Zhong Cheng usually showed great respect to Grandmaster Wang. Now, to his surprise, he'd inadvertently revealed the more informal nickname he used in private.

Seeing Wang Xuan's face, Zhong Cheng looked somewhat disappointed. "You're not Old Wang."

Wu Yin looked puzzled. She glanced at Wang Xuan again, focusing intently on his profile. In fact, she'd encountered Wang Xuan by Yun Lake in An City just a day before leaving the old land and had felt something unusual then.

"My name is Wang Xuan," he clarified.

"Oh, so you're Little Wang. I know one of your relatives, people call him Old Wang. He's incredibly powerful, overshadowing even the elders. He's someone you should aspire to surpass in your lifetime," Zhong Cheng said, his youthful face oddly mature. He patted Wang Xuan on the shoulder before walking away.

Wang Xuan's face remained impassive, but he silently resolved to give Zhong Cheng a piece of his mind the next time they met, for repeatedly referring to the revered Elder Wang as 'Old Wang'.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yun, with his mild face-blindness, was deep in conversation with Zhao Qinghan and Zheng Rui, still oblivious to Wang Xuan's presence.


The following morning, they set out, steering their course towards the enigmatic territory.

All three factions shared a moderately-sized aircraft. Considering the mysterious land's uncanny ability to corrode flying vessels, their decision to use a smaller ship was both pragmatic and cost-effective.

Their destination appeared quicker than anticipated: a forest clearing, previously carved out for landings such as theirs. As Wang Xuan's feet touched the ground, an overwhelming surge of vibrant energy enveloped him. The atmosphere was so charged and invigorating that he had to restrain himself from letting out a triumphant shout.

Each breath he took seemed to rejuvenate his spirit, as though the land and he were intrinsically connected. The sheer affinity he felt for this place caught him off guard.

However, before he could further immerse himself in the surroundings, an unsettling sensation pricked at his heightened senses. Something stirred beneath them. An impending threat loomed.

"Everyone, rest assured. This area is generally safe," an elderly explorer announced, his voice echoing his numerous visits to this land.

"Move!" Wang Xuan's voice cut through the calm, as he instinctively sprang into action.

Wielding his alloy blade, he darted forward, unintentionally pushing Zhong Cheng out of his path. Recognizing the urgency, he swiftly extended his leg, nudging Wu Yin into the air, saving her from the unidentified peril.

Confusion reigned. Zhong Cheng let out a pained grunt, his face contorted from the unexpected shove.

Suspended in the air, Wu Yin's gaze met Wang Xuan's, her eyes a fiery mix of bewilderment and anger.

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