The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 326: in between the legs

Chapter 326: in between the legs

Despite the fearsome self-created technique that was just revealed by this old terrorist Commander and was used against the wall, it was not enough to deter Clark from his mission to protect it.

Diving down the wall, he fell freely like an eagle gliding down with the flow of the wind with his spear held firmly in his hand. His speed quickly accelerated to unimaginable heights.


The sound was like clapping thunders as his spear stabbed down, but it got blocked by the old mans shield. Faint ripples spread through the shield as the descent kinetic force carried down by him ravaged its surface.

But oops, the old mans weapons were more op than expected. Just like his, the old terrorist Commander was geared fully in custom-made weapons. They absolved all the kinetic energy like it was mere beans.

The old mans face showed no visible strain from the impact as he shrugged all the resultant force away like they were non-existent.

Still in mid-air, after his shield absolved all the kinetic energy, he threw his sword slightly before grabbing Clarks head with his temporarily free hand at a shocking speed.

Clark tried to wriggle free immediately, but to his shock, the old mans hands did not leave him. With one firm movement from the old man, he felt air friction push hard at his body as he was momentously thrown down the next moment.


The ground below cracked with a loud bang sound as he was slammed face-first to the ground. Electricity moved through his body like slithering snakes as the resultant force of the friction wreaked his armor.

He felt weakness invade his bones immediately but he did not dare to let himself slack, his danger senses were already ringing.

Blue energy gushed out of his multi-purpose boots as he kicked hard on the floor before sliding to the side. As soon as he left there, a sharp sword stabbed at his previous position, shattering the ground to pieces.

Finally having a little time to catch his breath, he quickly turned and gave a deeper look at this old man. From this one clash, he already felt goosebumps about the identity of this old man.

In just one move, he was countered and slammed to the ground like a dog without a keeper. It was pathetic, but it made him apprehensive as he knew the power that he packed behind his descent a few seconds ago.

Which old monster was this?

He had a lot of doubts but he could not think of them now, he was already deep behind enemy lines and it was not good.

Before the nearby terrorists could swarm at him, he activated dozens of protective devices.

He activated the anti-gravity function of his multi-purpose boots which let him hover in the air, before turning his attention back to the old terrorist Commander whose attention was already drawn in his direction.

No matter how powerful he was as an individual, he could not fight with a brigade of terrorists or an even larger unit. He needed help against such an overwhelming horde of opponents.

As soon as their leader jumped down the wall, the Vatican soldiers improvised immediately according to the plan that the higher-ups of the city laid down to them.

Seeing him being slammed to the ground by the old terrorist, they freaked out immediately, prompting them to act faster.

In just a few seconds, the small ports in the wall where the ranged soldiers shot through suddenly widened to form tunnels that humans could pass through. The melee soldiers reacted immediately.

Just like a family, all the soldiers ran out immediately to reinforce their leader. They slammed at the stunned terrorists with oppressive force and grandeur.

As the Vatican soldiers already came out, the 30% of terrorists that were remaining finally got set to engage in a real, not one-sided battle. As both sides clashed, the Commander and Clark looked into each others eyes.

Youre the Captain Clark? An aged voice sounded from the other end.

Yes, Im your uncle. Clark decided to irritate him.

He was surprised that one blow from this old man made the wall crack, he was not even sure if he could make a dent on the wall with his first self-created technique being executed.

This showed the old mans power. The wall served as a reliable protective totem to the city for decades because, in the country-wide wars, Vatican City is one of the least cities that the Mocans focus their attack on.

Because of this, only the small fry normally attacked the city. The wall was clearly not built with the mind to withstand attacks from soldiers like this old man, it was made to be super effective against a horde of soldiers or beasts.

Despite what Clark said, there was no change in the mans features, he behaved just like he was not the one spoken to. You killed 2 of my comrades. Ive heard of you long ago, its nice finally getting to meet you.

Its an honor, old man

Clark didnt even get to finish his sentence before he felt something sharp coming at his face. His danger bells ringed immediately, prompting him to dodge to the side but a deep sword gorge was still left in his face armor.

Before he could react, his left cheeks shook inside his armor as he felt something hard slamming at the side of his cheeks.

Though his armor blocked the damage, his face paled as he felt that he just lost a few teeth to that blow. He could not even see the old man again, he seemed to have disappeared.

He tried retreating backward but a spiked leg kicked him from the back, throwing him down like a rag doll.

A ton of damage was dealt to his armor from these few blows.

Falling down this time, he finally reacted appropriately and rolled on the floor. Before standing, he already released his spear as the sharp weapon cut widely in a semi-circle arc around him.

His left leg was not standing, while his right was on his knees as he quickly looked up to see the effect of his movements.

He saw a shadow retreat slightly; this was when he finally saw the old terrorist Commander again. His armor covered his face, but Clark felt like the old man just smirked at him.

He chuckled to himself. You really want to start that old man?

Seeing the old man keep quiet, he said nothing but his actions spoke for themselves. His presence became heavier all of a sudden as he started executing his battle art.

He bolted forward from his position the next moment, swinging his spear left and right as the old man also advanced at him.

Spear and shield clashed, making loud metallic noises. Clark bent down immediately after the clash; at some moment he already retrieved his sniper rifle on his hand as he placed it at a weird angle and let out a swift shot viciously.

In between the legs; tyrannical!

The high caliber bullet hit in between the legs of the old man, despite his armor absolving the damage Clark grinned on seeing that place turn from blue to red hot for a moment.

He trusted his bullet, the kinetic force put in enough shock damage there.

The old man stiffened for a moment after the gunshot but he struck down the next moment. Clarks armor took damage but he grinned, the old monster was finally angered.

Good! Lets start all over!

As they both fought, Vatican soldiers were already clashing with the 30% of terrorists that were left behind.

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