The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 327: siege battle

Chapter 327: siege battle

After holding the defense of the wall for about 15 minutes as their leader fought a bitter battle with the opponents old Commander, the Vatican soldiers finally made a change in their formation.

Corporal Damn of the Dragon military division was the one leading and coordinating the army on Clarks behalf. As soon as his calculations clicked, he made adjustments without hesitation.

S.F.C Daniel, take your Autumn Leaves Battalion and go to form a blockade at the far-left end of the wall.

Staff Sergeant Tom, take the New-era Vatican Battalion. I need you to form a similar blockade at the far-right end of the wall. Form a defensive perimeter, youll meet the terrorists in 5 minutes max.

Yes, sir. Both soldiers saluted simultaneously before moving out with their soldiers the next moment.

They were already tired of remaining idle while their leader and their comrades fought. Since the battle started, all the Battalions were left to rest, only soldiers of smaller military units went through the wall to help the leader.

As a unit, they all boarded their military vehicles. Accompanied by their logistics and heavy weaponry vehicles, both Battalions moved away in opposite directions following the orders of the Corporal.

As soon as both Battalions left, Corporal Damn turned to face the stern-faced lady that was beside him.

As companions of a long time, he wanted to strike a joke at her on seeing the look on her face but he held himself back. This was official business.

Sergeant Maria.

Yes, sir!

For the central defense of the city, you will lead your Black Dragon Battalion to hold it. You will be our pivot that will support all sides, stay firm and coordinate our retreat when the time comes.

Yes, sir. The lady had a solemn expression on her face.

After receiving her orders, she saluted before leaving to give her soldiers one last prep talk.

She made sure they were ready for the battle, that their machines and weapons were serviced, and nothing developed botches, after this did she finally let her heart rest at ease.

She already made every preparation, now she only felt anticipation for the battle.


A loud sound suddenly reverberated from both the right and the left like that of a metal slab being slapped at a beef slab, the soldiers standing behind the wall felt their blood burn hot from this sound.

The battle was finally brought into their domain.

On the right side of the wall, Staff Sergeant Tom felt his blood burn hot as the terrorists finally arrived. His hand holding his metallic staff vibrated in excitement, he could feel his hormones running rampant inside his body.

For Vatican City! He roared.

For Vatican City!! All his soldiers roared after him.

They all followed him as they hauled themselves at the terrorists like they had no care for their lives, but this was misleading. As soon as they got close, exotic armors flickered to life on every single one of their bodies.

For this battle, Clark and Vatican City burned money like water just to better equip the citys soldiers.

When both sides clashed, that was why the sound was described as a metal slab and a meat slab slapping against each other.

After the first soldier struck the first terrorist and vice versa, the difference brought about by splurging money became apparent.

Yes, damage was done to the exotic armor and some shock was transferred inside but that was all. Whereas in the case of the terrorist, their petty armor was cut through like a hot knife cutting throw butter.

The slapping sound was accompanied by blood flowing, but more terrorists quickly filled the gap to support their comrade. More and more, and even more quickly followed, rushing forward in an animal horde-like pattern.

The Battalion did not use the tooth for tooth strategy, despite their current hot-bloodedness they still vividly remembered the order given by Corporal Damn.

Despite feeling that it was a pity, Staff Sergeant Tom still gave the order before the situation could escalate further. Form a defensive perimeter, immediately!

They already practiced it for weeks, so they were super familiar with it. As soon as the order was given, they all retreated at the same time while releasing small pressure-filled bombs.

Some terrorists reacted and cut the bombs apart in mid-air, but it still brought the same effect. The air quickly shifted like a god hand was moving through the air, before pushing tyrannically at the terrorists.

Despite their overwhelming numbers, they were pushed back by the combined force of the bombs.

As the terrorists fell back, the soldiers activated exotic shields immediately. This was the strategy, form a bulwark defense with a combination shield, and slowly wither the life out of the terrorists.

Before the terrorists could react and rush back, the blue glow of the combination shields almost finished its convergence already.

Then, a different terrorist showed up.

She looked just like your everyday lady, but the way she acted and the special terrorist uniform on her said otherwise. Before Tom could react, the lady already jumped up.

Her boots shot out blue energy as she accelerated rapidly to the still-forming shield. She stabbed down with her 2 knives. Knives seemed weak if looked at superficially, but this strange womans knives bore a deep hole into the shield.

The shield visibly compressed, then it shattered to pieces the next moment.

Before the soldiers could respond, the seemingly petite lady landed in their midst. With 2 easy movements, 2 soldiers lost their heads. With a step forward, 5 others lost limbs and legs.

She moved like a phantom, she seemed invisible and untouchable.

Compact! Tom yelled on seeing this.

He already recognized this petite lady as another terrorist Commander. No matter how much Clark planned and prepared, there will always be variables to shake things up like this.

They were prepared for this though, so they didnt freak out completely.

Taking advantage of this opening brought by their Commander, the terrorists rushed at the soldiers and started penetrating through them.

The soldiers quickly started compacting their formation. As they did this, their heavy weapons at the back started unleashing their load. The terrorists were not to be left out, they also unleashed theirs.

The soldiers could not form a perfect defensive perimeter like intended, but they held their ground. The scenario quickly turned to soldiers ducking it out personally, and explosions rocking them from their support shooters behind.

In such a scenario, the soldiers survived more due to the protection from their exotic armors but the terrorists didnt seem to give a damn.

At the left side of the wall, something like this happened also but it was milder as no freakish terrorist Commander was there.

In a few minutes, some terrorists penetrated the ranks of the soldiers and started running rampant deep into the city, destroying everything in sight.

This did not bother the soldiers though, all the civilians were already evacuated and kept in safe locations.

Today, they were battling to their hearts content.

[Thanks for reading.]

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