The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 325: an old man that can smash walls apart

Chapter 325: an old man that can smash walls apart

Last status report! A deep voice suddenly sounded into the communication devices of the soldiers.

The Eagle Eye Battalion is all set for battle; theres no abnormality here.

The Thousand Crane Battalion is set for battle!

The New-era Vatican Battalion is on standby.

The Black Dragon Battalion is on standby.

The Autumn Leaves Battalion is on standby.

Good! Were all set for battle. Remember the basics, and dont forget to remain focused throughout. Good luck, and may God help us.

God help us!

As soon as this last pre-battle status report was done, the incoming terrorists finally came within attacking distance. Seeing them from afar, they were more like a pack of locusts than humans.


Maybe to intimidate their opponents or to just show off, but as soon as the terrorists came within optimum attacking distance, they loudly revved the engines of their vehicles before picking up speed.

Some of the terrorists jumped down on the way as they took hold of their weapons and started running in a zig-zag manner towards the direction of the exposed city.

As soon as the first terrorist tank released the first exotic cannon, the city reacted. All the buildings at an area of half a kilometer close to the border of the town suddenly retracted themselves into the ground.

It seemed like a transformer vehicle was reconfiguring itself under the earth. As soon as the houses got swallowed up, the ground stirred like hot beans on the fire before something black started jutting out of the ground.

It was thick and heavy.

A pure black metallic wall started emerging out of the ground at an unimaginable speed, before the cannon could reach the town it already stabilized itself on the ground sturdily.

When it finally came out of the ground completely, it formed a defensive wall that looked just like the great wall of China but far more technologically developed.


The sound was like throwing a stone against a mountain. The cannon only made a negligible sound from the impact, after that it bounced back and rolled on the floor back in the direction of its sender.

Seeing this iconic wall rise before their very eyes, every Vatican soldier felt pride well up in their hearts. The Great Vatican wall! It was as iconic to Vaticans the same way the Megalodon is as iconic to South Spartans.

This wall is the most expensive technological gadget owned by the city.

Commissioned and created a few decades ago, this big boy only made an appearance in battles against the Mocan republic because of its huge maintenance and repair costs in the case of damage.

Clark and every other Vatican soldier grew up with the knowledge of this wall. The commissioners were reluctant to activate the mechanism to bring it out due to the cost, but Clark was able to convince them after putting in a herculean effort.

Seeing this iconic wall, both Vatican soldiers and the terrorists recognized it, prompting different reactions from both sides.

Seeing the shot cannon bounce off harmlessly, the soldiers of the Eagle Eye Battalion and the Thousand Crane Battalion roared like Lions who were already in their element before pulling at their triggers.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

The sound accompanying the bullets was like pitty-pattering rain as they flew smoothly with the wind at the advancing terrorists. Sounds of impact started immediately, the attack began in full.

Being on the receiving end of the Vatican soldiers assault and with no intention to cower in fear, the terrorists retaliated like rabid dogs. Their military vehicles unleashed hell at the wall.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of the offensive was like exploding dominos but the great wall still stood sturdily like the boss that it was, its foundations shook not but only rooted themselves to the ground more.

From the way of things, after the battle started, the first phase of the battle would be between the ranged soldiers of the city and the terrorists.

In just a few minutes despite suffering from the harassment of the soldiers, the terrorists finally got to the great wall. Melee soldiers revealed all their trump cards as they hauled attacks at the wall.

Kids. The wall taunted them.

It didnt even vibrate to give some respect to their attacks. It remained standing tall to expose its huge masculine wally frame.

It was not even 5 minutes since the battle started, but the terrorists higher-ups gave a new order to their subordinates. 70% of you should leave the wall and go inside from the sides, the remaining 30%, keep on attacking.

As soon as this order was given, the terrorists did not hesitate to even think about it as they obeyed without any complaint. 70% of them separated in tandem and started running along the sides.

The Great Vatican wall was sturdy and almost impervious to damage, but due to how expensive it was it could not be built to surround the whole city. It was built in a straight line, and it could only cover a straight part of the city at a time.

Despite the new decision made by the terrorists, the ranged soldiers behind the wall did not flinch as they kept on releasing bullet after bullet from their guns and sniper rifles.

They already started killing a sizeable number of terrorists without suffering a single casualty, this was a good omen to their cause. The only loss was ammunition, but they had a lot to spare for this battle.

As the number of deaths among the terrorists increased, a space suddenly opened up in the formation of the terrorists through which a burly-looking old man ran forward.

The old man was with a shield and a sword, revealing his identity as a soldier. From the treatment that he was receiving, the Vatican soldiers were alarmed and they directed a significant amount of the ranged soldiers to shoot at him.

They did shoot at him but it was all for naught, his armor was the real deal.

Ignoring all the damage that was coming from the gunshots, the mans pace slowly increased before quickly turning to a full-fledged sprint.

Standing on top of the wall and looking at this scene, Clark felt an uneasy feeling but he was indecisive. During his time contemplating, the old man accelerated again and appeared before the wall the next moment.

Time seemed to have stopped due to the outrageous speed that was just displayed as all eyes turned in that direction with curiosity glowing in them.

Everything seemed like it was playing in slow-mo. The old mans face tightened; his muscles contracted as his grip on his weapons became firmer. With one movement, he raised his shield and bashed it on the wall.


The sound cracked ears, making some soldiers and terrorists alike start bleeding. To everyones astonished gaze, the seemingly impervious wall revealed a crack in the place that the shield was embedded.

Slash! Slash! Bam!

The old man did not stop, his hands swung in a frenzy as he struck at the wall with both weapons that were on his hands.

Clark could no longer stay idle; he was shocked by what just happened but he had to act. With one free movement, he dived from the top of the wall straight down to where this old man was wreaking havoc.

Who was this exactly? He wanted to know.

The battle took another turn immediately from this maneuver.

[Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.]

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