The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 412

Chapter 412 - Professor Huang

After the young man behind him finished speaking, he silently packed his belongings and took a seat in the back row, concealing himself behind the table.

Su Ming pulled out his smartphone and logged into the school's forum. As an alumnus of the school, he used to frequent the forum, but had ceased to do so since graduating. To his surprise, upon accessing the forum, he noticed a pinned post at the top.

”Students, be alert. Avoid pornography, gambling, and drugs. Steer clear of Professor Huang!”

Professor Huang?

Su Ming paused, perplexed. He had never heard of Professor Huang before. Why did the students need to be so wary of him? With the multitude of colleges and departments within the university, students typically only recognized the faculty within their own majors.

It was unrealistic for them to know every professor. Even Principal Ye couldn't possibly know all the faculty members.

Su Ming began to read the post. Emblazoned on the cover were three large exclamation points: “Warning to all, steer clear of Professor Huang!” Accompanying the text was a photograph of Professor Huang.

Professor Huang was the elderly man in the classroom. Su Ming's interest was piqued.

What had Professor Huang done to instill such fear in the students? Su Ming discovered that the post wasn't made by a student, but by the school itself!

Su Qiu leaned in closer to Su Ming's phone, scrutinizing the screen's content. She quickly grasped the situation.

Professor Huang was a venerable professor who had been specially recruited by the school last year. He enjoyed considerable renown domestically, with students scattered across the globe. Previously, he had been a professor at a university in the capital city. Due to health issues, he had returned to his hometown of Eastsea to recuperate.

Last year, once his health had marginally improved, he decided to resume his research. Not wanting to work too far from home, he sought employment at Eastsea University.

Principal Ye believed that having such a distinguished professor on staff was beneficial for the school. For one, it would enable the university to apply for more financially demanding projects, thereby securing additional funding. Furthermore, Professor Huang's fame could potentially attract more applicants to Eastsea, increasing the pool of students from which the school could select, ultimately enhancing the caliber of its student body.

It was undoubtedly a positive development.

Subsequently, he gave his consent.

When Principal Ye was in the process of transferring Professor Huang's personal file to the university, he received a call from the staff at the university in Beijing. Their words were cryptic and loaded with significance.

They were subtly suggesting that he reconsider allowing Professor Huang to join his school.

Initially, Principal Ye assumed they were trying to retain Professor Huang and naturally, he was disinclined to agree.

After Professor Huang joined the university, Principal Ye recognized his profound knowledge and dedication to learning. Despite being in his eighties, Professor Huang was relentlessly pursuing his research, but he was afflicted with Alzheimer's disease.

In essence, the condition had led to a decline in Professor Huang's memory, impaired his communication skills, reduced his mobility, and weakened his judgment.

Truthfully, Alzheimer's is uncommon in the scientific community due to the mental rigor maintained by many senior professors. Yet, this esteemed professor was an exception.

As Professor Huang aged, he also became somewhat obstinate.

Principal Ye suggested that Professor Huang take a break and stay at home instead of working, but Professor Huang refused.

An expert in the field of chemical engineering, particularly in bomb-making, Professor Huang's experiments frequently went awry due to the effects of Alzheimer's, resulting in two laboratory explosions.

His classes were also marred by numerous accidental explosions.

Principal Ye came to realize that the university staff in Beijing were not upset about losing Professor Huang, but were earnestly advising him.

Thankfully, the explosives used in the experiments were of a very low quantity and not highly potent.

Su Ming quickly grasped why the students in the room looked so pale and frightened, and why the student who had just spoken had taken refuge at the back of the classroom.

That student had no other option but to seek cover.

Professor Huang was indeed a daunting figure.

At the moment Su Ming looked up, he saw Professor Huang, with shaky hands, retrieve two test tubes.

Professor Huang added some powder to one test tube and then a few drops of liquid to the other.

“Bombs play a significant role in our everyday lives,” Professor Huang continued, engrossed in his experiment.

Holding one test tube, he was about to combine its contents with the other when suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached the door.

Ye Guang entered, surveying the roomful of people with a look of contentment.

“You all arrived quite early,” he began, but his words were cut short when he caught sight of Professor Huang standing at the podium. “No! Professor Huang!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with alarm.

He tried to intervene, but as soon as he spoke, a loud explosion rang out.

The room filled with dust, obscuring everyone's vision. The students erupted into a fit of coughing.

However, Su Ming and Su Qiu were unaffected, shielded by the Fire Repellent Beads they carried.

Once the dust settled, they all saw Professor Huang clutching a test tube, his face a picture of confusion. His hair was caked with dust, and his face was blackened from the blast.

It dawned on Su Ming in that moment—Professor Huang's peculiar appearance wasn't intentional. His hairdo and the black around his eyes were the result of the explosion!

“Professor Huang, didn't I tell you to take a break?” Principal Ye burst in, his eyes bulging as he raised his voice.

“I'm not teaching today?” Professor Huang responded, clearly bewildered.

“Today's a holiday! The entire school is on break!” Principal Ye was nearly at his wit's end.

He was looking at his students, whom he had painstakingly nurtured. The thought of them being injured by Professor Huang's mishap was too much to bear—not only would their parents be up in arms, but their safety was his primary concern. They were the future of the nation, after all.

”Why are they here for class on a holiday?” Professor Huang asked, blinking in confusion.

Principal Ye had no answer to that. Indeed, why were the students there if the school was on break?

“They came for self-study, not for classes, right?” Principal Ye finally said, turning to address the students with a loud voice.

“Yes!” came the immediate response from the students below.

“Professor Huang, please, we're begging you, just leave,” the students silently pleaded.

Acknowledging their sentiment, Professor Huang nodded and apologized, “Sorry, students. I'll head to the lab now.”

“Professor Huang, don't go to the laboratory,” Principal Ye implored, panic rising in his voice.

The laboratory at Eastsea University was a national-level facility, and it had only recently been repaired after Professor Huang's last accident. Principal Ye couldn't bear the thought of it being destroyed once more.

Principal Ye deeply regretted hiring Professor Huang.

The explosions resulting from Professor Huang's experiments were varied and numerous.

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