The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 413

Chapter 413 - He Had Paid a Huge Price

Principal Ye urged, “Professor Huang, you really should head home and get some rest.”

But Professor Huang was resolute in his refusal, “No! I cannot rest. As a scientist, rest is not an option for me!”

He was unwavering in his determination, unwilling to leave under any circumstances.

At a loss for what to do next, Principal Ye wondered, “Does he intend to level Eastsea before he's satisfied?”

Then, an idea struck Principal Ye, and he quickly suggested, “Professor Huang, J City Polytechnic University has recently acquired a new set of equipment specifically for bomb research. Perhaps you could go there and check it out.”

“Is that so?” Professor Huang perked up at the news, “Excellent! I'll head over to J City Polytechnic University immediately!”

With his explosive hairstyle and experimental apparatus in tow, Professor Huang hurried off like a gust of wind.

Principal Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

J City Polytechnic University was where Professor Huang had previously worked.

Principal Ye thought to himself, “My apologies to my colleagues at J City Polytechnic University, but I'm leaving Professor Huang in your capable hands. He's your former colleague, so you're likely more adept at handling him than I am.”

Besides, Eastsea University was quite a distance from J City Polytechnic University. Professor Huang would need to fly to J City, a trip that would surely take him at least half a month round trip.

With Professor Huang gone, Principal Ye felt an immense sense of relief wash over him.

He approached the podium, smiling warmly at the students below, despite the dust-filled room and the charred tables.

But Principal Ye wasn't bothered; these were his students, after all.

Addressing the students, he announced, “Today, I have two matters to discuss with you. First, I will spend an hour introducing our next project topic, after which we'll select the project team members. Then, you'll have some free time. Secondly, I'd like to introduce a new student to you today.”

With that, Ye Guang turned toward the door and beckoned, “Please, come in.”

As he finished his sentence, a young man strode into the room from outside.

Tall and strikingly handsome, he carried an air of arrogance. With a frown, he dismissively waved away the dust floating before him, a look of displeasure on his face.

He complained, “Are domestic schools always this shabby? This classroom is filthy. It doesn't hold a candle to the classrooms in B Country—they're spotless and well-maintained. And why is it so hot in here? Classrooms in B Country are all air-conditioned.”

The students seated below all subtly furrowed their brows upon hearing his remarks.

Ye Guang, overhearing the comments, gave a slight cough, his expression darkening, though a sense of resignation was evident.

The young man was the son of Ye Guang's old friend, who also happened to be one of the school's benefactors.

His friend was a wealthy businessman in the provincial city, and Ye Guang couldn't risk offending him.

The son had been studying in B Country but was expelled for his lazy habits. Leveraging his connections, Ye Guang's friend managed to place his son at Eastsea University, entrusting Ye Guang to look after him.

Ye Guang had intended to introduce the young man to his students today, but instead, the newcomer had started off by flaunting his status.

He seemed quite pleased with himself, boasting about his international studies and exuding an air of superiority.

“This is Ma Haoran. He was just making a few jokes. From now on, he will be joining us in our research,” Ye Guang announced, then turned to Ma Haoran, “Please, go ahead and find a seat.”

“Sure,” Ma Haoran responded nonchalantly, his eyes arrogantly scanning over everyone.

Then, his gaze brightened upon spotting Su Qiu.

“Such a beautiful girl,” he thought to himself.

Ma Haoran straightened his attire and confidently approached, taking the seat beside Su Qiu.

“It's much cooler here,” he said, beaming. “Hello, my name is Ma Haoran. My family is quite wealthy. My father runs a multi-billion dollar business in the provincial city. May I have the pleasure of your friendship?”

He casually flaunted his wrist, adorned with a dazzling watch worth millions, and adjusted his clothes to showcase the designer label.

He was dressed in a limited edition Louis Vuitton outfit, an item of considerable value.

By now, much of the dust in the room had settled.

Ye Guang's brow creased slightly as he watched Ma Haoran making advances towards Su Qiu.

After all, he was the principal of the school.

While he was delivering a speech at the podium, Ma Haoran had the audacity to chat up someone else.

Ma Haoran had crossed the line.

Just as Ye Guang was about to speak, he took a closer look at Su Qiu and realized she was Su Ming's sister.

Could Su Ming be here too? Ye Guang glanced next to Su Qiu and there he was, Su Ming, looking completely unfazed.

Principal Ye was astounded.

Mr. Su was in attendance!

Was Ma Haoran really trying to flirt with his sister right in front of Mr. Su?

Ye Guang stepped forward, intending to descend from the podium, but then he caught Su Ming's gaze.

They exchanged looks, and Su Ming shook his head.

Ye Guang froze. Did Su Ming not want him to disclose his identity?

Ye Guang figured Ma Haoran was about to have a bad time.

Su Qiu, feigning naivety, said, “But I don't know you.”

Seeing that Su Qiu hadn't outright rejected him, Ma Haoran became visibly excited. “No worries, we'll get to know each other in time. Are you free tonight? How about we go out for dinner? Don't worry, you can pick any restaurant in Eastsea.”

Ma Haoran believed money could win over any girl.

Su Qiu glanced at Su Ming, looking somewhat troubled, “But I already have a boyfriend.”

Upon hearing this, Ma Haoran's brow furrowed as he turned to Su Ming.

“Kid, I'll give you 500,000! Stay away from her from now on, got it?”

Ma Haoran's tone was laced with a threat.

Principal Ye, overhearing this, couldn't help but feel puzzled. What were Su Ming and his sister up to?

Though Principal Ye couldn't quite figure out their plan, he was certain they intended to secretly deal with Ma Haoran.

Principal Ye couldn't help but rub his forehead, letting out a weary sigh. He silently apologized to Ma Haoran's father, as he might not be able to protect Ma Haoran after all.

Ma Haoran had managed to offend Su Ming, a man highly regarded by the influential families of the capital. He was not someone to be trifled with.

Upon hearing Ma Haoran's offer, Su Ming slammed his hand on the table and stood up. “You think 500,000 yuan is enough to buy me off? Do you take me for a beggar? Let me tell you, I've got money too. I'll give you 510,000 yuan to leave right now!”

Upon hearing the challenge, Ma Haoran slammed his hand on the table and stood up. “I'll give you 1 million! Now get out of here!”

“I'll give you 1.01 million yuan, and you'll vanish from my sight immediately!”

“I'll give you 2 million!”

“I'll give you 2.01 million yuan!”

The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes were fixed on Su Ming and Ma Haoran.

The two wealthy individuals were on the verge of coming to blows over a woman.

Yet, their curiosity was piqued about the identity of Su Ming.

Members of the research team recognized each other, but Su Ming was a stranger to them.

Principal Ye, standing at the podium, felt his anxiety intensify. He sensed that Ma Haoran was prepared to part with a hefty sum of money.

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