The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 - What Happened??

“Third Brother, why the rush? You're always the first to dig in when we eat.”

Just then, a group of young guys dashed past Su Ming, heading straight for the muscular fellow trailing him.

“Why are you tailing him?”

One of the young men approached, brow furrowed in confusion, and suggested, “Let's head for the shade of that tree. Although, it's surprisingly cool right here!”

Everyone within earshot was puzzled.

It would be one thing if only one person made such a comment, but with three echoing the same sentiment, it sparked confusion among the crowd.

Were they trying to play a prank on everyone?

Their skepticism was palpable.

On this scorcher of a day, with the sun blazing and ground temperatures hitting 30 degrees Celsius, it felt like it was over 40.

And yet they claimed it was cool behind this guy?

Was he some kind of son of the sun?

The onlookers were incredulous, and even the young men's roommates were skeptical.

Other guys chimed in, “What kind of nonsense are you spouting?”

They walked forward a few steps, only to stop dead in their tracks, astonished.

”It's incredibly cool here.”

“See? I told you I wasn't lying.”

The group was amazed, sticking close to Su Ming as if they were his personal bodyguards.

They were convinced that Su Ming was the reason for the unexpected chill.

The surrounding crowd, overhearing these claims, paused, their skepticism giving way to curiosity.

Some tentatively edged closer to Su Ming and to their amazement, it was indeed cooler. They exclaimed, “It really is cooler here!”

Hearing this, the rest of the crowd couldn't resist and surged towards Su Ming.

Su Ming watched the unfolding scene in astonishment.

He had overheard the initial remarks, but had kept quiet, knowing the coolness was thanks to the bead. A refreshing bubble of cool air enveloped the space within a meter or two of him.

A few people enjoying the relief was one thing, but now a throng was descending upon him.

As Su Ming caught the eager gazes of those around him, a chill ran down his spine.

He turned to address the crowd, only to jump in surprise as he found himself suddenly surrounded.

Su Ming asked urgently, “How much longer until we reach your classroom?”

“It's in Building One.”


Grabbing Su Qiu's hand, Su Ming sprinted off.

Su Qiu was momentarily frozen in confusion.

Why were they running?

Glancing back, she was astonished to see a crowd trailing them. She and Su Ming picked up the pace.

The followers, realizing Su Ming had bolted, hastened their pursuit.

Despite the sweltering heat, Su Ming and Su Qiu, having consumed the Body-stretching Pill, felt invigorated. Running was as effortless as drinking water, and the beads they wore shielded them from the heat.

The others weren't so fortunate. Many had neglected physical exercise since starting college, and their fitness had sharply declined, leaving them no match for Su Ming and Su Qiu's stamina.

A weary, overheated throng trailed Su Ming and Su Qiu, some doubled over, gasping for air.

When they looked up again, Su Ming and Su Qiu had vanished into Building One.

This incident gave rise to a new tale at Eastsea University about an air conditioner turning into a monster.

An author even penned a book titled “The Story Between Me and the Air Conditioner Monster.”

Relieved to have lost the crowd, Su Ming took a deep breath.

Years had passed since his graduation, but Building One seemed unchanged.

He entered Su Qiu's classroom and found it sparsely populated, with only a few dozen students.

Ye Guang, the principal, led several research teams.

Though the teams operated independently and were strangers to one another, they sometimes convened for lectures, sharing a common interest in economics.

The students appeared lethargic, fanning themselves incessantly, sweat beading on their foreheads.

The electric fans offered a meager respite from the heat that still pervaded the classroom.

Su Qiu selected a row of seats and settled in, with Su Ming taking the seat beside her.

As soon as they took their seats, those seated in front and behind them could immediately feel a drop in temperature.

It was refreshingly cool.

The others were somewhat bewildered.

A flurry of footsteps approached the classroom door, snapping everyone inside to attention.

Checking the time, they realized class would start in just over ten minutes.

Chances were, Principal Ye was on his way.

While everyone was eagerly anticipating, a figure entered through the classroom door.

The man appeared to be in his seventies, sporting glasses and a white lab coat, his walk marked by a slight shake.

In his right hand, he carried a basket filled with various bottles and jars, and in his left, a book.

But what truly stood out was his hair: large, curly, and voluminous, resembling a sphere. He had even applied black eyeshadow.

This teacher had quite the sense of style.

Despite his age, his attire was remarkably eccentric.

Who could he be?

Su Ming had met Principal Ye and knew this elderly gentleman wasn't him.

As Su Ming pondered the situation, a classmate behind him uttered with a quiver, “Oh no.”

Su Ming paused, turning to see that the entire room was in shock.


Their faces weren't just stunned; they were ashen, their eyes vacant.

Several students were even hastily packing their bags, ready to bolt.

At that moment, the eccentrically dressed teacher set his belongings on the lectern, smiling at the students and announced, “Class, let's get ready to begin.”

“Today, I'll be sharing insights into the chemical industry, focusing on the principles and production of explosives.”

No sooner had the teacher spoken than two students toppled from their seats.

Su Ming was baffled.

What was going on?

Aren't they all economics students?

Why were they suddenly in a chemical engineering lecture?

Su Qiu was equally perplexed.

She had never experienced anything like this before.

”Bro, what's happening?” Su Ming whispered to a male student behind him.

“You don't recognize him?”

The student's eyes bulged. “It's difficult to sum up in just a few words. Check the school forum, and you'll understand.”

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