Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 188

188 Mim Was In Trouble

Victor was avoided like a plague when the others found out he was in a bad mood which wasn’t surprising – he always had erratic mood swings.

“How could she think of me as a pervert!” Victor yelled to no one but himself in his room, burning with fury.

This was the first time he was experiencing such an awkward situation. All of the women he has been with loved and admired him – and ended up in bed with him. This was the first time he was having a cordial relationship with someone from the opposite sex – except his sister – and this was what he got in return? She called him a pervert.

“Pervert? Hah!” Victor huffed irritably. He found that word highly offensive! He didn’t have a twisted sense of morality. How could one single woman think of him that way? She wasn’t even worth his attention!

Yes, it was better with Mimi gone. He didn’t need her anyway, Victor was sure of that. He had been doing fine before she came along and flipped his life upside down. She might as well vanish off the face of the earth, he doesn’t care.

But then, his delicious food...

No! Not even the food can change his mind. He would try to make the food by himself to that taste, and there were the chefs as well. They would surely try to make something as good as Hannah’s food, hopefully.

However, inwardly Victor knew that was all a lie. He had been eating the food made by the chefs all year long and none of them tasted close to Mama Hannah’s delicacies.

It wasn’t that the chef’s cooking wasn’t good but Mama Hannah had an indigenous method of cooking that tasted better and her food smelled like home. He was going to miss that.


Or maybe he could find a way to negotiate a method that ensures his food supply while they – he and Mimi – stay away from each other. Could he buy mama Hannah’s food?

Victor sighed, he knew that was impossible. The woman would probably stop associating with him when he hears what happens between him and her daughter. His luck was bad this time. What was he going to do?

Suddenly, his gaze fell on the food flask Mimi came with earlier and he scoffed. Was this a strategy by Mimi? She intentionally left this here so he could chase after her and make him apologize? Victor could tell how a woman’s mind works having been with numerous of them. That was a cheap trick.

Yet Victor knew this was an opportunity for him as well. So he picked it up and decided to go after her. He was not going to apologize to her as Mimi probably thinks – he did nothing wrong – rather he would hand over the flask to her and return here with swag. He has to prove he could survive without her – and the food.

Even as he thought that, Victor still ran out of the house, flask in hand like a mad man trying to find her. She was probably still lingering outside, pretending to wait for her ride.

But the reality was far from his imagination because Victor didn’t find a trace of Mimi outside. Huh? How was that possible?

He then pulled out his phone and tried her number only to discover that it was busy. Mimi was on a call? Where was she then? She should be around here.

So Victor looked around and in the process discovered the taxi beside him and at the same time, the driver stepped out. He recognized the man as Mimi’s contractual driver and he had a phone pressed to the side of his ears as if on call. Was he the one calling Mimi?

“Where is she?” Victor asked him.

The man looked at him in surprise, taking the phone off his ear, “Who?”

“Mimi? You are the driver who takes her home, eh? Where is she?” This was the first time the both of them had met, hence the man couldn’t recognize him.

But the driver answered nonetheless, having sensed he was her boss or something, “I have no idea. Miss. Mimi called me over as usual and I came. However, I haven’t caught a glimpse of her nor is she picking my calls,”

Victor suddenly had a bad feeling but he pushed it to the back of his mind. He and Mimi fought and for all he knew she intentionally was not picking up her calls to punish him – and the driver as well?

No, that doesn’t make sense. There was hardly any cab running around here – thanks to their influence – and it was a lot of kilometers before one could get to a bus stop. Unless Mimi planned on having a “good” exercise, she ought to have answered her driver’s call.

No, it can’t be, Victor shut his eyes for a while. Danger surrounded him all day, it wouldn’t be a surprise if something happened to her already. No, he had to find her first. Victor had to be positive and believe that Mimi was hiding out somewhere. That this was all a prank to punish him.

“Keep on calling her and if she answers, do not hesitate to give me a call,” Victor handed his card to him and took off to go search for her.

“Mimi!” Victor yelled at intervals during his search, calling her out in case she was hiding, and heard his voice.

“Fine, I’m sorry, just come out where I can see you!” He said, not caring about the look people he passed on the streets gave him. He didn’t care.

Dusk has fallen already and that made him more worried when she didn’t appear after a while. So he opted to call her and to his surprise, the phone rang not far from where he was.

“Fuck!” Victor cursed as soon as he picked up the phone with a shattered screen. The fact that Mimi dropped this here couldn’t be good.

As much as he hate this, Victor had to admit Mimi was in trouble and it was likely because of him.

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