Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 189

189 Victor’s Girlfriend

Victor picked the phone up and was already contemplating his next course of action when his phone rang. Looking down, he discovered that it was an unknown number and for some reason, Victor’s eyes chilled at once.

“Hello?” He picked up the phone with a taut tone, all traces of a smile gone from his face.

“Cuánto tiempo sin verte, Victor,” Long time no see, Victor.

Victor sneered, “Draco.”

The man laughed, “Told you I was watching,”

Victor flexed his fist holding the phone, his hand was suddenly feeling itchy, “Where is the girl?” He asked seriously.

“Safe with me,” He laughed once again, “You know I value women,”

Of course, Victor knew because the man Draco was into the business of adult prostitution. Thankfully, Draco had his own moral code and wasn’t into trafficking else Mimi would be halfway across the country by now while they discussed the terms and conditions for her release.

Either way, Victor wasn’t comfortable that Mimi was with him, what if..... he didn’t dare to envision that scene because it only filled him with bloodlust.


“If you touch as much as a strand on her -”

“We are not enemies, Victor. So you can rest assured she’s safe,” Draco added, “At the moment. You see I’m considering giving her for the night to this important client if you don’t get your ass in here in the next five minutes,” He threatened him.

Victor was close to exploding but he reigned in his emotions. A soldier who lets every comment from his opponent get under his skin was as good as dead. As much as Draco was a motherf*cker, he was a man of his words.

“You’d see me there,” Victor assured him.

“Of course – oh, another thing.” Draco was quick to remind him, “Do not involve your mad cousin Marcel in this, you of all should know that this is nothing but a friendly match,”

Of course, Victor wasn’t ready to involve Marcel either. He was old enough and capable of taking care of his problems without help from him. As much as Marcel was the prodigy child, that doesn’t mean Victor wasn’t capable either.

“Fine, I’ll be there in a jiffy,” Victor promised him and ended the call immediately. At once, he trekked back to the base and wasn’t surprised to see the driver still there.

“I’ve found her, drive.”

“Huh?” The driver was confused by that statement, looking around to see Mimi all to no avail. He wanted to ask for more details only for Victor to enter the backseat and he had no choice but to climb in and drive to the destination.

Throughout the ride, Victor was surprisingly quiet, lost in his thoughts and the driver knew what was best for him by not asking questions.

Now, what was the feud between him and Draco? Or the better question should be, how did their beef begin?

Well, for starters, Draco and his family were business partners since they needed the help of his girls sometimes. However, Victor caused him a very important deal.

One of Draco’s girls was sent on a mission but Victor – having no knowledge of that – charmed her all the way to his bed and she got sidetracked causing the deal worth millions of dollars to flop miserably. Since then, Draco promised him payback and it seems he has come to collect on it today.

So here they are.


Mimi squeezed her eyes against the throb in her head. Her sight adjusted to the environment eventually and she found herself outside the field of a construction site with three unknown men.

She was tied to a chair and it was late already, the only source of light coming from the small bonfire they set up. Damn, she has seen a lot of this in movies. What were they about to do to her?

Mimi instantly shivered, what did they want from her; she didn’t even know them. At once, her mind shifted to Charlie’s murder and she couldn’t help but think that this was his friends or something. They must have found out about his murder and were here to have revenge on her for ending him.

God no.

She should have known it would backfire. Heck, she wasn’t even the one that killed him! But Vic...

Not minding that her relationship with Victor was all water under the bridge now, Mimi was not ready to throw him under the bus. Victor might be the one who pulled the trigger on Charlie but she was the one who caused his death.

“Gentlemen...” Mimi started when she saw all three men staring at her – that was uncomfortable. She could tell who was the leader from the arrogance written all over his face and the lit cigarette stick hanging limply from his lips.

Mimi went on, “I can assure you that you don’t want to hurt me,” She added with a pitiful look, “Please?”

The leader seemed to be amused by her comment, “Hurt you?” He snorted a laugh, “Don’t worry about your beautiful self, your boyfriend would be the one getting hurt. You can rest comfortably,”

“Huh?” Mimi blinked twice. What did she just hear? Boyfriend? Does she have a boyfriend? When was the last time she had a boyfriend?

“Excuse me?” She said, drawing his attention, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Mimi was sure of what she was saying.

Draco sighed, “Could you stop with your pretense game, we all know about you and Victor? We’ve had eyes on the both of you all this while.”

“What?!” Mimi shouted so loudly that she almost startled the other man next to him. What was this man talking about? Was he high on something?

“You think Victor and I are in a relationship?” She asked just to be sure.

However, when Mimi saw the serious look on the man’s face, she knew he was damn serious. And without warning, she burst into loud mocking laughter that dumbfounded everyone.

Mimi laughed so hard that tears escaped her eyes while the men before her were so embarrassed that they even began to question the authenticity of their claim. How sure were they that she was Victor’s girlfriend?

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