Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 187

187 Take A little Brother Under His Wings

Meanwhile, on the same day...

In one of the safe houses of the Luciano family, there was a ceremony going on. This ceremony was a meeting, an induction for the newest recruits into the Luciano family.

There were a total of ten recruits and they all sat down at the large table while the captain and guards stood before them.

Normally in the past, the whole family – including the boss – would be there to witness the initiation event, however, due to the FBI surveillance of ceremonies like this, the practice was stopped.

Thanks to the surveillance, it had resulted in a host of indictments and arrests with crime families losing honor and favor as a result of the sacred ceremony being taped under their watches.

Hence the rules were changed to ensure the survival of the remaining crime families. Even if the initiation ceremony were to be found out, the boss would be spared from arrest and prison and ensure the prosperity of the gang afterward.

Unfortunately for the arrested members, they would have to keep the most important rule of the gang – the Omertà. The Omertà is the oath of silence and breaking of that rule is punishable by death.

When that rule is broken, there is no survival for the victim. No hope, no Jesus, no Madonna, nobody can help them if they ever give up this secret to anybody. It cannot be exposed. So yeah, they would rather choose death than exposing a thing because they’re as good as dead either way.

Each of the recruits was bare from the waist upwards and on the table, there is a glass of wine with a .38 gun and a dagger in front of either of the results who stared ahead with a straight face.


The Caporegime who happened to be no other than Arthur began, “You were baptized when you were a baby, your parents did it. But now, this time, we are going to baptize you.”

The baptism represents the new stage of life that is beginning and as well, implies that the Mafia is taking the place of their family. They would have to give their all to the organization.

When Arthur motions to them, all of them stand to their feet. In the center of the table was a picture of a Saint and upon instructions, all ten of them stretched their finger to their inductee who pricked their finger with a pin and squeezes until the blood comes out.

As soon as that happened, Arthur said, “This blood symbolizes your birth into our Luciano family. You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife.’

The blood from their wounds soaked the picture and as soon as they were done, the picture was transferred into a small incinerator bin and burned.

While it burned, Arthur finished the rest of his words, “If you disobey the rules,

as burns this saint, so will burn your soul. You enter alive and you will have to get out dead.”

The recruits responded and the initiation ceremony was finished with a kiss administered to both cheeks of the new Mafiosi. They were welcomed by older members of the gang present and only settled down when Lance, Arthur’s brother stepped out to give the Mafia code.

“Be loyal to members of the organization. Do not interfere with each other’s interests. Do not be an informer – You must never betray any of the secrets of this family.

“Be rational. Be a member of the team. Don’t engage in battle if you can’t win. The directive extends to personal life.

“Be a man of honor. Respect womanhood and your elders. Don’t rock the boat – You must never violate the wife or children of another member.

“Be a stand-up guy. Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut. Don’t sell out. The ‘stand-up guy’ shows courage and ‘heart.’ He does not whine or complain in the face of adversity, including punishment, because ‘If you can’t pay, don’t play.’

“Have class. Be independent. Know your way around the world.

“You must never become involved with narcotics.

“The penalty for breaking these laws is death.”

As soon as he announced that, Lance could see the fear on the faces of the newbies even if they tried to hide it. Well, all except one of them.

Lance stared at the fearless newbie, he looked sturdy and sharp-witted – not to mention handsome. With the right training, he might be able to turn him into a big asset.

So as soon as the ceremony was over and the newbies were socializing, Lance quietly approached him.

He was schmoozing with a fellow newbie and Lance had to admit, the guy’s handsomeness was enough to turn him gay.

Shit! What the hell is he thinking? Get the fuck out of his head.

“A-hem,” Lance had to clear his throat to draw his attention and it worked because the newbie Mafiosi finally turned to him – and he froze.

Slap him.

Lance blinked, was he staring at the god of beauty. Even with the hint of a five o’clock shadow across his strong jaws, it did nothing but emphasize his manliness.

It was until the newbie bowed, “Boss!” That he was able to compose himself.

“Hello,” Lance squeaked and went red in the face immediately. He cleared his voice once more and summoned the deepest tenor he could find in his vocal cord, “What’s your name?”

“Aziz,” He answered humbly.

“Aziz?” Lance mused over it, “The All-powerful? It’s a nice name,”

“Thank you, boss,” Aziz said once more bowing his head.

“Oh no, let’s not be formal,” Lance told him, “Just between the both of us, think of me as a big brother. I grant you the power to call me by my name!” He declared happily.

“Thank you for the big privilege, big brother Lance!” Aziz bowed enthusiastically once again.

He’s really humble, Lance found him cute and amusing. It seems it’s time to take a little brother under his wing.

“Fine, then. In the future, if you have problems, don’t forget to come and meet me. I’ll try and help you to my very best,” Lance liked him. Or maybe he was just charmed.

“Thank you so much, big brother, Lance, you are so magnanimous!” Aziz praised him with his head lowered still and that made Lance’s head swell with pride.

“Hehe,” He laughed, “It’s nothing. See you later,” Lance waved at him as he left.

Nor did he get to see the deadly smirk that crossed Aziz’s face when he lifted his head.


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