Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 97: First World: Future Henpecking

Chapter 97: First World: Future Henpecking

Ditched by the system Wen Qinxi finally reached the two brothers who had managed to destroy everything around them. Wen Qinxi wanted to separate them but changed his mind as it was too risky. Qie Ranzhe was already lowering Hei An Zhi aiming for his half brother's vulnerable neck. He realised that even calling out to him was pointless deciding to tackle him instead. Wen Qinxi quickly moved back a few meters before taking off at maximum speed. Using his body speed he successfully tackled Qie Ranzhe and the both of them tumbled to the ground with a loud thud as the vile sword fell a short distance from them. 

Qie Ranzhe was jolted back to reality ready to beat the crap out of whoever had the guts to attack him. But before he could launch a counterattack, his hazy eyes finally cleared up only to find Lin Jingxie lying on top of him saying, "Hie," while waving his hand. He wanted to wrap his arms around Lin Jingxie's waist but he didn't even give him a chance to respond as he got off him with great difficulty and childishly stomped on the sword cursing, "You fuckin piece of shit! Don't fuckin dare touch this sword again," with the last part directed at Qie Ranzhe.

Qie Ranzhe sat up straight and watched Lin Jingxie in a daze fighting off the urge to laugh and it didn't take much for his laughter to completely dissipate especially when he remembered Qie Anzhie's words. He immediately stood up, grasped Lin Jingxie's wrist and turned his body to face him. "Did he force himself on you?" asked Qie Ranzhe with a grave expression. 

Wen Qinxi looked at him in confusion, "Who forced what on who?" 

Qie Ranzhe pointed at Qie Anzhie who was curled up on the ground lamenting his poor life choices. "Did he sleep with you?" he asked rephrasing the question in a way that Lin Jingxie could easily understand.

"Pfft...HAHAHAHAHA I am sorry. That's so fuckin funny HAHAHAHA," said Wen Qinxi laughing himself to tears, "Who the fuck said that?"

Qie Ranzhe didn't say anything pointing at the culprit causing Wen Qinxi's laughter to abruptly die down replaced with rage. Like a fierce cub, he pounced on Qie Anzhie intending to vent out his frustrations while yelling, "You fuckin piece of shit!" He only managed to kick him once when he was suddenly lifted at his waist by Qie Ranzhe with his legs helplessly dangling mid-air.

Wen Qinxi felt a strong arm wrap around his waist like a boa constrictor if bower constrictors were warm. He felt a pleasant yet nerve-wracking sensation causing his entire body to heat up. Brushing it off as an illusion, he demanded that Qie Ranzhe put him down this instant. "Have you calmed down yet?" he asked with his face dangerously close to Lin Jingxie's neck. Wen Qinxi took in a deep breath and exhaled heavily as though letting go of all his anger.

"Yes, l am absolutely calm. You can let go now," he said with his entire face flushed red. Convinced, Qie Ranzhe reluctantly let him go but who knew as soon as he hit the ground, Lin Jingxie would kick Qie Anzhie one last time before walking to were Machu stood guarding Zhao Huangzhi.

Qie Ranzhe suppressed a smile as the guild members restrained Qie Anzhie. Only then did he realize Lin Jingxie was prancing around half-naked. With that realization in mind, he chased after him and gently pushed Machu out of the way before blocking everyone's view of the shirtless Lin Jingxie.

"What the fuck!" exclaimed Wen Qinxi when Qie Ranzhe appeared out of thin air straightening his clothes while thinking, 'For my eyes only.'

"It's cold you will fall sick," he said before taking a glimpse of the cuts made by Zhao Huangzhi, "does it hurt?" As he asked this, he stretched his slender figure to touch but his hand was smacked away before it even got closer. He pursed his lips in anger and turned to glare at the culprit vowing to execute revenge tenfold.

"It's fine," replied Wen Qinxi pondering on why both Lin Mingxu and Qie Ranzhe were so conservative. There is nothing wrong with boys walking around shirtless as they didn't have anything special to cover up anyway. His mindset would probably not be the same if he still had that tiny pouch. 

Everyone was forced to watch Qie Ranzhe dote on Lin Jingxie like a loving boyfriend with his stray hands groping his upper body in the name of fixing Lin Jingxie's clothes. Machu and Zhao Huangzhi were the only ones accustomed to such a scene but the rest especially the guild members were agape having never seen this version of Qie Ranzhe. 

"Ran-ge that's enough are you trying to strangle me?" complained Wen Qinxi when his collar was fastened covering his entire collarbone 

Qie Ranzhe didn't stop saying, "Be good. I will dress your wounds when we get to my place later."

"Ahem!" said the emperor who had been standing behind them for a while now. The guild members and Machu were already saluting the emperor but didn't dare disturb Prince Ranzhe's lovey-dovey moment.

The two awkwardly acknowledged his presence with Qie Ranzhe eager to run off with Lin Jingxie at a moment's notice. "Father, l am going to take care of Lin Jingxie," he said hurriedly grabbing Lin Jingxie's elbow planning their escape like a kid running away from homework.

"No, Lin Jingxie can go with Machu, you need to stay here and deal with this mess," he said but Qie Ranzhe glared at him desperately trying to strong-arm his father, "Even if you look at me like that, you aren't going anywhere." The emperor suddenly had a headache realising that there was a high chance his son would be henpecked in the future.

"You stay and take care of things, I will go ahead and wait for you. Is that okay?" asked Wen Qinxi carefully removing Lin Jingxie's hand that was making him feel a tingly sensation. Qie Ranzhe somehow turned obedient agreeing to Lin Jingxie's suggestion with no opposition. 

"As long as you promise to wait for me," he said with bright expectant eyes. Well, if Lin Jingxie ran off he could still capture him and lock him up in his palace. This was his thought process inching towards his docile dark side.

"I promise," said Lin Jingxie before walking away. Qie Ranzhe watched him leave as though engraving this image in his heart and only stopped when his figure finally disappeared.

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