Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 96: First World: Wen Qinxi's First Headbutt

Chapter 96: First World: Wen Qinxi's First Headbutt

A determined Wen Qinxi stood strong ready to defend himself against the overzealous Zhao Huangzhi. He absolutely had no intention to have his face BBQ for Qie Ranzhe. With such perfect features and flawless skin, how could he let that entitled brat turn it to chargrill?

'Boss do you even know what headbutt someone entails of?' asked the system fully aware of Wen Qinxi's history. This guy had never got into a serious fight with anyone except with Wen Danzhe who was extremely lenient with him to save his older brother some face. 

'How hard can it be? Its simple physics, the law of inertia,' replied Wen Qinxi trying to get his stance right.

'Nerd,' said the system in a low inaudible voice and as expected Wen Qinxi couldn't hear it clearly asking,

'Sorry I didn't catch that, do you mind saying it agai-,' but he stopped mid-sentence when Zhao Huangzhi strode in with the glowing fire poker in hand. Why did he have to encounter such an extreme personality, in-game or otherwise? He promised himself that after saving Qie Ranzhe, he was going to stay as far away as possible from Zhao Huangzhi in the real world. 

"Okay, let's get this over and done with," she said pacing towards him while admiring the scorching hot fire poker, "Which side do you prefer? Left or right cheek?"

"Why ask me? It's not like l am getting a fuckin tattoo," replied Wen Qinxi nervously clenching his fist with his entire body turned rigged.

Zhao Huangzhi let out a soft chuckle as she drew closer with a mischievous expression. "Whatever, l will do both," she said shrugging her shoulder as cool as a cucumber as though doing a regular task. 

Wen Qinxi scrutinized her every action as that bloodcurdling weapon hovered above his cheek but he neither flinched nor pled for mercy silently waiting for her to get in range for a good headbutting. Just when she was about to place the sizzling hot fire poker on his left cheek, Wen Qinxi suddenly called her name, "Huan-jie," in a none threatening tone.

"Hum?....AAAAAAHHHHH you bastard!" she screamed in pain when Wen Qinxi delivered a perfectly executed headbutt though she wasn't the only grimacing in pain.

"Ai! That fuckin hurts, Ah shit!" said Wen Qinxi with an ugly expression but because his hands were still tied behind his back, he couldn't even rub his forehead to ease the pain. Zhao Huangzhi was on the floor as involuntary tears streamed down her face while rubbing her slightly swollen throbbing forehead. 

'This is why l specifically asked you if you knew how a headbutt works. You could have waited for Machu to come to your rescue instead of subjecting yours-,' said the system but it was immediately cut off by a livid Wen Qinxi.

'So you knew he was coming to save me but chose not to say anything?' asked Wen Qinxi wishing he could choke the system to death.

'Well, you got to admit this was more interesting to watch,' said the system snickering within. It didn't wish to further aggravate Wen Qinxi and reserved its laughter for later.

'Jolie you...f%@$&#*#&*_%%%@@&@ and your mother is a $@%*%##@@, your sister too is a @%@###%&&#$#@&%, your entire family is a #@$%#@#$@!,' cursed Wen Qinxi with the system censoring him immediately otherwise he would lose his favourability with the imaginary readers.

While Wen Qinxi was cursing out the system to high heaven, Machu finally made his appearance just after Eighth took down Qie Anzhie's men which for a man like Eighth was easy as kindergarten. The two burst into the room like a superhero and his sidekick ready to give the villain a good ass whooping but who knew the damsel in distress had already subdued the villain.

Feeling restless, Eighth immediately tied her up while Machu ran over to untie Lin Jingxie with a panicked face. "Saozi are you okay?" he said inspecting every inch of him like precious porcelain but of course Wen Qinxi didn't focus on anything except the word saozi.

"Why are you still calling her that? She doesn't deserve to be your saozi," he said rubbing his sore wrist. Let's not blame for being dense, it never occurred to him that someone would call him sister-in-law especially because he's a boy.

Machu paused his actions and gazed at Wen Qinxi searchingly with pure fascination while thinking, 'How can someone be this fuckin dense?' 

"Mn," replied Machu scratching his head in confusion. 

Wen Qinxi hurriedly walked out of the room recalling how unpredictable Qie Ranzhe was. If he didn't supervise him especially at this critical juncture things might go south counteracting all his hard work. As expected Wen Qinxi found Qie Ranzhe engaged in a fierce fight with Qie Anzhie. He observed their fight from the sidelines in awe of the fearsome Qie Ranzhe who couldn't fail to impress even in a game. While busy being a fangirl he beckoned the system, 'In the next world l want to be as cool as him,' with eyes that shone so bright like he had met his idol in person.

'That is if you pass this world. Qie Ranzhe plus that sword, Hei An Zhi equals a recipe for disaster. That's how the genocidal manic was born,' said the system revealing such an important detail it should have divulged ages ago. To think he had constantly urged Qie Ranzhe to take that sword only to find out that's the reason why his boss had been stuck in an endless loop. Qie Ranzhe minus Hei An Zhi equals him not going crazy.

'Seriously! You fuckin chose to tell me now? Why didn't you say it from the beginning?' asked Wen Qinxi darting in Qie Ranzhe's direction who had already picked up the sword ready to strike down Qie Anzhie with it.

'I didn't know too, l just finished my detailed analysis of the previous plotlines and figure it all had to do with the cursed sword,' said the system before performing its infamous disappearing act just in case Wen Qinxi vented his rage again.

'Fuck! Jolie come out!' he called out to the system but a screen, he alone could see, popped up on his side written in bold letters 'OFFLINE'.

Wen Qinxi, '....'

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