Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 98: First World: Confession Gone Wrong

Chapter 98: First World: Confession Gone Wrong

For someone who had just gone through a wave of emotions, Wen Qinxi was relatively calm. He washed up to alleviate his sore muscles and carefully dressed his wounds before wearing snow-white robes preparing to sleep. He had had such a long nerve-wracking day yearning for a goodnight sleep but Wen Qinxi couldn't put himself to sleep as he had promised to wait for Qie Ranzhe. Just as he sat down to watch a series recommended by Jolie to ward off sleep, a hyped-up Machu turned up placing two porcelain jugs on the table right in front of him.

Wen Qinxi curiously glanced over to Machu then the two jugs before inquiring, "What is it? Is this for me?" He proceeded to open the lid and take a whiff of what was inside while Machu explained. A fruity yet rose-like aroma swamped his senses spawning him to unconsciously gulp, he was intrigued and wanted to try it.

"The emperor sent these especially for you. It's from his special wine collection known as Dancing Rose. He said it will help you calm your nerves especially after what you have been through," said a hyperactive Machu, "Oh and Ran-ge just came back. His just washing off the bloo-.....ah....l mean the sweat from all that fighting, haha. Ahem.....he asked me to tell you to wait for him just a little longer."

Wen Qinxi closely scrutinised the frenzied Machu wondering why he was acting so jumpy. "Why are you nervous? Is there something you aren't telling me?" he asked further examining Machu's subtle changes in expression but Machu didn't even bother concealing his emotions. 

Not sure how to ask, Machu stayed silent for a while thinking of the right words but the unexpected delay caused Wen Qinxi's attention to shift elsewhere. After what seemed like an eternity Machu finally stuttering the question. "You...wh-what do you think of Ran-ge? Do yo-you like him?" he hesitantly asked but Wen Qinxi had already lost interest pouring out some of this exclusive wine gifted to him.

"His cool and l like him. Here do you want some?" he casually answered before offering a cup to Machu

Machu almost face-palmed himself for even trying to speak to Lin Jingxie especially in front of wine. 'No thanks. I am wha-," he said trying to further elaborate his question but Qie Ranzhe chose to make his appearance instantly filling the room with a delightful fruity musk-like scent that Wen Qinxi couldn't resist breathing in instantly numbing his scalp. As a modern creature, he especially appreciated it when someone smelt good, all part of human nature. His eyes brightened beckoning Qie Ranzhe to sit down while complimenting him. Witnessing Qie Ranzhe's red ears, Machu swiftly said his goodbyes and ran off leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Wen Qinxi watched in astonishment at the speed at which Machu dashed off while shaking his head with a smile. "Here you have some," he said passing the cup over to Qie Ranzhe who was sitting across him on the other side of the table, "The way he ran you would think he was being chased by ghosts." As soon as he finished mocking Machu, Wen Qinxi sampled the so-called wine with great expectations. A mellow fruity taste soon tickled his senses as he experienced a new kind of glee he didn't know existed before.

Qie Ranzhe kept on staring at him in silence occasionally biting his lower as though nervous about something. Lin Jingxie looked especially tempting tonight with a divine appearance that made him crave a taste. His lush supple skin, silky black hair brushing against his exposed well-defined collarbone and full lips moistened by wine all spelt seduction.

He suppressed the urge to reach out by distracting himself with the wine Lin Jingxie placed in front of him. "My father gave you this?" he asked with a lowered head attempting to conceal his lust.

Wen Qinxi smiled and drank his third cup with no signs of slowing down. This world had finally been conquered which was worth celebrating. Qie Ranzhe was on a fast-track to being officially crowned as crown prince successfully capturing part of his consciousness. "Mn, it's quite nice," he said as he watched Qie Ranzhe drink his first cup.

This sight made him further question if Qie Ranzhe was human or from some planet made up of only flawless beings. How could he manage to make just a simple act of drinking wine so sexy like in the champagne adverts on TV? Something about his graceful movements, maybe the angle he tilted his head, his bobbing Adam's apple when he drank or his moist lips had Wen Qinxi feeling tingly all over his body.

'Shit!' he cursed himself out while pouring some more wine for both of them. "What did you do to Zhao Huangzhi and your brother?" he asked locking away such peculiar thoughts.

"Burnt the face of the former and imprisoned the latter," he said in a dismissive tone unwilling to discuss this matter any further.

Wen Qinxi could take a hint and didn't speak for a while till he was sure he had enough alcohol in his system to continue. "You know...haha.....she wanted to burn my face just because she thinks l like you as in a romantic way and she's not the only one who thinks the ve-," paused Wen Qinxi when he took a glimpse of Qie Ranzhe who was blushing to the roots of his hair. Wen Qinxi was just about to poke fun at Qie Ranzhe for blushing like a little schoolgirl but felt his entire body was hotter than usual, he wouldn't be surprised if his face was flushed too. This wine was what one would best fit the idiom 'big things come in small packages' as it was too potent. It was evident that both of them were undoubtfully tipsy giving them enough courage to say things they normally wouldn't.

"Am sorry l failed to protect you. She tried to burn your face because.....l like you," he said but seeing how calm Lin Jingxie was he explained further, "romantically like you." 

A minefield exploded in Wen Qinxi's mind, his body frozen stiff with the words echoing in his ear. Romantically like? "What the fuck!" he uttered with a helpless look inching towards a massive freak out the 'end of the world' kind of freak out. 'Jolie, is he bullshitting me? When did it start? Did l sense it but was in denial? Fuck, Jolie you better be online right now or l will end it all,' he let out a string of questions but his face remained blank.

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