Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 93: First World: Kidnapee Becomes The Kidnaper (Cont.)

Chapter 93: First World: Kidnapee Becomes The Kidnaper (Cont.)

Zhao Huangzhi burst out in cold laughter as she stood up with crazed eyes which made her seem like a venomous beauty. "You can curse all you want but it's pointless. Let's just get one thing straight, you aren't going to walk out of that door alive," she said pointing at the wooden door with her dagger before sitting down as though patiently waiting for someone or something to happen.

Wen Qinxi looked down at the cut seeping out blood and couldn't help but negotiate, "You don't have to do this, haven't I always been nice to you?" while fending off the nauseous feeling creeping up his neck.

Zhao Huangzhi sneered at him, "Nice is that what you call it? You stole him from me gifting him with things and feeding him. Those feelings he has for you were all meant to be for me. You fucking vixen, he belongs to me!" 

Wen Qinxi suddenly missed the Zhao Huangzhi in the real world at least she was more sensible than this Zhao Huangzhi. "The feelings he has towards me are nothing more than pure friendship, not all what you are thinking," he said trying to appease her but who knew she would stand up the next second and torture him to bits.

She crouched down before him and proceeded to make three more shallow cuts across his chest venting her frustration. "You still fucking dare to deny it?" she said but Wen Qinxi didn't respond wailing within to the system.

'AHAHAHAH Jolie it fuckin hurts lower the pain index otherwise this ancestor will die of pain!' he screamed internally unable to bear it. This was too much to handle for an algiophobic like him.

'Don't be a fuckin drama queen. I lowered the pain index to the lowest possible setting. The pain you are feeling now is similar to period pains girls experience when aunt flow pays them a visit every month,' said the system wishing it could flee from such an embarrassing situation. If they were in public it would definitely pretend not to know him.

'What! Girls go through this shit every month? How is it any worse than torture?' he said grimacing in pain with a newfound respect for women. Having being tormented like that by this vile woman, Wen Qinxi shut his mouth and lowered his head choosing not to indulge the crazy woman.

"I am sorry you have to endure a little longer before l kill you. You can understand the desperate situation l am currently in. Only you can understand the dire constricting ache that mounts up the longer you don't set your eyes on him. You do understand how it feels, right? You are the only one who understands how l feel. We both love the same person so its only natural that we understand each other, right?" she yammered on with half her words not making any sense.

"Who the fuck loves who?" he said with a baffled expression. This again, why was he always getting misunderstood when it came to Qie Ranzhe? How could simply befriending someone automatically turn to a love affair? 'Fuck it,' he thought vowing to ask Qie Ranzhe directly if he survives this.

Zhao Huangzhi seemed angered by this ungrateful bastard who couldn't possibly appreciate what he had. If only Qie Ranzhe would look at her half the way he looked at Lin Jingxie she would be extremely satisfied yet this guy who had everything she desired didn't seem to treasure it much. In anger she slapped him hard across the face yelling, "Shut up you ungrateful bitch!.....You know," she said pinching his chin while studying his charming face, "l just had a great idea. If l burn your face he won't like you anymore. How come l didn't think of it before?" She leapt up in and strutted outside to the Kang-bed stove and picked up a fire poker before patiently placing it into the glowing amber. She took out the fire poker and scrutinized the red glowing end of the tool till she nodded in satisfaction.

"This way you can understand what l am going through," excitedly glanced over at him as she entered the room again.

"Zhao Huangzhi let's be reasonable. How about this, if you let me go l will just disappear forever and you guys can work it out and finally be together? There.....there's really no need for such drastic measures," he said with beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He was so terrified of any kind of pain and didn't want a burn scar to remind of the gruesome pain. He desperately struggled to no avail unable to loosen up the tight rope. 

'Boss, relax the pain index is set on low,' said the system as Wen Qinxi's heart rate spiked uncontrollably.

'You are the one to talk when l am the one whose going to get my fuckin face burnt off,' he replied to the system while vigilantly watching Zhao Huangzhi.

"I promise, this will be quick and painless," she said walking over to him proudly staring at the glowing fire poker

"Fuck!" yelled a petrified Wen Qinxi tightly shutting his eyes and his face turned away almost sticking to the pillar. With the searing heat approaching his delicate face, Wen Qinxi was sure he was a goner preparing himself to succumb to his unfortunate fate. 

Out of nowhere, the door was suddenly pushed open and in just two strides, a man walked in smacked Zhao Huangzhi so hard that she came tumbling down on the floor with a loud thud. She cried out in pain cursing out loud but the man yelled at her, "Shut up!" pointing the Hei An Zhi sword at her throat. "Didn't l tell you that l need him unharmed!"

"Qie Anzhie you dare point that sword at me!" she yelled with a bitter voice feeling wronged. She gave him that sword yet he had the audacity to threaten her with it. 

Qie Anzhie didn't pay her any mind and crouched down gripping Lin Jingxie's hair while pulling at it so much as though trying to rip it off his scalp. "This is my dim-witted brother's most important person and my key to the throne but he will be useless if he's damaged goods," he said admiring Lin Jingxie's side profile.

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