Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 94: First World: A Good Bargaining Chip

Chapter 94: First World: A Good Bargaining Chip

Never in a million years did Wen Qinxi ever think he would be stuck in this kind of situation. It never crossed his mind that one day he would be held captive by a dazzling beauty who actually wanted his head and a desperate prince who wanted to use him as a bargaining chip. How fucked was that? He tried to minimize his presence by keeping his mouth shut as the two villains, who couldn't agree on what to do with him quarreled like a divorced couple arguing over how to parent their child. 

He twisted his sore wrists that were being bruised by the tight rope trying to find a less painful position. Wen Qinxi was preoccupied twisting his painful wrists that he didn't notice a change in atmosphere. The heated argument had suddenly died down and their once flustered face had resigned to an ashen pale. The two simultaneously turned to look at Lin Jingxie who was still struggling with his wrists to ease his discomfort. Feeling the somewhat strange atmosphere, Wen Qinxi finally lifted his head only to find the two staring at him in awkward silence.

"What?" he asked pausing the action that could easily be mistaken as him attempting to escape. Thinking they had misunderstood him he said, "Haha, l wasn't trying to escape. It's just that these ropes are a little tight. l was just trying to look for a comfortable position," nervously laughing trying to appease the two gazing at him with blank expressions.

"What kind of witchcraft did you feed that bastard?" asked Qie Anzhie unhurriedly sauntering towards him before crouching down and gently slapped his face. It was obvious these two hadn't expected Qie Ranzhe to show up out of the blue. They had only implemented phase one of the plan and were currently arguing over phase two but now Qie Ranzhe had made an early appearance immediately fast-tracking the situation to phase ten. Qie Anzhie couldn't help but get upset with his half brother. Didn't the bastard know how to follow the golden rules of a good plotiline and wait till the end to rescue the damsel? Now Qie Anzhie was forced to improvise and work with what he had.

A confused Wen Qinxi gazed at him with a raised brow asking, "What do you mean?"

Qie Anzhie raised one corner of his lip in a sarcastic smile while snorting, "Be a good bargaining chip and stay put." Just like that he stood up and left leaving behind the juicy lamb with the hungry wolf Zhao Huangzhi. 

'Fuck doesn't he know he can't leave the prey with a vicious predator?' thought Wen Qinxi glancing over to Zhao Huangzhi who was staring at something with an intend gaze. Wen Qinxi followed her gaze only to catch the vile woman staring at the fire poker that had dropped on floor when Qie Anzhie had slapped her earlier.

"Zhao Huangzhi don't. Let's be reasonable," he said glancing at the fire poker then back at her. He helplessly watched her enthusiastically walk over and pick up the fire poker but her face soon fell when she realised it was no longer hot. 

"I will be right back," she said and skipped out of the room with a psycho smile plastered on her gorgeous face.

'Jolie, if she comes back with that fire poker l, am going to fuckin head butt her. I don't hit women but we can all see how special these circumstances are,' said Wen Qinxi trying to stand up on his feet with great difficulty. 

'Not only women, but you also don't hit men either. Is it because you are too weak,' said the system not missing the opportunity to taunt Wen Qinxi, 'Maybe you don't fight because you are a fuckin hippie?'

'Piss off!' replied Wen Qinxi now standing upright with his back against the pillar.


Qie Anzhie exited the room ready to face off with his brother who had called out to him earlier. Unexpectedly, Qie Ranzhe had come prepared with the full force of the guild backing him up. The scene was extremely terrifying but Qie Anzhie kept his cool even going as far as mocking Qie Ranzhe. His hired men with on par skills to those of the guild members were guarding his golden goose so he wasn't the least bit concerned especially when he had already instructed them to kill Lin Jingxie if things went south. "I didn't think brother was this much of a coward bringing an entire army to take down little old me. This is a family matter and there's no need to involve outsiders," he said with one hand behind his back stealthily taking out a golden pin from his wrist brace while leisurely fanning himself exuding a noble aura.

His mother's crimes had already been brought to light and it was only a matter of time before his father would come knocking at his door. He hoped to use this bargaining chip to ascend the throne that should have been his as he had been the only heir before Qie Ranzhe showed up. Qie Anzhie wasn't stupid, he also anticipated that their negotiations might fall through which would undoubtfully lead to a one on one confrontation with Qie Ranzhe. Based on past experience he knew he couldn't win against his brother so he prepared a pin coated with an untraceable deadly drug.

All he had to do was pierce Qie Ranazhe's skin with the pin which will instantly kill him. Because the drug was untraceable and showed no signs of poisoning on its unfortunate victims the royal physician would rule it as an accidental death. With no other heir his father will be forced to crown him as his successor. It was a flawless plan but who would have thought the brat would bring along such a powerful backing. There were now too many witnesses which was extremely troublesome. 

Qie Ranzhe didn't saying anything with his dark eyes following the pacing Qie Anzhie while emitting an unprecedented kill intent. "Prince Anzhie, why not release Lin Jingxie so we can just pretend that none of this happened and carry on living a comfy life in the palace. Bring him out while you still have a shot at redemption," said Fourth with a smirk on his face.

Qie Anzhie couldn't help but let out a sarcastic laugh before saying, "You must think l am an idiot. That brother of mine won't rest till l am dead. Look at him, murder is written all over his face," pointing at Qie Ranzhe who was fighting hard to keep sane. 

"Well, it was worth a shot seeing that you were stupid enough to kidnap someone important to the vice head of the Ye Lang guild. Then name your price maybe you get out of this unscathed," said Fourth languidly folding his arms across his chest. 

"Now we are talking. What do l want?...," he said with his eyes a few shades brighter and a brooding countenance as though seriously thinking it over, "What l want is actually simple. I want the throne and the full backing of Ye Lang guild. Will just sign on it then l will release him to you," he said taking out a neatly folded piece of paper from his pocket.

The guild members couldn't hold back their laughter. This was most certainly the biggest joke of the year. "Wow, wow, wow. You have such great aspirations," said Fourth with a smile that sent chills down Qie Anzhie's spine.

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