Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 92: First World: Kidnapee Becomes The Kidnaper

Chapter 92: First World: Kidnapee Becomes The Kidnaper

A beast on a rampage tearing throughout a city would be far less terrifying than Qie Ranzhe at this moment. Given a choice, his victims would rather Qie Ranzhewent berserk and blindly slaughter at least then they had a chance to getaway. This calm yet sinister version of Qie Ranzhe had people walking on thin ice no matter who they were. Like a missile with a locked target, Qie Ranzhe was accurate and precise ruthlessly slashing his way through Zhao manor killing anyone who dared block his path. His sweetheart was missing and he knew who exactly the culprit was.

An oblivious Master Zhao was busy enjoying himself in the bedroom with one of his concubines when the door was suddenly kicked open. Five familiar faces entered the room disturbing the Prime Minister's humping session with his barely legal concubine. He was scared stiff with his tool inside the young maiden under him who was making exaggerated moaning sounds that could be heard across the entire mansion.

Flushed with both anger and embarrassment, the Prime Minister was about to express his anger but before he could utter a single word he was dragged by the hair and tossed on the ground right at Qie Ranzhe's feet. Fourth ruthlessly kicked the naked man in the stomach a couple of times before throwing a garment at him. "Get dressed," said Fourth.

Seeing her husband being kicked like this, the concubine couldn't help but scream for help while covering her exposed body with the quilt. "Shut the fuck up!" said Eighth pointing his knife in her direction. The maiden naturally understood and instantly became as quiet as a mouse half-covering her face while trembling in fear.

Master Zhao hastily got dressed with an ugly expression on his face before daring to say, "Your Highness is quite brazen walking into my house like this and harassing my family. Don't you know the severity of the consequences of committing such a crime?"

Another guild member brought a chair for Qie Ranzhe who languorously sat while playfully twirling a dagger in-between his slender fingers. "Thank you for your concern Prime Minister but the person you should be more worried about is yourself," he said as Fourth slammed neat piles of documents in front of a kneeling Master Zhao. 

The scruffy-looking man looked down at the piles of paper and his eyes widened bit by bit as his once flushed face turned grey. "As you can clearly see, you have a lot of things to worry about. I can simply overlook your family's atrocious acts if you tell me where I can find Zhao Huangzhi," he said watching the man who seemed to have aged ten years older in a split second.

"That's slander, the emperor would never believe such unfounded accusations," said the man holding out some papers with trembling hands.

Qie Ranzhe leaned back in his chair with a menacing laugh, "Oh, you want to play that card? Okay, l understand but here is the thing, l don't have time to play this game with you as you can see l am short of time. Since you are of no use to me then l will be taking my leave," he said before standing up to leave, "Castrate him and feed him his penis before letting him go." Hearing this Master Zhao naturally covered his special area begging Prince Ranzhe to come back so they could re-negotiate. Eighth was already holding him down eagerly preparing to butcher a certain fleshy part.

"No! Please Prince Ranzhe wait!" pled Master Zhao but Qie Ranzhe didn't stop. His member was soon gripped tightly through the fabric as the knife-edge inched closer and closer. "Her mother's family home up the mountain!" he yelled causing Qie Ranzhe to pause in his tracks as the corner of his mouth arched into a half-smile. Eighth stopped his actions with an obviously disappointed expression. Seeing this Master Zhao relaxed and covered his groin saying, "If she's not in the mansion then that's where she is. Just promise me you won't kill her." 

At that moment Machu came into the room to report, "Ran-ge she's not here. We searched the entire mansion but there is no sign of her."

Qie Ranzhe patted Machu's shoulder before heading out and the rest naturally followed behind. A panicked Master Zhao called after them saying, "Your Highness please don't kill my daughter! Ple-please!" He ran after them and kowtowed before Qie Ranzhe pleading for mercy, "I promise to keep her away from you by all means necessary, Your Highness please spare her."

"I will think about it," said Qie Ranzhe before walking past him leaving behind the mansion with a lingering smell of blood emitting from the dead corpses.

Wen Qinxi was woken up by a sharp pain that could be from a sharp knife lacerating his skin. The pain jolted him from his unconscious state as he hissed in pain. Not only did he feel pain from the open cut wound but everything else hurt. A dull aching pain throbbed from within his scalp like he was having a hangover without the benefits of being drunk the previous night. 'Fuck! How is this different from getting tooth decay without even enjoying the candy,' he thought feeling rather disoriented.

'That's a weird analogy especially for a person who's being held captive by a crazy bitch,' said Jolie unable to resist the urge to respond.

Wen Qinxi panickingly opened his hazy eyes slowly adapting to the lighting. Before he could even scrutinise his environment carefully, he heard a familiar gentle voice saying, "l knew this would wake you up," before the person sauntered and squatted in front of him. 

"Zhao Huangzhi!" he said in utter disbelief almost forgetting the excruciating pain on his body.

How come things had spun in this weird direction? How could the kidnapee turn out to be his kidnapper in this current plotline? She was wearing a wolfish grin while proudly waving around a sophisticated dagger with sparkly gems on its hilt. His blood slowly flowed down at the sharp edge of the dagger before dripping onto the floor. Wen Qinxi felt a chill in his bone as he broke out into a cold sweat only to look down and see his top half had been stripped naked. "What the fuck!" cursed Wen Qinxi trying to free his arms that had been securely tied behind a pillar.

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