Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 104: Second World: Abusive father

Chapter 104: Second World: Abusive father

Being stuck in an enclosed space with a stone-cold Marshal was one of the most awkward moment for Wen Qinxi ever since he entered this game. Even the lust-filled scene wasn't as awkward as this. Just when he thought things wouldn't get worse the system replayed a scene in high school were Zhao Xieshu fought a beta who made a public confession of her love to Qie Ranzhe during a sporting event. This embarrassing incident was the beginning of recurring suspensions from school for Zhao Xieshu. 

He was normally a sensible omega but when it came to the dear Marshal, the once sensible omega turned ruthless. Zhao Xieshu did all this for an alpha that only saw him as an acquaintance nothing more, not even as a friend with the Marshal's heart leaning towards the beautiful and elegant Zhao Huangzhi. 'Things have to fuckin change,' he said to the system as the flying car lowered down in palace parking lot.

'Mn, jiayou boss!' replied the cute system sitting between them with Wen Qinxi being the only one who could see it. 

Wen Qinxi didn't even have time to admire the majestic palace incorporating ancient Chinese architecture infused with futuristic features. A palace guard briskly opened the door and saluted him while sneaking glances at the prince. Wen Qinxi didn't notice but Qie Ranzhe did. He immediately blocked the palace guard's view with an indifferent ice-cold expression on his face that had the palace guard recoil averting his gaze.

It wasn't news that Prince Xieshu's ravishing looks transcended the heavens resembling a fallen deity shunned from above for his bewitching countenance. If his character matched that of normal omega he would have a lot of families fighting over him to marry their children. With this kind of intoxicating charm, there weren't short of people who harboured immoral thoughts towards him. 

Wen Qinxi walked ahead of Qie Ranzhe following the game files to the Amaryllis Pavilion where the emperor resided. Just as he reached the pavilion grounds, Qie Ranzhe finally spoke saying. "If you want a dependable loyal partner all you have to do is change your bad habits. I am sure you will find someone and won't have to rely on suppressants to manage your estrus," he said with good intentions but unable to comprehend how sexist his advice was.

Wen Qinxi's chest tightened as a raging fire blossomed within him. He struggled to suppress his anger and let out a calming exhale before turning to face the Marshal with a fixed smile. "The Marshal doesn't have to be concerned with my matters. It did be best if you worry about yourself from now on," he said before walking into the main hall where the emperor was seated on his throne expecting their arrival. 

Wen Qinxi respectfully bowed before the frosty emperor who was Zhao Xieshu's father and Qie Ranzhe naturally followed suit. Emperor Zhao waved his hand in a dismissive manner saying, "Sorry to trouble you again Marshal Qie. I am sure you have other things to do so you may take your leave," barely sparing his firstborn son a glance.

Qie Ranzhe obediently bowed before the emperor before exiting the main hall without looking back once but as soon as he was gone, the emperor's true colours shone like the sun reprimanding his son. "You stupid child haven't you caused enough trouble?" yelled the enraged emperor throwing an expensive vase which accurately striking Wen Qinxi's chest effectively slashing his skin underneath the fabric of his shirt. 

'What the fuck, Jolie? Why is this old bastard beating me up for real? Even Master Lin never followed through with his threats giving me punishment instead,' said Wen Qinxi to the cute girly system hovering above him.

'You haven't gone through the entire game file yet but this Emperor Zhao hates his son so much and often beats him to vent his anger. Please endure it a little longer, l even lowered the pain index for you," said the system sympathizing with Wen Qinxi's who was currently curled up like a ball on the ground grimacing in pain.

Emperor Zhao was in love with his childhood sweetheart Ying Wuzhishu but because of the instability of the royal family's influence at that time, the then crown prince married Gu Xiejie of the powerful Gu family with ties to the UPSF fleet. Why the Gu family? It was because they were the main weapon supplier to the massive army making them powerful enough to help him maintain his position with minimum opposition. Though he married the omega, he never cared for her just using her for her family empire. When old General Gu died, the newly appointed Emperor Zhao took over the Gu family empire as Gu Xiejie was the only surviving heir. 

Though he was now in full control of the Gu family wealth there was one problem and that was Gu Xiejie. She wasn't stupid fully aware of the emperor's intentions and constantly hindered him. Fortunately for him, he didn't have to deal with her any longer as she died in an accident leaving behind a two-year-old Zhao Xieshu who was a constant eyesore in the Emperor's eyes.

Wen Qinxi touched his chest only to have his fingertips stained with blood. His fingers trembled in shock as the emperor continued to scold him. "What the fuck is this?," he said pointing at a 5D image replaying the events at the club, "Do you know how long it took me to pacify the Youhuo family, huh? So fuckin useless. You should have followed your mother to her grave at least then you would have done me a great service." As expected, Zhao Xieshu didn't cry or plead for mercy which always enraged the emperor intensifying his aggressive behaviour. 

The livid emperor rose from his throne and tightly grasped the prince's wrist that was injured the last time the emperor beat him causing Wen Qinxi to quiver in pain with tears stinging his eyes. With his alpha strength he ruthlessly flung Zhao Xieshu out of the main hall yelling, "Confine him in his pavilion for two weeks! Make sure you fix this," pointing at the image titled Badass Prince Omega strikes again. Wen Qinxi was then dragged by two palace guards to his pavilion.

The door was securely locked from outside after they dropped the prince in his pavilion with two guards patrolling outside cutting off Zhao Xieshu's escape route. Wen Qinxi sat up with an ugly expression on his face while taking off his shirt to check on his wounds. His entire body was covered in fresh bruises from scraping his skin on the concrete when the emperor threw him outside. Both his palms, elbow and knee had their fair share of red swollen bruises that were painful to the touch.

"Boss, there is a medical kit in the drawer. At least their medical treatment is fast and effective," said the system as Wen Qinxi limped around the room in confusion.

"Are their medical treatments also fast and effective at treating trauma and depression? This so fucked up," he said sympathizing with victims of domestic violence vowing to do something about it in the real world. The system wore a downcast expression not sure what to say. 

Wen Qinxi dressed his wounds and limped to the kitchen to make something to eat as his stomach growled in hunger. It turned out Zhao Xieshu had exceptional cooking skills despite being a prince. According to the game files, Zhao Xieshu had learnt to cook so as to impress Qie Ranzhe but unfortunately for him, the Marshal didn't even get to try his masterpiece refusing his packed bento each time.

"His loss," said Wen Qinxi shrugging his shoulder as he tossed a grape in the air before it successfully landed into his mouth. After making a grand meal for one, Wen Qinxi ate his fill before slipping into the bed to sleep freeing his mind of today's horrible memory.

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