Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 103: Second World: Slutty Omega

Chapter 103: Second World: Slutty Omega

Wen Qinxi pinned the pervert down throwing several punches with his squad rallying him on. Who wouldn't want to see an alpha being taught a lesson by an omega? "Ohhhhh, Xie-ge break his third leg!" yelled Tang leaning in to get a better view of this interesting show.

"Hahaha make him eat those fuckin roses of his," yelled Teng as the rest joined in boisterous laughter.

As though listening to them Wen Qinxi really did shove roses into his mouth saying, "If you fuckin dare touch a beta or omega without permission l will castrate your family jewels and display them to the entire Valim Network you fuckin asshole," with a sinister expression on his face but Youhuo Zhe foolishly smiled at him instead.

Wen Qinxi, "...." 

'Shit, another fuckin masochist?' he thought as he raised his fist intending to knock him out but he was immediately hauled by his waist off of Youhuo Zhe. 'What the fuck?' he thought with his entire body placed on someone's shoulder like he weighed nothing.

" fuckin romantic. Xie-ge, l am so jealous,' said Xiao Hua as they watched their leader being carried away by the alpha of his dreams. 

"Today must be Xie Xie's lucky day. Youhuo Zhe you should come often to be cannon fodder and help Xie Xie win the love of his life," said Tong before bursting into unrestrained laughter earning him a poisonous glare from Youhuo Zhe who was spitting out some rose petals.

Wen Qinxi couldn't understand what they were talking about punching the back of the person carrying as hard as he could. 'Jolie! What the fuck?' asked Wen Qinxi unable to see the face of the person who had the balls to humiliate him like this. The system wanted to say something but Wen Qinxi was roughly shoved into a black flying Maybach-like car.

Panicked Wen Qinxi felt around his neck for his interspatial crystal the character hung around his neck as a pendant storing his Mecha but soon recalled the character left it at the base for servicing. He was about to open the door and make his escape but the doors were immediately locked with a tall figure entering from the other side of the car. Wen Qinxi was about to fight him that is until he saw his face.

"Shit! It's you?" he said in astonishment when he saw a stern-looking Qie Ranzhe dressed in dark navy uniform with several medals enhancing his handsome features. The Marshal didn't spare him a glance scolding him, "Shameless," as the car started off heading to the palace.

Wen Qinxi who had no idea why he was being scolded could only annunciate one word, "Ah....," before meeting the driver's gaze through the rear-view mirror. He was staring at Wen Qinxi's open shirt exposing his collarbone and part of his chest. Slackjawed, Wen Qinxi looked down at his open shirt and quickly buttoned up while the system reminded him of something crucial. 'You might not remember but Zhao Xieshu has been obsessed with the Marshal from childhood constantly gifting him with things and throwing himself at Qie Ranzhe. You prancing around with an open shirt can easily be misunderstood as an act of seduction so.....yeah," in a low tone as though easing Wen Qinxi into it so he wouldn't explode in anger.

'Who the fuck is trying to seduce him? Tsk....,' he responded to the system with his shirt fully buttoned including the top button which was restricting his neck that he couldn't help but cough while adjusting it down with his hand.

As though sensing the omega beside him was now dignified, Qie Ranzhe finally addressed him. "The emperor sent me to bring you back. You have been out causing trouble for an entire week, his not pleased by your actions," he said but didn't get any response from the omega sitting next to him. This reaction was completely new to him leaving him slightly confused. By now, Zhao Xieshu would have his arm around him trying to either apologize for inconveniencing him or telling him sweet nothings to placate him no matter how hard Qie Ranzhe pushed him away. But the omega in front of him was treating him like air which was actually good for the Marshal but he couldn't help wonder what roused this change. 

Qie Ranzhe looked down at his hand that was swollen from punching Youhuo Zhe and frowned in concern before reaching out to examine it. Who would have expected to be met by an ice-cold stare as the omega took back his hand in displeasure? Though he only held the prince's hand for a mere second he noticed a purple bruise on his wrist exposed out of his long sleeve. This bruise seemed to have been caused by someone restraining him. Thinking it was from a lover during some form of adult activities, Qie Ranzhe advised, "If you like indulging in such lustful things then why not have the alpha or beta marry you. I am sure the Emperor would appro-."

The intention might have been good but this all Wen Qinxi heard, 'promiscuous and slutty omega' which this character wasn't. His devotion to the Marshal deterred him from choosing another partner. Hearing Qie Ranzhe say this was a pure insult to Prince Xieshu so Wen Qinxi rudely cut him off saying, "Why do you run around looking for me whenever the Emperor asks you to? Don't you have more important military things to handle instead of playing babysitter? Unless you are saying there is now a Babysitting Division in UPSF and you are its Head?" said Wen Qinxi in a scornful manner but in truth, this was a way to guide Qie Ranzhe and let him know that he didn't have to do everything the emperor told him too.

Qie Ranzhe wasn't upset by his words responding with, "Based on the fact that we have known each other since childhood, I thought it did be best l accept this task otherwise who is more qualified to handle a hot head like you?" but it only infuriated Wen Qinxi.

"The Marshal truly thinks highly of himself, You know what from now on you don't have to bother with a hot head like me. Don't ever come looking for me," he said before tapping his communicator to play some music as some earpieces appeared on his ear.

Qie Ranzhe didn't mind being ignored like this but he still had one burning question and decided to send a text to Prince Xieshu's communicator. A notification flashed almost immediately on Zhao Xieshu's communicator. Seeing the contact name, Wen Qinxi was stunted speechless internally yelling, 'What the fuck?' He immediately tried to change the contact name from SexyDaddyRan to something else but failed as he couldn't understand the stupid communicator. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he opened the message reading 'how did you subdue an alpha?'

Wen Qinxi responded saying, "He was inebriated," in a cool yet dismissive tone before looking out the window admiring this futuristic world. The two naturally didn't speak again the entire way to the palace.

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