Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 105: Second World: Not Apologising To A Pervert

Chapter 105: Second World: Not Apologising To A Pervert

A few streets over the Marshal was sitting in his office going over some documents with Machu chatting him up. Machu had been out inspecting new weapons delivered at the base and heard through the grapevine that the Marshal had met up with the rowdy prince today and about the circulating video on Valium Network. When it came to Prince Xieshu he had mixed feelings but never expressed his opinions to the Marshal.

"Oh shit, he beat the crap out of Youhuo Zhe! Haha.....this omega is interesting," said Machu watching the video in amazement for the sixth time.

"If you're going to make noise then go somewhere else," said Qie Ranzhe with his gaze fixed on his work. He initially didn't want to discuss Zhao Xieshu but now that Machu had brought it up he naturally had to ask.

"What makes someone who was obsessed with you suddenly lose interest after so many years?" asked Qie Ranzhe leaning back in his chair abandoning his documents. Machu who was watching the video for the seventh time with the volume on mute raised his head asking, "Sorry what?" while pausing the video.

Qie Ranzhe sighed before saying, "Never mind," refocusing his attention on the documents but Machu wouldn't let him off. It was rare for Qie Ranzhe to ask advice from him and didn't want to miss the opportunity to actually advise the all-mighty Marshal. He might not be as a good as him when it came to military strategies but he ranked first at normal things.

After a lot of convincing Qie Ranzhe finally repeated his question leaving Machu agape. "Isn't this what you been hoping for all these years? You wanted him to move on and he finally did," said Machu scratching his head in confusion.

Qie Ranzhe's chest felt constricted a little hearing those words but the feeling dissipated as quickly as it came. "Yes, that's what l wanted and am really happy about it. It's like a heavyweight being lifted off my shoulders but wasn't it a bit too sudden? Just yesterday he sent me a cringing text flirting with me yet today his attitude made a 360-degree turn. I can't shake the feeling that something is up," he said mulling over today's events.

Machu asked for specifics and even he was left vexed when he heard what happened in detail. "Maybe he found love. Either way, it's a good thing for you. You don't have to hold back and properly pursue Zhao Huangzhi," said Machu before replaying the video once more.

Qie Ranzhe sighed once more shoving the bothersome thoughts at the back of his head before immersing himself in his work. He decided to observe Zhao Xieshu from afar and monitor him just in case he causes trouble again.


In the blink of an eye, two days had passed and just like an animal coming out of hibernation, Wen Qinxi arose from his slumber with dishevelled hair that resembled a birds nest. The system had been nudging him to stop lazing around and address the incident that was still trending on Valim Network but he successfully ignored it catching up on some sleep. Like a sloth, Wen Qinxi slowly got out of bed and for the first time, he finally saw his appearance in this world.

Met by a handsome scruffy youth in the mirror, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but curse, "Fuck! Jolie my hair is fuckin blonde!" while running his hands through his stray strands. The absence of black roots meant he was a natural blonde which was actually well suited for this character.

"Do you want to dye it black?" asked the system but Wen Qinxi had already moved on admiring his handsome features. 

"Damn, am so fuckin handsome! This is so fuckin unnatural," he said holding up his ear length blonde hair while studying his side profile. His left ear was also pierced making Wen Qinxi thrilled. This was a new experience for him and he intended to enjoy it. He hopped into the shower and quickly cleaned up before prancing around naked in the mechanized walk-in closet.

An elegant female voice sounded in the closet welcoming him and informing him about the weather. It was only after the initial excitement wore off did Wen Qinxi pick an outfit to wear. He had to admit, this character was lacking nothing with the finest clothes, watches, shoes you name it. It would be best to label him as a celebratory, not a prince. Wen Qinxi dressed in a white T-shirt, blue lightweight jogger pants and a silver dangling stud before parting his hair in a simple yet elegant style. 

By the time he connected to the entire Valim Network, he looked especially dazzling with an appearance that could make anyone drool over him through the 5D screen. As soon as he started the live stream the system warned him, 'Don't cause trouble just apologise to Youhuo Zhe and the entire Youhuo family according to the emperor's instructions,' but Wen Qinxi had no intentions of apologising to that pervert. The worst thing the emperor could do was beat him but he couldn't kill him as Gu family asserts were attached to him all thanks to his mother's fail-safe. She was still protecting her son even in death.

The Livestream immediately livened up with five million views in just two seconds of streaming. A barrage of comments admiring him was constantly moving down at a fast pace that Wen Qinxi could barely keep up only catching a few comments like,

Catniper: AAAAAHHHH so handsome and fierce Xie Xie

Wiseman56: Marry me Xie Xie l don't mind being punched by you.

CuteOmegaddict: Fuck I cut my tongue licking the screen!!!!!!

OvsO: Upstairs, you fuckin deserved it, hahahahaha.

The comments were incredibly destructive so Wen Qinxi temporary made them invisible before clearing his throat. "Hello everyone. Excuse me if l stammer a little, l am a bit nervous talking to you all.....I am sure you all know why I am here. Just in case you missed it, there's been a video circulating of me fighting. Just a disclaimer, l don't condone any form of violence but....this was absolutely necessary. I hate perverts the most and just couldn't stand it being fondled by that pretentious prick," he said with his eyes reddening with each word. He drew in a deep inhale before exhaling instantly pacifying his anger.

"Such behaviour shouldn't be condoned. Just because betas and omegas are naturally weak it doesn't give alphas the right to take advantage. Instead of being protectors, you have become predators hurting the weaker party....." he paused biting his lower lip in frustration before carrying on,

"And just because a person loves going out and having an awesome time doesn't mean they are loose and easy. My love for partying doesn't give you permission to lay a hand on me. That's some fucked up shit right there. This is to say l am not going to fuckin apologies," with the last sentence said as a flood gate of emotions gushed out of him speaking without restraining his language.

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