Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 102: Second World: World Class Pervert

Chapter 102: Second World: World Class Pervert

Wen Qinxi deliberately ignored the system while thinking through his plan of action to pass this world. It was a good thing Qie Ranzhe didn't like him as Wen Qinxi had no desire to repeat the same mistakes as in the previous world. Having Qie Ranzhe fall for him once more was an absolute no in this world. It was a nice feeling being loved and the intimacy was truly remarkable but his fear of pain wasn't only limited to physical but also emotional. Despite having never considered being interested in men he also had a fragile heart and wouldn't handle a heartbreak too well. This might only be a game but his feelings and emotions were as real as day. 

With that in mind, he made his declaration to the system, 'This time l am sticking to my plan and help him in the shadows,' while sitting upright. 

'Right, right work in stealth mode l get it. Now back to my thing. Change me back please,' said the cute system with watery doe-eyes.

'Haha, why would l do that when you look fuckin cute? This is your punishment for hiding things from me. I will only change you back when l satisfied,' said Wen Qinxi with a sinister grin all over his face.

'Ah, Lao da, why you being like this? Cute is for puppies not a powerful AI like me,' cried the system but Wen Qinxi ignored it getting acquainted with his new compatriots in the game. This group of four omegas were his accomplishes, his 'ride or die' squad. The pink-haired omega named Xiao Hua was actually a young master of one three powerful families owning five mining planets that supplied the entire universe. The only reason he could run around with Prince Xieshu was that his parents were hippies and set low standards for their son as they believed in a free-range method of raising kids. He was basically a hooligan running around like a headless chicken till he met Zhao Xieshu in high school.

Among the group were a pair of fraternal twins Teng being the girl omega and Tong the boy omega. The two were rescued by Prince Xieshu from traffickers when they twelve years old. From then on they pledged their loyalty to him and have been following him around for six years straight.

The fourth omega with a scar on his right eye was known as Huaidan which was obviously a pseudo name he gave himself when he left his family after cutting his face with a blade to get out of an engagement with an abusive alpha. Prince Xieshu helped him escape from his home planet and gave him a new identity.

Besides these four there was also Captain Rueda an omega who disguised herself as a beta to join the UPSF fleet and earned the rank Captain of the powerful Delta Zeta team specializing in recon missions but her secret was exposed and Prince Xieshu helped her escape by faking her death.

The last team member was a genius omega who wanted to venture into Mecha designs but because of his status as an omega, he was rejected regardless of his advanced technological designs. Prof Bianzhi was his name but ever since Prince Xieshu scouted him his name changed to Meng Bianfu. These seven members made up the whole of Xianxi a secretive tight-knit group unknown to the entire universe. 

Just when he was about to open his mouth and say something to the rowdy group of four the door was swung open as a group of six men dressed in suits swaggered in guarding an alpha wearing a striped shirt and roses in hand. Wen Qinxi flinched when he recalled this character from the game file. Young Master Youhuo Zhe of the Youhuo family which was the biggest supporter of Emperor Zhao with deep-rooted ties. Youhuo Zhe was obsessed with Wen Qinxi's character even though his family had banned him from seeing this omega in fear of blackening their family name.

That, however, didn't dissuade this young master from pursuing Zhao Xieshu. Like a true player, Youhuo Zhe knelt before him calling out, "Xie Xie these are for you," in a low magnetic voice that had some waiters blushing. Though they had strict instructions not to do anything to offend their guests, one beta girl couldn't resist secretly live streaming the entire incident onto Valim Network. 

Wen Qinxi was stupefied glaring at this smooth operator holding up a bunch of roses to him. According to the game files, Youhuo Zhe had already been ruthlessly rejected multiple times but just wouldn't stop pestering Zhao Xieshu even when their parents got involved. 

"Ai young master Youhou l admire your tenacity...but don't you ever get tired of playing this cat and mouse game?" asked Teng leaning against Tong who snickering beside her. 

"Xie Xie your problem is that you are too fuckin nice. Let me show you how to properly reject someone," said Huaidan taking out a knife. 

"Hahaha, Huaidan, calm down no one is cutting Xie Xie's face," said Xiao Hua forcing Huidan to sit back down while concealing the knife.

Huaidan obediently sat down with his deadly stare fixed on Youhuo Zhe while saying, "Not Xie Xie's face, l was talking about his. Hey, take your stupid roses and shove them where the sun don't shine you...Mm, mhm." Huaidan didn't get to say the last part as his mouth was covered by Xiao Hua before he could further offend Youhuo Zhe like last time.

Wen Qinxi didn't want to attract unnecessary trouble in this world so he simply said, "Fuck off," in a stern tone shutting Youhuo Zhe down before standing up to create some distance between them but who would have thought Youhuo Zhe would take advantage of him and grope his butt saying,

"Come on why do you keep playing hard to get when you hang out in places like this," he said now standing behind him whispering in his ear, "be my kept omega and l will treat you better than your family does. How about it?"

Wen Qinxi's entire body froze in shock that is before his fight response kicked in. As though injected with chicken blood, he smashed the glass on the counter before punching Youhuo Zhe. Like chopped timber, Youhou Zhe came tumbling down with a loud thud grimacing in pain while holding his bleeding nose. The guards tried to intervene but were stopped by Youhuo Zhe himself. Wen Qinxi hated perverts the most groping women exploiting their weakness as they mostly couldn't fight back. He tried to help out if this ever happened in his presence he just never thought such a thing could happen to him. 

'Boss you shouldn't hit him hard remember you are an omega,' said the panicked system trying to stop Wen Qinxi from exposing his character to the entire universe but Wen Qinxi was like a firecracker and wouldn't stop till he was satisfied. With his new skill set, he could easily beat down the pervert with no issues.

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