Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 612: Paradise Pleasure House

Chapter 612: Paradise Pleasure House

Tianlong Yun didn't understand why but for some reason he had a feeling of uneasiness when he thought about it like that.

After all, this just showed that his work wasn't going to be as easy as it looked like, and he would have to pay more attention to the situation around him from now on.

Things wouldn't be as easy as he had thought, and he had never thought that it would be easy. It felt like the level of this mission had just jumped from A to S.

Well, it wasn't like he was afraid of it anyway, he just had to spend a bit more effort and he would be able to achieve what he wanted.

Furthermore, he had just found two treasure troves that he had never expected to find. With those thoughts in mind, he quickly started thinking about his next step.

It was clearly a surprise for him that this little beauty had already started to absorb a drop of God's Blood, but due to the number of his people, he needed more of it.

After all, from the moment that he had managed to form the bloodline he had, he had started to slowly spread it to his women, shadows, and his most loyal followers.

With that bloodline even if it was a drop of God Blood from a Vampire or a Werewolf God it shouldn't be a problem for them to absorb them as long as he helped them a bit.

So he didn't care how much the Vampire Clan and the Werewolves Clan actually had, he only knew that he wanted it all.

Perhaps in the future, he would return and give them back a few drops, in order to repay the debt, but right now he wanted to clear their inventory.

Still first things first, he wouldn't be able to do something like that without entering that Ancestors Grave himself, and he really doubted that the Vampire King would permit him to do so.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly decided on his next line of actions, as he turned towards the little beauty and said,

"Very well, now you can put your mask back and leave with the others, I have some things to take care of, and don't have time to waste.

If you do as you are told, and obey me in the future, then I will give you a complete Soul Power cultivation manual and help you improve faster!"

The little beauty was clearly dissatisfied by the way she was treated as she said with a displeased voice,

"You expect me to believe that!?"

Tianlong Yun's face and voice became cold like he was spitting ice from his mouth as he said,

"I don't care whether you believe it or not!

You might think that you are quite the talent at the bottom of the well, but once you take your head out then the whole world will change in front of you!

I advise you to take your head out of the well if you want to have a better perspective and future for yourself."

With that said, Tianlong Yun didn't seem like he wanted to talk more to her, as he looked towards her big sister Drina and said,

"You know where the 'Paradise Pleasure House' is!?"

"Yes, I do Master, but if you want you can still have fun with us, Master, you don't have to go there!"

"Hmph~! Just a lecherous man who only thinks about having s*ex and you still have the audacity to tell me that I am looking everything from the bottom of a well!"

While Drina was just trying to better satisfy her Master, Ina was clearly jumping the gun in dissatisfaction. She clearly didn't like the way she was treated.

Tianlong Yun's face turned even gloomier and darker, as he said,

"Don't test my patience, or you will regret it! Now leave these places alongside all these other women!"

Ina was clearly even more infuriated after those words, but this time she didn't have any other choice but to do as she was told, as the slave mark inside her influenced her decision.

She had no other choice but to do as her Master told her, as the accomplishment of the order was much more important than her own anger, and dislike.

On the other hand, Drina was quite displeased with her little sister, but she knew that the little devil was too difficult to handle, and if she said or did something now it will only worsen things out.

Not only that, but she might even invite her Master's anger, and displeasure upon her, and that was something she didn't want to happen.

With those thoughts, she saw her little sister, and everyone else beside Alina to leave the room on the fifth floor, and only then she tried to say to her Master,

"Please forgive her Master, since she has been treated like a genius her whole life, it's a bit of a great impact to have suddenly been treated like that! I will personally teach her a lesson if she continues!"

"Don't worry I am not that petty, and narrow-minded! Now lead the way towards that place, I have heard that they have quite the goods!"

Drina didn't know how to react to those words, but she didn't linger with them anymore, as she turned towards Alina and said,

"You heard the Master girl, now prepare the car and get us there!"

"Yes, Master!"

With that said, Alina immediately got out of the room and went to arrange the things downstairs, while Tianlong Yun was left with Drina upstairs.

The moment they were left alone Tianlong Yun asked the naked beauty that was still in his arms,

"Tell me what do you know about the 'Paradise Pleasure House'!?"

Drina was a bit surprised by her Master's question, as she thought that he should know about it since he wanted to go there tonight! But still, she started speaking,

"That place opened only about 11 years ago, and at first it started like a normal brothel house. Since the owner was a foreigner and didn't know the rules of this place, it started clashing with the rest.

While that was most probably a great headache and trouble for them, since it managed to keep its stand and its place, it also helped them build a name and reputation for themselves.

Not only that, but they offered the best working conditions making a lot of women want to work in that place, but they wouldn't accept anyone either.

They would only pick the best of the best, and then they would train them further, even educating them, and teaching them etiquette, singing, dancing, and everything else a man might be interested in.

It took the whole market by storm and quickly became one of the top pleasure houses in the whole market.

Everyone thought that it would incur the wrath of the whole top guns of the country, but they quickly created connections with the politicians, and the higher-ups of this country to gain a standing.

Not only that, but they even made a link with my First brother, who is currently the crown prince, and earned even our protection. The price they had to pay though was 49% of their profit."

"That's quite the heavy deal that they signed, but the benefits they received isn't small either. As they managed to gain the needed security and support to grow bigger and wider.

There is something that I don't understand though since this place is under your influence shouldn't they have tried to make such a deal with you!?

Why did they go to the crown prince!?"

"Well they did, but since I wasn't interested in connection, the fight for the throne, and didn't like that business much, I outright refused them, and showed them the door.

In fact, I even tried to shut them down a couple of times, and it was only when my First brother entered the fray that I finally stopped making trouble for them!

So, I am more than assured that I won't be welcomed in there! So, if Master wants to leave me behind, and go there by yourself I will certainly understand your decision!"

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun had a weird complexion on his face, but he still didn't let it linger for long, as he said,

"Don't be stupid! I don't care about that!"

As he said so, Alina finally appeared from the elevator once again, saying,

"Master, everything is ready!"

When she bowed and showed respect though she did so towards Drina, who immediately reproached her,

"Little girl, my Master is your Master now. I am your Master's woman! Do you understand what I just said!?"

Alina was a bit startled and surprised, but as a servant who had been taught for a long time, she quickly recomposed herself and acknowledged,

"Yes, this lowly one understands!"

Tianlong Yun watched this scene with a schadenfreude look, as he didn't care much about these little things, as he then said,

"Well then let's go, we don't have time to lose!"

With that said, Drina quickly dressed up and then taking the arm of her man they walked in front while Alina followed behind them.

The car that Alina had arranged was a black limo, with a really comfortable and big private space, totally sealed from the driver.

The car was bulletproof and was made of a special metal, that was at least twice as strong as the best steel out there.

This was a luxury that only the higher-ups of the Vampire Clan or the leader of this country could enjoy, but this didn't even enter Tianlong Yun's eyes.

Still, they quickly got inside, and made their way towards the 'Paradise Pleasure House'

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