Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 613: Miss Mei

Chapter 613: Miss Mei

Tianlong Yun certainly enjoyed his trip, as all the way he was kissing with the beauty by his side Drina and being serviced by another beauty, Alina.

It was quite an enjoyable trip, but soon they arrived at the destination, and it was time for Tianlong Yun to deal with some matters.

In order to not attract attention, and not announce the real relationship he had with Drina to the whole world, Tianlong Yun had to act as if was her servant from now on.

All three of them were quite fluid as they quickly changed the expressions on their faces, and their countenances, as Tianlong Yun and Alina looked like they were following their Master Drina.

The Paradise Pleasure House was a big old architecture mansion on the outside of the city, looking extremely magnificent and luxurious.

From the moment that the owner of this place had secured the support of the First Prince, and at the same time the current Crown Prince of the Vampire Clan they had left the Red Light District.

Nowadays the Paradise Pleasure House wasn't just a small brothel like it had been in the past, but it had turned into a high society pleasure establishment.

Sometimes they would even invite big celebrities throughout the country or even the whole of Europe to give special shows in there, and not only.

The cases where famous celebrities had sold more than their skills of performance weren't low, as a lot of money rained in their pockets.

And it wasn't only men that visited this place, as there were a lot of ladies as well. The best thing about this place was clearly the secrecy it withheld.

In fact, all the participating guests in this place were taken inside through different routes, and then given masks to disguise their selves, in order to not make their identities known.

This was also done so in order to create equality in terms of bidding during the auctioning, but also to protect them after the winning of their bids.

If they didn't do so, then a lot of people would start creating troubles using their identities and backgrounds, and it was clear that the owner didn't want something like that to happen.

After all, it would create a mess at the venue and would even lower the reputation of the place, so the mask was a great idea, that had worked perfectly until now.

Well, certainly there were people who didn't need those masks to hide their identities like Princess Drina, as the background they had was just too big and deep for people to think of acting against them.

If someone had the audacity and stupidity to act against the owner of the house, then the result should be clear for everyone.

Even though Princess Dina wasn't quite welcomed on the premises of this place due to the history between the two, it was still obligatory for the owner to make a presence and welcome her.

"Princess Drina, it is this lowly one's great honor to have you visit us! May I know the reason for your visit!?"

"Well, just like you said I have come to visit this place, and have a look around, Miss Mei! Could it be that I am not welcomed here!?"

"Oh my! It seems like the Fourth Vampire Princess is even more intelligent than I thought! Of course, you are welcomed in here Your Highness!"

Her tone was one of respect, pleasure, and reverence but her words were like honey layered poison.

While she was respectfully, and with fake happiness accepting the visit, she admitted to the fact that the Princess wasn't welcomed in there!

Even Princess Drina was unable to keep her calm, and cold-bloodedness as she heard those words, and that tone.

This was the first time that someone dared to talk to her like that, despite knowing about her arrogance and temper. Just what made this woman so confident in front of her?

She was clearly a beauty, with long black hair, jade-like green eyes, a small nose, full red lips, and an expression of innocence, pride, and determination on her face.

Her body was really good too, her melons weren't big, but weren't small either. They looked like they were in a perfect size and shape for a handful.

Her waist was thin, and delicate, while her hips were wider, followed by her nice perky buttocks, and then her thin and long legs.

She was like a beauty coming out of a painting, and it was more than clear that she had been one of the big reasons why her First Brother had agreed to help this establishment.

There were words that the fool of a brother she had, had fallen in love with her, and was rolling on her fingers.

If one continued down this line of thought, then it was more than understandable why she felt like even the Arrogant Princess couldn't do anything to her.

But as the Arrogant Princess was thinking like that, a totally unexpected person jumped in front of her, and said with a slightly higher tone,

"Audacious! How do you dare to talk to Princess Drina like that! Who do you think you are?"

Even Princess Drina herself was shocked by that explosion of Tianlong Yun, as she didn't expect it in the least.

She wanted to believe that Tianlong Yun was doing this because he loved her, but she wasn't so stupid as to think that Tianlong Yun would blow his plans and cover for her.

Alina was feeling the same as her, as she even wanted to stop him before making trouble for Princess Drina, even though she had accepted him as her Master, her loyalty still was with the princess.

On the other hand, despite saying those words, Tianlong Yun stood with a calm and unperturbed face in front of them, looking at the beauty across him.

The two ladies behind him perhaps had failed to notice, but he hadn't. The moment his voice sounded across the place, and that beauty landed her eyes on him, she twitched in emotion.

It was like she had finally met someone that she hadn't seen for a long time, someone that was able to make her heart pound like it was about to burst of excitement.

Her knight in shining armor, and the person that had saved and changed her life. Her first love, and the man of her life.

Still, she was able to quickly hide that emotion, as a look of anger, and rage was plastered on her face, as she said,

"It seems like you have forgotten to put a leash on your dogs, Princess! You better keep it in check, otherwise, I will be forced to teach him a lesson, and you won't like the process."

Drina's face immediately went dark and gloomy, as she was unable to bear someone trash-talking her Master and her lover, but before she said anything her face twitched for a second.

Tianlong Yun reminded her to treat him just like she would treat a servant otherwise people might figure something out.

So she had to try her best to keep herself in check, and then said with a cold tone,

"You better know your place to Miss Mei, otherwise don't blame me for teaching you a lesson in my brother's stead!"

"Well, I would like to see whether you have the necessary strength to do so, Princess!"

"Are you trying to test me, Miss Mei!?"

"No, no! I wouldn't dare Princess, a person of my birth and stature isn't worthy of doing so!

But if the Princess would like to have a spar with me, then I would accept it wholeheartedly!"

The face-off seemed to be just like the scene between two lionesses meeting with each other, as Tianlong Yun still stood in the middle.

Hearing the two of them argue like that though, he couldn't help but feel a slight smile cower his face for a moment.

On the other hand, Princess Drina was clearly dissatisfied with the beauty in front of her, and so was her servant Alina, so there was no way she wasn't going to accept that invitation, as she said with determination,

"I have always wondered Miss Mei's abilities that made even my brother smitten over you, so this will be a great opportunity for me to 'know' you better!"

Her words were a clear threat, as she didn't bother to hide even her killing intent at that moment, but the beauty in front of her didn't seem to be bothered by that, as she just smiled and said,

"Well then follow me, Princess! You can take your dogs with you too!"

Drina's expression once again went dark and cold, but she was once again stopped by Tianlong Yun to act, as she just followed behind the beauty, swearing that she would give her a good lesson.

Tianlong Yun seemed to be extremely angry as well. He looked like Drina was the only reason he wasn't jumping towards this Miss Mei in front of him and cut her in a hundred or a thousand pieces.

Like that, the three of them continued to follow Miss Mei inside the Mansion, and then towards a few tunnels, and hidden routes, as they finally entered a dark and gloomy arena.

'Swish~! Slap~! Ahhn~!'

At that moment, every one of them heard a swish sound, and right after a slapping sound, followed by a slightly painful moan.

The next instant the lights went on, and everyone could finally see what had just happened, as Tianlong Yun was behind Miss Mei, with one hand on her handful melon, and the other on her perky butt

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