Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 611: Talking to the little beauty Ina

Chapter 611: Talking to the little beauty Ina

It was a perfect way to make them stronger in a short time and keep them under control all the time.

The reason why he hadn't used something like this on the most important women of his life, was because while this technique was fast and useful, it was still dependent on him and his cultivation.

Not only that, but the gained cultivation was just like a copy of Tianlong Yun, once Tianlong Yun disappeared, or didn't dual cultivate with them, then their cultivation would stagnate, and fall.

This was the great achievement of the powerful clans, sects, and palaces of the Immortal World, in the intention of growing strong servants to work for them as the Masters.

After all, not everyone in this world could cultivate to a high level in a diligent, and normal way. And if they had a bad generation those powers might even suffer and disappear.

So there was the need for growing strong servants that would make up for that useless generation. Still, the biggest drawback of this technique was the life expectancy.

The servants raised through this technique would normally have only half of the life expectancy of a regular cultivator of the same realm.

As for the number of servants one could keep, that depended on their status, strength, and stamina. At the end of the day, this was a dual cultivation technique after all.

No matter how righteous, and powerful a Sect, a Clan, or a Palace in the Immortal World looked like, there was no way they weren't using this method.

What the big organizations and powers show to everyone on the outside, is just their righteous and beautiful face.

What most people don't know is all the atrocities, or the malicious things that are normally unacceptable from society, are done in the background in order for them to have to keep that power.

Tianlong Yun was no different from them, and he wasn't even a hypocrite. He knew that in order to have the strength and have it quick one can't always use the normal, and the better-looking way.

Whoever wants power, and authority at some point needs to wash their hands in the blood and sweat of the others with or without knowing about it.

Tianlong Yun knew about this, and he completely accepted the situation. He had no thought of pretending like a saint when he wasn't one.

With these thoughts in his mind, despite what he did he didn't feel guilty in the least. He was able to, so he did it.

If there was someone else who did the same thing to him, then he wouldn't waste his time thinking why it happened to him but think of a way to change the situation.

Well anyway, these were just his thoughts, and he wouldn't waste all his time thinking as there were more important things to think of.

When he was done with all of them, he went to check upon Ina, more than her though he was curious about her Soul Cultivation Manual.

After all, even Irina didn't have something like that, and she was one of the Elders of the Royal Vampire Clan, even being one of the old King's concubines.

So he clearly wanted to know more about it, as he approached her and Drina while saying,

"Well little beauty, I think it's pointless to say this now, as most probably you have understood your situation, but I will say it anyway.

From now on, you are mine!

Since you have cultivated a bit of Soul Power you should have already found out that there is a seal upon your Soul Avatar, well let me tell you that that seal, is a Sex-slave seal.

This means that from the moment that we did it together, you belonged to me, and became my possession.

We will talk later about what I need you to do, and what this connection means from now on. What I am most curious about is where did you find your Soul Cultivation Manual from!?"

Ina didn't know how to feel, or what to think at that moment, as this whole situation was extremely complex for her.

As someone who had been raised as a genius her whole life, in a place like the Royal Palace of the Vampire Clan, she was an extremely spoiled and arrogant one.

So hearing suddenly that she had turned into a sex slave for someone else all of a sudden, even though she expected something like this, was still extremely shocking to her.

Even if she had given herself to her Second brother, she would still have quite a bit of right, and freedom upon herself.

She would certainly help him get on the throne and help him even more if needed, but she would still have the freedom of choice. It would happen because she wanted to, and not because she was forced to.

But right now matters were totally different, not only had her body and purity been taken by an unknown person, but she didn't even have the right of choice anymore.

Everything was in the hands of the man in front of her!

There was one thing that she understood though, this guy was by no means an ordinary person. He seemed even more knowledgeable and talented than her.

If that wasn't already clear by the stamina and virility he had shown during this week, then she could believe the feeling when they were doing intercourse.

It felt like she was against a really big and powerful mountain that she couldn't even look the top of. She felt extremely tiny, and worthless in front of that thing.

Furthermore, there was also his Soul Power, she had no idea what tier was he in soul power, but she knew that she once again felt worthless in front of him.

To someone like her, that had thought that was one of the greatest geniuses of her generation, and a genius of once in 10.000 years, something like that was unthinkable.

A skyscraper-like her was met with a skyscreamer that made her look like a ground floor building. It was a situation she had never encountered before and a feeling she had never felt before.

Yet, she had no other option, this wasn't a multiple choice question for her, but a frozen fact that she could do nothing about.

Even if she didn't want to answer that question, she had to, so she started speaking,

"I got the Manual, and the skill from our Ancestors Grave, but unfortunately it isn't complete, and I have just started to grasp the wonders behind it!"

"Hmm~! I am getting more and more curious about this Ancestor's Grave of yours! What about the red pearl, do you have one!?"

"Ho-How do you know about it!?"

The information about the red pearls was considered to be one of the secrets of the Vampire Clan, as they were supposed to be a trump card in the hands of the most important descendants.

Even this arrogant and pedantic big sister of hers didn't have one of them, and yet Tianlong Yun seemed to know about it.

So, hearing that question she couldn't help but get extremely startled and curious. So curious that she couldn't help but increase her voice asking.

Across her, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to like the tone of this slave of his, as he said with a cold voice,

"That is none of your business, just answer my words!"

When had the little beauty ever been talked like that too, but she could see that if she didn't obey then things would only get worse for her.

"I have! Or it would be better to say that I had, but the Spirit Residue of one of the Ancestors in the Ancestors Grave helped me absorb it and helped me increase my strength in a short time.

I don't know how it happened though, I only know that by the time that I woke up, everything was over, and I had miraculously advanced a lot in my strength!

In fact, that Ancestor told me that I hadn't absorbed all of it, but only half, as my body was too weak to bear the consequences of full absorption.

For that reason he placed a seal on my body that would open slowly, as the energy would slowly sip inside me, increasing not only my strength, but also my talent, and comprehension!"

Hearing that, even Tianlong Yun was surprised for a moment, as he didn't expect that something like that would happen.

But what he was most worried about was why had that Ancestor decided to do something like this exactly now.

After all, that residue soul was bound to have stayed inside there for quite some time, and while Ina's talent was good, she was good compared to Earth, she wasn't that fascinating of a talent.

In the Immortal World, she would only be a 3rd level Second Sky talent, but there were 5 Skies' with 3 levels each, taken in increasing order from the lowest number to the highest.

While her level at the moment was extremely high, and she seemed like a cute devilish little beauty, she was still more than 100 years old, so she wasn't exactly young.

Which left only two options available, first that soul residue was close to dissipation and used its last remaining strength.

Which wasn't technically correct as the Soul residue had explained Ina's situation of her body and had even placed the seal.

Or second and most probable, they had felt some kind of danger inside the Vampire Clan, that had forced them to make a move for their Clan

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