Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 551: Attack on Rock Fortress City

Chapter 551: Attack on Rock Fortress City


A big explosion was enough to attract everyone's attention, as Tianlong Yun immediately run out of the Clan Lord Mansion, and appeared outside to see what was going on.

If one went just with the noise then it was quite the attack, but the reality was that it was more of a smoke show to attract attention.

The powerhouses that had participated in the attack were all in the first level of the Boundary Ascension Realm and weren't that powerful in the first place.

10 years ago, powerhouses of the Great Boundary Ascension Realm hadn't been able to leave a scratch on the barrier surrounding Rock Fortress City, so these guys were even less able to.

Still, the sound effect was quite good and managed to turn the place into an uproar. After so many years of peace, and seclusion Rock Fortress City was being attacked once again.

The attackers didn't seem to be really powerful, and in really big numbers, but still, their actions couldn't be underestimated.

The moment that Tianlong Yun appeared outside his Mansion, accompanied by his two beautiful wives, he was looking intently towards the sky.

He wasn't really paying much attention to the guys who had just attacked the barrier, as instead, he was looking towards the empty space.

The more he looked in that direction, the more dignified, and heavy his look, and his face became. He seemed like he was looking at death itself, as he said with a serious, and dignified tone,

"Guests from Earth Faction and Soul Land wouldn't it be better for you to stop hiding and show yourselves!? I think is beneath your status to stay hidden like turtles!"

Even though Tianlong Yun's voice was dignified and heavy, he didn't seem to be fearing those powerhouses outside, he was still calm and composed.

As his words sounded through the space, a mad laugh suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which was soon joined by a few more, as one after the other powerhouses started appearing outside the barrier.

It was quite the spectacle they were appearing like mushrooms after rain, and not all of them had happy faces or unbridled smiles like some.

As a matter of fact, most of them were looking with a cold and malicious look, filled with killing intentions towards Tianlong Yun.

10 years wasn't a truly long time for them, as each and every one of them still had fresh memories of what happened 10 years ago, and the humiliation they, and their Younglings suffered.

If they could, and if that barrier wasn't separating them at the moment, they would have already dissected this brat into more than 10.000 pieces.

They wanted to torture him, and make him suffer until they were alive, only like that would their internal anger, and rage would calm down somehow, and they had already made the preparations.

Since they were all daring to come here, then it meant that they were more than confident of achieving their interests.

Even if their numbers at the moment were almost incomparable to what they had been 10 years ago, they had the confidence of achieving their goal.

Furthermore, this time it was just their Earth Faction, but also the Soul Land 7th, 11th, and 13th kingdom powerhouses that had come to help them out.

10 years was a short time, but at the same time, 10 years was a long time. A lot of things could happen in just 1 second, and even more so in 10 years.

One of those laughing folks, who most probably hadn't suffered under the hands of Tianlong Yun, finally broke the weird shocking silence,

"Hahahah~! The Patriarch of the Shadow Clan seems to be as talented as the rumors say. I am truly surprised that you were able to sense us old fellows in here!"

This situation was nothing more than a show for Tianlong Yun, as he already had made all the preparations for this day, but he still had to play his role, as he answered back,

"Your Highness, Grand Duke of 11th Kingdom is overpraising this young one! I am nowhere near those rumors!"

While his words seemed like a humble answer, there was something that the young generation didn't comprehend but those old fogies captured immediately.

Tianlong Yun was able to know who the guy who spoke was without him even announcing his identity.

This fact clearly left a bitter taste in their mouths, as this wasn't something that every Tom, Dick, and Harry were able to do, or know.

Especially when the figure in front of him was someone that he was supposed to not only never have met before, but even hear about him or his name.

This clearly showed that even though the Rock Fortress City was supposed to have been completely sealed in these 10 years, they still had a window of information.

If they allowed this seedling to grow stronger in the future, then most probably they would truly become a powerful Faction that could rival the two other factions.

They couldn't allow something like that to happen no matter what as it was detrimental for their future. It was their good luck to have arrived here at this time.

As for the probability that Tianlong Yun might have already learned of their plan, they didn't even think about it, as they were sure they had been careful enough.

For a moment the Grand Duke's face went ugly, but then he quickly regained his senses, as he said,

"You are making this old man feel ashamed of underestimating you, if it weren't for the future of my 11th Kingdom, I might even ask you to become my disciple and teach you everything I know."

The old man wasn't lying, Tianlong Yun could clearly understand that, but that didn't truly matter. After all, that old guy might want to be his Master, but whether he was able to, was a different thought.

In fact, it would be more logical for him to become Tianlong Yun's disciple than the vice versa situation. Thinking like that, Tianlong Yun continued with the show,

"Hahahah~! Don't get ahead of yourself old man, what makes you think you are worthy of becoming my Master!?

But perhaps if you bow, and kowtow to me three times, I might allow you to become my Disciple!"

Arrogant! Extremely arrogant! Even though that might be the truth, in the eyes of the people around him, and outside the barrier Tianlong Yun was being extremely arrogant.

Those words made the old man that was laughing until that point to have a fully blood-red face, that was slowly turning to purple.

He had never thought that he would be treated like that from some worm green sprout like Tianlong Yun. In order for him to have a face in the future, he needed to properly punish Tianlong Yun.

"You ungrateful brat!"

The moment he said that the Qi inside his body got restless, as a large amount of Qi was gathering around him. He was pissed off and needed to blow off some steam.

The other powerhouses around him seemed to be disappointed at his self-restraining but this was still something that they had to do anyway, so they quickly followed his lead.

Just like 10 years ago the sky turned dark, and then a lot of light sources appeared suddenly out of nowhere, glowing stronger than the light of the artificial sun.

It was quite the spectacle, that people were watching with their worried eyes and hearts. What would happen to them, if the barrier was broken.

As every citizen of Rock Fortress City was thinking like that, Tianlong Yun said in an unhurried, and natural voice,


The same thing had already happened once 10 years ago, and the same thing was happening again, just that this time the guards' number had increased quite a bit, reaching over 2000.

These guys were the strongest force around Tianlong Yun, and also his most trusted people. Each and every one of them were handpicked from tens of thousands of Shadow Clan members.

Just like 10 years ago they immediately acted together, and started the Soul Severing Formation, creating another layer of defense on top of the barrier.

The moment the attack of the outside hit the formation and then the barrier, those 2000 guards of Tianlong Yun were unable to hold and had all passed out.

It was truly quite the predicament, and situation, the only good news was that the barrier didn't show any signs of failing or breaking down.

That result made the members of Shadow Clan jump high in happiness, but their moment was cut short, as that old man started laughing too, and said,

"Hahhha~! You defended the barrier once, but I would love to see you do it once again! Hahaha~!"

Those words were like some curse words towards the Shadow Clan members inside the barrier, as they started looking with worried expressions towards what would happen from now on.

Seeing the situation develop like that, it looked like everything was going according to their plan, as that man continued,

"People of Rock Fortress City, we know that all this time you have been imprisoned against your own will, used, and tortured by this demon vermin Tianlong Yun!

We the Soul Land Kingdoms, and your Earth Faction only have problems with him, and his evil intentions! We don't want to implicate innocent people in our clean-up.

As long as you stay aside, or manage to subdue this devil, then you will have my word that no one will accuse you, or judge you of any crime!

Please help us save this land, us and yourselves!"

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