Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 552: Funny Bullshitting Contest

Chapter 552: Funny Bullshitting Contest

Everyone inside the barrier hearing those words was in a truly tight position at that moment, as they were faced with a truly difficult choice.

They either bet on the outside powerhouses and betrayed the Shadow Clan for a chance to live on, or they bet on their Patriarch Tianlong Yun, and the Shadow Clan to continue living under the barrier.

The main issue of this decision though was only one, would those powerhouses from outside be able to destroy the barrier or not.

It was quite a difficult choice and situation for each and every one of them, they didn't know what to do.

Certainly, there were a few loyal souls to the Shadow Clan that had tied their lives and futures to the Shadow Clan, but most of these guys were already scumbags, to begin with.

Being a free cultivator, it didn't mean that the person was a good man, or a reputable man, as in fact, it was quite the opposite.

Forced from the conditions, their lives, and their own decisions most of these people would always end up as trash, scumbags that no organization would take them in.

Each and every one of them was like some kind of poisoned vine that seemed to have the potential to poison a whole forest.

What was happening right now was the best way to prove that fact, as while the crowds were still in contemplation of that choice, a few traitors showed up screaming,

"It's not correct and right for us innocent bystanders to suffer for the wrongdoings of other people! We were forced to stay, and obey these people all this time, but now I don't want to anymore.

I want to leave this place, and continue living my life! If the Masters outside are willing to give me such an opportunity, then I am more than grateful and willing to accept!"

While that guy was clearly betraying the person that had fed him and helped him grow stronger in these 10 years, he was still putting up a right and just front as he did so.

To people like him, whose own life mattered much more than any possible value, or moral, those words sounded like some kind of holy revelation.

That was right, why should they suffer the grievances and wrongdoings of other people. Why should they die for others, when they could continue living for themselves?

It just didn't make sense to them!

Just as the first cowardly idiot raised his voice, many others followed behind him and entered his banner.

1 became 2, 2 became 5, and before one could even react more than half of the people in there were thinking and whispering the same.

The face of that old man on the outside was getting brighter and brighter. Even though he already expected something like that, it was still quite a view to enjoy.

The cold and collected expression of Tianlong Yun was a killjoy for him, but he thought that it was just a tough front as inside Tianlong Yun must be furious and enraged.

He truly believed that!

On the other hand, the person in question was looking at all these scumbags around him, that had wasted him quite a bit of resource, without caring in the least about them.

The truth was that he had never expected them to turn into loyal clan members either, in fact, he thought that they had already resisted for long.

This wasn't something unexpected for him, and he didn't have to play any more tricks to fool the other side.

The only reason why he was still not acting or saying anything was that a few of those damned snakes he wanted to purge hadn't joined the party yet.

Since he intended to clean his front yard once and for all, he had to make sure that he didn't leave anyone behind.

For that reason, he was just looking at them, without doing or saying anything. But seeing that those guys hadn't bitten the bait, he decided to act himself,

"Hahahah~! I didn't know that you could spew such funny bullshit from one's mouth! I must say that I am truly surprised today. You have managed to make my day!"

Tianlong Yun's sudden laughing explosion was enough to surprise everyone in there, especially those guys who had already changed their side or were about to.

It was the one who spoke first, that couldn't allow something like that to pass, as he looked at Tianlong Yun with hate, and anger, as he said,

"What do you mean!?"

And as if that wasn't enough, that old man from beyond the barrier decided to poke his nose as well,

"Tianlong Yun, are you trying to use these poor innocent people to protect yourself!? Aren't you ashamed of yourself as a cultivator?"


His righteous looking words earned him only a loud peal of laughter from Tianlong Yun, who seemed to have just heard the best joke of his life, as it took him quite a while to calm down, and say,

"Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better, that I couldn't hear any more funny bullshit, you go and topple the list!

I really bow to your fierceness Master! Perhaps in this situation, you truly deserve to be my Master! Hahahah~!"

Tianlong Yun's remarks made the old man forget about the favorable situation he was in, and even more about the happy mood of a few moments ago, as he screamed with rage,

"You vile creature, I will skin you alive!"

He was truly furious with Tianlong Yun at the moment, and if it weren't for the plan they had already set up in motion he would have already tried to hit the barrier a second time.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about his words, but there was someone else who couldn't let go of this opportunity.

The guy who spoke first, and who had turned himself into the core of the traitors' group decided to take this chance to grow a better impression of that Master outside as he said,

"Tianlong Yun, don't go too far! Not only are you the debtor in this case, but you also go around insulting and cursing other people.

I can't believe I have served you and the Clan for so long with sincerity!"


But once again, all his words earned him, was a sudden burst of out-loud laughter from Tianlong Yun. It looked like each time these guys said anything he would burst out laughing, unable to control himself.

This time it took him a bit more to control himself, as he even looked to have dropped a few tears from laughing hard. Wiping his tears, he said with a kind of unbelievable tone,

"Man, I never thought you guys would be so funny. You are clearly trying to surpass each other in spewing shit out of your mouths.

Is there some kind of funny bullshitting competition among you guys or something?"

The more Tianlong Yun was speaking at that moment, the more furious did that old man from the outside the barrier, and that first traitor become.

But while the first was outside the barrier and there was nothing he could do to Tianlong Yun, the second one was inside the barrier and not far from him.

Even though he was the first traitor the truth was that in these 10 years that guy had become a powerful level 4 Soul Formation Realm expert, and was always treated with respect inside Rock Fortress City.

This was the first time since he joined the Shadow Clan that he had been disrespected, and treated like this, so he could really accept it.

His ego didn't accept it!

He was enraged beyond belief all this time, and especially when he thought that this whole damn situation was going out of hand, and out of the plan, as Tianlong Yun should be angry and exploding at that moment.

Tianlong Yun's fate had already been decided, as he was going to die a truly painful and suffering death, as he would become one of the important figures of a big organization.

Yet this already dead thing was embarrassing and shaming him like this before his death. How could he allow something like that to happen?

With those thoughts in mind, he was unable to control himself, as he jumped towards Tianlong Yun using every ounce of strength, and cultivation inside his body, with clear killing intent, screaming,

"Tianlong Yun surrender your life~!"

Since Tianlong Yun was embarrassing and shaming him in front of everyone else, then he shouldn't blame him for starting his suffering and approaching his time of death.

Everyone in there was startled and shocked as they didn't expect something like that to happen. Even if those guys had decided to step away, they didn't have to personally kill Tianlong Yun, right?

And yet at that moment in front of their eyes, that guy was going full ballistic trying to kill Tianlong Yun in front of everyone.

Those Masters on the outside were surprised and shocked too, but to them, this was a pleasing surprise, as like this they would be able to make more of a benefit.

As long as these idiots fought against Tianlong Yun and his people, even if they didn't kill him, they would still do them a great favor by reducing their own numbers.

Even though, they knew that this was going to be completely useless, and worthless, as, even though that guy might have a higher level of cultivation than Tianlong Yun, he forgot one important thing.

Tianlong Yun had more than one Boundary Ascension Realm powerhouses protecting him

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