Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 550: Paying Goodness with Malice

Chapter 550: Paying Goodness with Malice

The 'Justice Sect'! These guys were one of the most rotten bunches out there, but that was only for those who had a clear look at them.

For normal mortals, though they were the ray of hope in that terrible situation where no one seemed to care about them.

To those poor souls, the 'Justice Sect' was a big opportunity for them, an opportunity to give them a small say in all the mess.

To people like them who had lived their whole life under a false reality that was a great way to continue lying to themselves, and not accepting their weakness.

Their greed, ambition, and stupid pride didn't allow them to think that they might be wrong even for a short instant. They forgot all beliefs, and morals, as they joined the destructive war with blind eyes, and hearts.

While Earth was wrought in war and destruction, the situation in Soul Land didn't seem to be much different either.

These 10 years had passed rather calmly, and quietly, as the big guys were in seclusion and working only behind the curtains.

The biggest event was presumably the appearance of Rock Fortress City as a new faction in Soul Land and its autonomy.

Despite not having enough strength to rival the Earth Faction and the Soul Faction, they had enough defense to defend their selves from those two.

After the failed attack of the Earth Faction's Ancestors on the barrier, people all over Soul Land believed that the defense of Rock Fortress City was impenetrable.

As long as Tianlong Yun or any member of his Shadow Clan didn't see the need to come out of there then the other two factions would be unable to do anything to them.

More than a faction, Rock Fortress City was a kind of autonomous city that seemed to have turtled itself from the outside world.

Those rumors became even more noisy and loud when Rock Fortress City announced to have closed its doors, and that they didn't accept the entrance of any outsider in the city.

No matter how many refugees made their way towards the City doors, none of them was accepted inside, and they were forced to turn around.

Everyone understood the reason easily, as each and any of those refugees could be some spy or element sent to them by the Earth faction, but still didn't this show them like scared turtles?

Was there any way for them to grow bigger and stronger if they didn't accept outside help? Or were they planning to on turtling behind the barrier for the rest of their lives?

No matter how louder or how noisier the idiots outside became though, the people inside seemed to be continuing with their lives as normal.

In fact, the truth was that their lives were anything but normal, as everyone in the Rock Fortress City felt like they had entered a cultivation Heaven.

Not only were they completely safe from any distraction, and hazard from the outside, but they were also given a crazy amount of resources, cultivation techniques, and martial arts.

To people like they who were used to get satisfied with the crumbs that anyone left behind, this was a true Heaven.

A lot of them were unable to believe their luck, and their situation in the first few years, as they felt like this was some sort of mirage in a damned dessert.

Their luck was just too good after all, and they couldn't believe it. most of them decided to not only join the Shadow Clan but also participate in the special mission.

Only in the first year of the issue of the special mission, the population inside the Rock Fortress City was increased by more than 30%!

And when the free cultivators inside received the rewards of their 'hard work' they were even more pumped up to continue participating in this mission.

With something as simple as giving birth to a baby, they were able to receive the rewards that they would need to work for more than 3 years, by placing their life in danger quite a few times.

How could they give up on such an opportunity, so they continued participating in the special mission like rabbits.

After all, they didn't even need to worry about the resources for their children, as the Shadow Clan was taking responsibility for each and every one of them.

It was announced that all the newborns would be grown by their parents until the age of 3 and after that, they would be taken into the Shadow Clan academy and would be taught the Clan's arts and techniques.

At first, the free cultivators saw the situation with hesitance, and reluctance, as the amount of resources that the Shadow Clan was offering was enormous.

Something that should be impossible even for most of the biggest organizations of the Earth Faction.

But year by year they could only get more and more shocked by the situation as they never delayed, and even less deny or miss giving the promised rewards.

It was truly something out of their expectations, and imagination, as they were going stronger, and reaching new heights in their cultivation by the day.

Slowly and steadily these guys started to get used to their new lives and even started to get these things for granted.

A bunch of hungry wolves were placed inside a big and comfortable compound, being fed delicious food almost every day.

At first, they would pledge their loyalty to their owner on every occasion, and would even go as far as to revere him as a God.

Unfortunately, a wolf is not the same as a dog, as once the dog pledges its loyalty then only death could break his pledge, but a wolf is different, much different.

As they get used to the delicious food they eat every day, then the moment that source of food is taken away from them, they will once again turn into hungry wolves.

As a matter of fact, they will have grown bigger and stronger, and become even more dangerous than they were at first.

The same thing happened inside Rock Fortress City, on the 7th anniversary of the special mission, Tianlong Yun and the Shadow Clan decided that it was time to put an end to it.

Not only that, but it was also announced that soon the Shadow Clan would start missions for the outside of the Rock Fortress City, and it was time for their people to pay the Clan with their efforts.

Those two announcements clearly left a bad taste in the mouths of all the people inside the Rock Fortress City.

Their lives were peaceful, quiet, and extremely extravagant, they were living even better than the lives in their dreams.

There was no way they would accept to lose everything they had and go endanger their lives in the outside world for the interests of the Shadow Clan.

Not only that but with the passage of time they felt themselves as more and more important to the Clan like they were the core of the Clan.

How could they not think like that, as their numbers including their children made for more than 60% of the clan?

In their head, or to be more exact in the heads of their 'unacclaimed' leaders, they should be the new leading power of the Clan.

It was time for Tianlong Yun to abdicate his position as the Patriarch of the Clan, and then create a 'Clan Council' who would decide for the best interests of the Clan.

And the best interests of the Clan were clearly staying inside the Rock Fortress City until the situation outside was resolved, if necessary they didn't want to leave this place ever.

The problem was that the moment something like this was proposed to Tianlong Yun, he disappeared into nothingness.

No one knew what had happened to him, but they could clearly understand what might have happened, forcing all the others to lower their heads and their ambitions.

Just because the snake had lowered its head it didn't mean that it had died, so even though the others acted like they had given up, they started working in the shadows.

After all, the Clan's name was Shadow Clan, and they felt like they had totally become members of the Clan, as they doing what they had to.

But considering the strength by Tianlong Yun's side, they knew that it was impossible for them to have any chance of taking him down alone, so they devised two strategies.

The first was to start buying the powerhouses protecting him to their side, and the second was to start operations with his enemies.

After all, through simple logic, they were able to understand that those organizations inside the Earth Faction outside weren't enemies of the city or the Clan.

They were the personal enemies of Tianlong Yun and his wives! So, they felt that it was more than possible to have a gentlemen's agreement with those guys of the Earth Faction.

They had completely forgotten their past and were looking only towards the future. This was the real world.

They saw Tianlong Yun's actions as stupidity! If they were in his place they would never have done something like that.

It wasn't a surprise that the Earth Faction welcomed their actions, as they even called them as messengers of Humanity.

Their plan was simple and easy, they would pretend to fight on the outside, and poison Tianlong Yun and his people on the inside.

No matter how strong Tianlong Yun was, and no matter how strong his core was, there was no way a green sprout like him would be able to survive their planning.

He didn't have malice enough to escape, as on the anniversary of the 10 years Rock Fortress City was put once again under siege

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