Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 549: Nostalgia & War

Chapter 549: Nostalgia & War

"Empress! Empress! Big Sister Xia, did you hear what I just said!?"

Tianlong Xia was awakened from her thoughts and dreams by a sudden and loud remark from Tianlong Shui.

"Oh, sorry Shui-er I wasn't paying attention, did something happen?"

As a matter of fact, it wasn't Tianlong Shui who was being loud, and sudden, it was just that Tianlong Xia was lost in her thoughts for her man at that moment.

Quite a bit of time had passed until now, and she still couldn't forget that time when she thought she had lost him.

The whole world lost color for her, as everything became meaningless and empty. She couldn't believe that she had lost him, the emptiness inside her body was like an endless abyss.

It was unbelievable how only one person was able to fill that much of her heart, and have that much importance in her life.

But she didn't care about that at that moment, the only thing she cared about was that her whole being was in pain, and her soul seemed to be in flames.

If she had lost him then she had no connection to this world anymore, she had no reason to live and exist if he didn't exist with her.

Their existences were dependent on each other, one would only exist if the other did too. The moment one of them died or ceased to exist so would the other.

This was their oath to each other, something that even the Heavens wouldn't be able to void. So if he was truly dead then she should be following behind him.

Even though she seemed completely close to her own death at that moment, and her life energy was running pretty low, she still had a sign of life in her body.

Her heart hadn't completely stopped, it was still beating, even though pretty slowly and pretty low it was still beating inside her chest.

The abyss inside her chest was almost completely empty, but not totally empty. Her Soul Avatar seemed to be close to destruction, but it wasn't destructed yet.

This was enough for her to understand that he hadn't truly died, but he wasn't that far from death and cease of existing.

But that was enough to keep her fighting, that was enough to push her way beyond her limits, and try everything she could in order to restore herself, and if possible help him in his current situation.

That didn't seem possible at the moment though, the only thing she could do was try her best to restore herself.

Her condition alarmed quite a few people in the Shadow Clan, but there was no internal disturbance or discomfort due to it.

None of the truly important people of the Shadow Clan seemed to have any thought of taking her place, as the 16 Shadows created an emergency council to take care of the important issues.

With the condition of Tianlong Xia and the absence of Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue, they were the highest authority in the Clan.

It took quite some time for Tianlong Xia to return to her normal state, but when she did she seemed to have surpassed her limits quite a bit.

And that wasn't the only time that she had fell on that state, as it happened once again not long after, and this time the situation seemed even more hopeless.

Somehow, someway she still managed to pull it off, and survive once again, and become even stronger than before.

Tianlong Yun most probably had no idea about what was going on, but the truth was that she was suffering all the pains and the gains that he did himself.

What happened just a moment ago was something that she had been starting to feel quite often lately, she truly missed the presence of her man.

To beings like them that measure the time with centuries, and millennia this small amount of time shouldn't have been this significant, and yet it was.

It was more significant than all those tens of thousands of years she had lived in her previous life. In fact, she felt like those years weren't even comparable to her current moment.

As she was thinking like that, she heard another scream from the woman in front of her,

"Earth to Big Sister Xia, can you hear me!?"

It was only then that she was finally able to recollect herself, and look at the two ladies in front of her with a sorry but dignified expression,

"I am really sorry, I was lost in my thoughts!"

"We understand, we have been missing Master a lot too! We hope and wish that he returns as soon as possible, nothing is the same without him."

The two women in front of her were just like her, extremely missing Tianlong Yun. That didn't make her angry, or jealous quite on the opposite actually it made her feel really happy.

Her man, her mate was so charismatic and blessed that he had managed to gain the favor of all these exceptional women that were ready to die for him and create for her a new family.

Something that she had always dreamed to have!

"Then we have to work even harder so that when he gets back everything is already taken care of, and he can spend as much time as he wants with us!"

These were her true thoughts, and intentions that moved the two women in front of her and made them instantly fire up with newfound resolve and determination.

Like that 10 years passed as soon as a blink, and as long as 10 centuries. The situation had always been tense, and close to exploding so many times, but there would always miss the spark.

This last year the whole planet was covered with an eerie silence, that made people think that the storm wasn't far away from hitting.

If there was still noise, it meant that the situation was still under control, but if there was silence it meant that the tiniest spark would blow up everything.

In these 10 years, all organizations had entered seclusion trying to prepare, and cultivate their forces, and it seemed like they were finally getting ready to attack.

The spark that set ablaze the fire of war, or it would be more exact to say the fire that set ablaze the war, was the death of the Leader of the biggest organization on Earth, the leader of the Masons.

Once the highest pillar, that blocked the sun had fallen on the ground, all the other pillars that were sick of the shadows, started jumping towards the sun.

A powerful, and fully inclusive war exploded all over the planet. It was a war that didn't include only the experts, and people with supernatural abilities, as even normal people couldn't escape it.

In just a single month from the day that the war was announced, more than 30% of Earth's population, and infrastructure were destroyed.

Humanity was suddenly awakened from the fake reality they were living up to that time and were dragged into the darned, and vicious war.

Earth had completely changed from what it had been, even though the nuclear weapons weren't used yet, as governments were trying to protect their people, the destruction brought was still beyond imagination.

The strength of different types of cultivation, the strength of the powerhouses of each side was able to make Earth, and every country on the surface unrecognizable.

And that was considering the fact, that until now the different powers on Earth were only trying to tease, and investigate their opponents.

None of them had become serious yet, as they didn't want to become the center of attention, but slowly the situation was flowing towards that direction.

The situation was getting more and more dangerous by the day, as it felt like by the time that everything was over, there wouldn't be left more than 10% of the current humans on Earth.

It was a true tragedy but the people pulling the strings from the top didn't seem to care about it. The only thing that mattered then and there, was that they were the last standing when everything was over.

Whoever was the last man standing would be able to become the new Holy Leader of Earth, as they would have full control over the whole planet.

Just the ecstasy of thinking that the whole Planet would be in their hands and that they would be able to do whatever they wanted to do, was enough to drink them up.

The leader of a planet, just what kind of standing, and position would that be, as they would have a whole planet on the tip of their fingers.

That kind of power was just something that they could never let go of, even if it meant that they would be lying their lives on the way, it didn't matter.

This was their best chance to use their lives for such a goal and objective, no matter if their intentions were right or wrong, they all had the same goal.

The ones who suffered the most from this war were clearly the lowest link of the chain, the poor mortal people, that had been blinding by the fake reality they lived every day.

They tried to protest, preach beliefs, preach democracy, preach humanity, preach morals but none of them worked.

No matter what they did, or what they said would always fall on deaf ears, and blind eyes, making them, even more, angered and furious, and at the same time even more scared, and frightened.

In such a situation, the ones who profited the most were

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