Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 541: Forced to the Messed Up Game

Chapter 541: Forced to the Messed Up Game

They all thought that perhaps all this that Tianlong Yun was doing was just a way to 'legally' return them to square one.

While they were grown between inner fights and disputes, none of these guys was smart enough, that was proved by the fact that they had been never truly had any chance to become the leaders.

So, in a sense, they were just a recollection of the trash from the big organizations that were thrown here in order to get rid of them.

There was one thing that Tianlong Yun had learned from this place, while this was sold as a big opportunity on Earth, and these guys truly believed that this was most probably a trash can.

What he meant by that was that those people on the outside saw this place as the perfect place to send their troublemakers and those that they wanted to take out.

But most probably only the higher-ups knew about the real purpose of this place, as the lower echelons and these guys here truly thought that this was an opportunity.

Well, that wasn't totally a mistake as this was a great opportunity for someone like Tianlong Yun as he had been able to get quite the profits in this place, but for others, it was just a death arena.

If it weren't for him causing a disturbance in the Nightmare Forests, and causing that large show, most probably these guys would still be inside the Fortresses' barriers or become slaves already.

The only ones who would be able to play around for some more time would most probably be those guys from the organizations that had Great Boundary Ascension Masters with them.

But this was worth showing that there were people treating this place like a treasure trove and were looking forward to reaping great profits and benefits from this place.

Too bad that they had no idea what was the benefit of this place, otherwise they would have sent everything they had towards places like the Nightmare Forest.

Instead of going towards the Fortress Cities like moths to the flame. But of course, there was also the matter of them having the guts to do so or not, and if they had any chance of succeeding.

Well, that didn't matter much at this moment, as Tianlong Yun was looking at the two people in the final game cage.

They were correct about the fact that Tianlong Yun was trying to make them return to square one, as there was no way he would let them escape from torture, but that wasn't the only purpose.

He was hoping that they would truly start something like that, and fail, so then he could finally push them to go even further with that.

This wasn't the end of the games, this was just the start. Everything that had happened until now was just an appetizer, and also a way to make them create enmity with each other.

With those enmities among them, they would be even more willing to obey the next games that he was planning them to play later.

As for the two main characters of this game they were both looking at each other with skepticism and at the same time looking at Tianlong Yun with hate, and anger, especially Young Master Andre Davos.

They both couldn't underestimate each other, as they had both coming here using any means necessary, which clearly included betrayal and traps.

So even though the game this time was something that none of them had any plan of participating it was still of high importance to keep vigilance on each other.

The seconds were slowly following one another as none of them seemed to have any plan of participating in this damned and cursed final game.

They would rather start this thing from the beginning than do something like that, but at the same, they couldn't help but think about something that they didn't like.

'What if Tianlong Yun proposed the same final game for each final they reached? Then it would be useless no matter how many times they tried to reach the final.

As they would be destined to fail in every final they reach, the only way they could pass this damn final game would be if the finalists are of a different gender.

It would become public sex, but as long as the two finalists reached an agreement to take join together after this whole shitty situation it wouldn't be that bad.

But as they were thinking like that, with the intention of not participating in this cursed final game, and let the whole competition start from the beginning, the people outside seemed to have different opinions.

The truth was that those guys still hadn't given up from trying to destroy the barrier around the Rock Fortress City that Tianlong Yun had erected.

Including that level 6 Boundary Ascension powerhouse they were all trying their best to destroy that barrier, using everything they could, but it seemed like it was useless.

No matter how much they tried there was no ripple, or crack in that damned barrier, making it almost impossible to destroy.

At the same time, they were keeping an eye, and an ear to the situation inside the barrier, there was no way they were going to neglect that situation.

This final was just that much important for them, and their plan to take down that damned barrier, and then put an end to all this farce.

In fact, their plan was simple and logical, the moment that Tianlong Yun released the winner from the barrier they would strike with everything they had, benefiting from the temporary weakness.

Surely that might spell trouble for the Young Master that would pass through the barrier, but there were much more important things to think about at the moment.

Furthermore, after participating in this game, it was impossible for these guys to keep their positions in their respective organizations.

It was quite the cruel plan towards the two Young Masters, but the people on the outside trying to break the barrier didn't care in the least about it. Destruction of the barrier took priority over everything.

It was exactly for that reason that the people outside decided almost unanimously on the same course of action.

Even the organizations behind Young Master Andre Davos, and Young Master Pietro Galdi were of the same opinion, as they sent words to their Young Masters to go on with the challenge.

It was like a big blow to the two people inside the cage, that were going for the final battle. They couldn't believe the order they had received.

It wasn't only one of them, but both of them had received the same order, take the challenge, and make sure to lose.

This was the best way for them to agree to the decision, and at the same time keep their Young Master alive.

It didn't need much intelligence or imagination to understand that the one that would win would turn into a human sacrifice as he tried to pass through the barrier.

So, their Young Masters could only live through losing! Once they broke the barrier down, they could directly descend take care of Tianlong Yun, while securing their Young Masters, and Young Misses.

Their plan wasn't bad, and it probably had high chances of succeeding but they were still making a big mistake, they were underestimating Tianlong Yun.

In their heads, and in their plans, Tianlong Yun would just wait for them to do whatever they wished without any countermeasure, which was clearly only their wishful thinking.

As a matter of fact, Tianlong Yun was able to intercept those mental messages towards the Young Masters, as after all this whole place was flooded with his Soul Power.

To someone of his level of Soul Cultivation, intercepting these mental messages, was the same as playing broken telephone with a really loud idiot.

He was able to clearly hear everything that was being said, and if he wanted he could intercept it, but he didn't do it.

After all, those orders were clearly helpful to him in order to spice things up a bit. He would have never thought that he would get such help from those guys outside.

Things were certainly going to get even more interesting from now on, that was for sure, as he was waiting to see how it would develop from here on.

As for the two main characters of the show, they seemed to have completely forgotten that Tianlong Yun and other people were around them, as they were looking towards each other.

Their eyes contained confusion, disgust, hate, anger, every possible negative feeling that they could feel at that moment.

This damn game was just that fu*cking disgusting and fu*cked up that they didn't want to even think about.

None of them wanted to go on with this, it was just that humiliating for the two of them, who were Young Masters from respected and powerful organizations.

It was just like asking a young wolf to meow, it was something that went completely against their nature, and they would never do.

Yet the two of them were being ordered and forced to do something that went against their dignity, and honor.

This whole situation was so fu*cked up! Right now, they were regretting with their whole being that they had won and come to the final.

Was this what people called Karma? They cheated and betrayed the others to reach here, and right now they regretted their position.

Damn! This was truly messed up! And if that wasn't enough, they heard Tianlong Yun say in a mocking tone,

"Time is ticking, you know?"

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