Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 542: Interference

Chapter 542: Interference

As if the anger that they already had wasn't enough, they had to hear something like this that made their nerves even tauter.

At that moment, these two Young Masters were probably of the same mind for the first time in their lives, they wanted to completely eradicate the reason of their anger, and problems Tianlong Yun.

If it wasn't for that piece of trash, the two of them would have already captured the two women they wanted, and they wouldn't have gotten caught or made part of such a messed-up game.

Of course, in their point of view, they were never wrong, it was always the one across who was in the wrong, and the one guilty for anything bad that happened to them.

They had lived their whole lives until now with those thoughts in their minds and would continue to live like that for long, this was their way of life.

Normally everything would go just as they wanted, as they had the power and background to make it happen, but unfortunately this time they had met with some disaster that their background didn't work.

Looking at them from above, looking at their tense faces, and their complicated looks, Tianlong Yun was enjoying their inner fights.

He loved to see those ugly faces that would slowly become worse over time. this was just the beginning for these fu*ckers, they better not think that this was the worst.

Otherwise, he would truly feel pity for them. Not that he wouldn't enjoy that as well though, as, in fact, he would love to see their faces like that.

As he was thinking like that, the two guys in the cage, seemed to have made up their minds for the final game, as they started closing on each other.

It was quite the decision for both of them, as they both looked like they would throw up with every step that they took towards each other.

It was quite the show as their faces had gone completely pale, more than humans they looked like zombies walking towards each other, with no clear goal in their mind.

Even though they were walking towards each other, and seemed like they would participate in the final, it was still quite difficult for them to accept what they were doing.

Still, this didn't change the fact that they were walking towards each other, and in no time were staying face to face, with less than 1 meter in between them.

Each of them had quite the face, as they were looking at each other in the eye trying their best to keep their vomit inside.

They didn't want to do this, but they had no other choice but to do it. It was like some kind of curse, they didn't want it, but they couldn't escape it.

It wasn't that they didn't want to oppose those guys on the outside and say that there was no way that they would do something like that, but right now those guys were their only hope of escaping.

If for some reason they stopped trying to destroy the barrier and decided to give up on them, then there was no other choice but torture and suffering for them, and that was clearly worse.

Finding a bit more resolve in those thoughts, they got even closer to each other, as their trembling hands went for their own pants.

The whole crowd was completely shocked seeing this happen, as they had never thought that these two guys would actually go and do something like this.

But the more they went on the more did they get excited that perhaps they were going to truly witness something that they had never thought of witnessing at that moment.

With eyes in the shape and size of an Ostridge egg they were looking at the duo when they took off their pants with trembling hands, and then went for their boxers.

This damn thing was getting more and more possible with each passing second, as they seemed to have finally prepared themselves for the last hurdle as they took off their boxers, and showed their weapons.

Well, it would be more exact to say that they had revealed their deflated weapons, as all could people see between their legs were two small mushrooms that looked like would fall any second.

"It's not how it looks like, it's just because there are too many people in here! Otherwise"

That was Young Master Andre Davos trying to protect himself, or more like trying to excuse himself. An excuse that didn't work as Tianlong Yun cut him in the middle and said,

"Otherwise you would get a boner for doing something like that with another guy!? Hmm, I see, perhaps we should just empty the plaza everyone, and leave the Young Masters to their honey time!"

Everyone in the plaza started laughing out loud at those words, making the duo inside the cage even more embarrassed, and angry at their situation.

It wasn't like they wanted to be in the situation that they were, or like they wanted to participate in this perverted and fu*cked up game, they were forced to do something like that.

And yet!

They had to face something like this. They had to face ridicule from these worms that normally wouldn't even look up in fear that their eyes would cross.

They would surely remember these guys, they would surely remember these faces, and when they had escaped from Tianlong Yun's clutches, and this damned place, they would have their revenge.

They swore about it in their minds. They would surely take revenge when the time came, but right now they had to think about something completely different.

They needed to awaken their weapons from their slumber in the eyes of the crowd, and then try to make each other reach climax, as everyone watched.

It was wretched, but they had no other choice, they had to do something like this. They started to think of ways or people that would help them awaken their deflated weapons.

They had never thought that what had happened these last days would be so helpful to them at the moment, as their weapons were showing signs of awakening.

It was really difficult to concentrate on those thoughts as so many people were looking at them, but they had no other choice they had to do it.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was looking at them with a calm and collected look, everything was going exactly according to his plans and estimations.

Seeing them trying to overcome the situation at the moment, and do their best to awaken their weapons, in front of such a big crowd made him feel like he was watching some kind of impotence ad.

The two main characters of the show were working truly hard, doing everything they could to play his game, it would be a shame if he didn't do the same, right?

Letting them have a normal and peaceful fight would just be too boring, and too disgusting, so it was up to him to spice things up a bit.

He didn't even have to make a move that others could see, as at different parts of the crowd there were people screaming,

"Hahah~! Look at them, they are getting the hots for each other! They must truly like this final game! Hahaha~!"

To the crowd in large, those guys were just rambling, but to the two main characters, those words killed their newfound determination, and their weapons deflated completely once again.

That angered them to death, as they were pushing themselves beyond the limit in order to take part in this game, and reach up to here.

They were doing their best to leave this fu*cking wretched place, and just as they were about to have a hope for that their built force was completely dispersed from them.

This was hateful, truly hateful! As if that wasn't enough, they even had to hear that damn hypocrisy from Tianlong Yun,

"Everyone please don't disturb them any longer, otherwise we might fail to see this finale being played, that would be such a let-down.

We can't allow that to happen!

Brave warriors, due to the interference of the crowd, I will give you a little help!"

Hearing those words, the crowd that was about to join in the fun and noise was cut down, as they controlled their selves.

It was just like Tianlong Yun said if they did something like that, then those two guys would most probably never be able to awaken their weapons and the fight wouldn't even happen.

They couldn't allow that to happen, so they all controlled their selves and once again focused only on watching whatever happened.

The two main characters were a bit relieved hearing those words from Tianlong Yun, as at least they didn't seem like they would be disturbed from then on, but at the same time, they had a bad premonition.

Considering the situation, it was impossible for Tianlong Yun to leave them like that, and continue the finale, if that happened he would have to set free one of them.

He wasn't such a good man as to do something like that, which meant that he was planning something, but they had no idea what.

Right now, they could only try once again what they tried earlier, and awaken their weapons for the fight, only like that did they have a hope of escaping free.

As they were thinking like that, the ladies that had served them in the recent days started walking out from the crowd towards the plaza, completely naked, leaving nothing to the imagination.

They stood in front of the cage where the fight was going to happen and showed their private parts to the two fighters.

Making it seem like the fight would now start at any moment

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