Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 540: The final game!

Chapter 540: The final game!

Even that last ray of hope for the two finalists, Young Master Andre Davos, and Young Master Pietro Galdi was turned pitch black in just one line.

They felt so betrayed! Just as they found a new bright hope of escaping this damned place that they were, they heard something like that destroyed that hope to smithereens.

It wasn't like that hope didn't exist anymore, it was just that they didn't know what might be going through Tianlong Yun's mind.

Why? Why should this happen when things were going so well? Why should this happen just as this was about to end?

One of them would be able to go outside, and perhaps Tianlong Yun might have found different reasons to send them all out.

Why did that motherfu*cker meathead had to go, eat shit, and then sprout nonsense!? Why did he have to suffer for that bastard's fault? Things didn't make sense anymore.

Clearly, these were the thoughts of Young Master Pietro Galdi, who couldn't accept this situation. In his eyes, his leave was already set in stone if it wasn't for that piece of Russian trash!

It was his fault for surpassing the boundaries and making Tianlong Yun angry once again. That disgusting motherfu*cker couldn't control his shitty brain, and now they had to end up like this.

What he didn't think of, or to be more exact didn't want to think about was the fact that no matter what happened there and then Tianlong Yun would never allow them to leave.

It was quite the situation in there, still, he managed to keep his calm, as he said,

"You can't do this! It's written in the contract that you will let the winner go free if he wins the game!"

Tianlong Yun had already expected something like this, so he wasn't really bothered, in fact, he wanted them to squirm in pain looking for hope all the time in order for him to be pleased with it.

"Oh, yes I did say that, and it is written in the contract, the only problem is that the game isn't defined, and I get to select how you will be fighting each game."

"But isn't each game supposed to be a martial art fight where one of the two had to subdue the opponent without killing him?"

"Oh no, that was something that you took for granted and came up to here, but I actually never said that something like that was the game, now did I?"

"But you"

"That was something that you guys decided and I just went along with it. Even in the contract, the game isn't specified, is it?

It was only now that everyone understood that it was just like Tianlong Yun said, there was no mention of what the game would be, and what were the rules.

It only said that the participants couldn't kill their opponents, and the winner would get out of the barrier unscathed.

Which made the whole situation a big mess where the reigns were in the hands of the Grandmaster of the game, Tianlong Yun.

The game would be whatever he decided it would be, and if they wanted to leave this place, then they would have to obey the game and the rules that he decided.

Looking at Tianlong Yun with a look of hate, Young Master Pietro Galdi couldn't help but ask in a defeated voice,

"So, what is the game of this final, and what are the rules. I don't want to stay here for a second more!"

He was doing all the talking now, not only because he didn't have trust as the meathead in front of him, that he might say something that would break even this hope of his, but also because he couldn't.

With his lips cleanly cut off, there was no way he would be able to recollect himself enough to speak in there.

Tianlong Yun had been expecting for this moment, after all from here would start the true torture for these guys so, in fact, he was quite expecting of what would happen from now on.

So, he had already thought of how to start the final battle, it was something that even if it failed it would damage these guys beyond repair.

"Well since you are in such a haste, then I guess we can finally start with the final game, Young Master Pietro.

The game is much easier than you would have expected though, you have to use your hands, or a part of your body, in pleasuring your opponent, and the first to climax is the loser!"

Nobody understood what Tianlong Yun meant by his words for a moment, in fact, it looked like they had heard some kind of illusion.

There was no way that what they heard was true, was there? After all what kind of game would that be? Would these guys even accept to play such a game?

The two stars of the final weren't much better though, as Young Master Pietro was looking at Tianlong Yun with a dumbfounded look.

It was extremely clear that he couldn't believe his ears too. It felt like his ears had just captured some sort of completely stupid and impossible information.

He could only look towards Tianlong Yun, and then say with a shocked face,


"Just like you heard, this game is extremely easy, you will use one of your body parts to make your opponent reach a climax, the first to reach his climax will lose!

I think that we have seen enough violence in this place, let us see some love, and pleasure too."

The first time people could think that they had heard some kind of illusory voice, or that their ears weren't working properly but this time there was no way they heard it wrong.

Tianlong Yun was asking the two of them to jerk off each other in some way, and the first to climax would be the loser.

People in the crowd, the finalists, and those that had lost in the previous rounds couldn't believe what was going on.

Some of them were curious about how it would happen, and how these guys would react, some guys were happier to have lost prior, while some of them wanted to bask in the embarrassment of these arrogant idiots.

The truth was that while a lot of people feared the big organizations, and their descendants, at the same time they hated their arrogance, and personalities, and existences.

So, there were people in there who couldn't wait to watch their embarrassment. Why would this be an embarrassment?

While there were many people who had distinct tastes for their partner, which shouldn't be discriminated against, the same couldn't be said for the big organizations.

These guys were standing at the top of the ladder claiming their fierceness, strength, power, high numbers, and traditions.

There was no way that these organizations would accept that someone from their part, and especially from their lineage might have different tastes.

If such a person appeared from their ranks they would be held as the shame of whole Earth, and probably they would be embarrassed wherever they went.

They would better prefer their descendants to die or kill themselves, than have them destroy their honor and dignity, even more so when all this was happening in front of a huge crowd.

For that reason, the two finalists were in a truly bad position right now, as they were between a rock and a hard place.

On one side it was their families, and organizations' order, honor, dignity, and their horrible death, while on the other hand was their opportunity, their hope towards freedom, that would send them back.

But even if they won and went back, at best they would be exiled from their organizations as for the worst they didn't even want to think about it.

It was just a matter of greatest fear in their case, should they fear more from Tianlong Yun in front of them, or from their people and organizations when they got back.

The truth was that neither side would be working for them, no matter what they chose they would still end up in a terrible situation.

So Young Master Pietro had no other choice, but to scream at Tianlong Yun,

"Don't fu*ck with me, what kind of fu*cking game is that, you sick fu*cker!"

The truth was that he was trying to have Tianlong Yun hurt him, or try to kill him, in order to make the contract activate, but he failed so hard, as Tianlong Yun said with a calm tone,

"Well, it's a fu*cking game all right, even though you can just jerk off each other or something. Still, this seems too troublesome without a timing, so I have decided to give you 30 minutes!

Take it or leave it!

I am sure that the audience would love to see this match happen though, right everyone!?"

Everyone in the crowd was still shocked and confused on what to do, but it was at that time that the ones who truly hated these Young Masters started screaming with a mocking tone,

'Fight!' 'Fight!' 'Fight!'

Well in fact those guys were mostly people that Tianlong Yun had placed himself in the crowd from his army, but it wasn't like people cared much.

They were just pulled in by the enthusiasm of the crowd, as they started chanting together,

'Fight!' 'Fight!' 'Fight!'

It was quite the situation as Tianlong Yun had a weird smile on his face, as he said,

"Oh, I forgot to say, if the two of you don't agree for the final fight, then I will have to punish you, and the games will start once again from the start!"

To the crowd, and those Young Masters and Young Misses it appeared like Tianlong Yun finally was revealing his true purpose

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