Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 526: Blackmail

Chapter 526: Blackmail

"Have you already made your choice Patriarch of the Shadow Clan? I guess two is better than one, right? Hahahah~!"

The one who said that had the appearance of an old fogie, his hair was white, his skin was wrinkled, and his back was a bit hunched, but his actions and attitude weren't.

It was clear that his goal was to tease Tianlong Yun and break his mental state. After all, it wasn't far-fetched to think that the barrier of the Fortress Rock City was under his control.

In the eyes of the people outside, as long as they were able to break down Tianlong Yun's mental fortitude, and clarity, they had a chance to take down that barrier.

There was no way for them to know that the core of the barrier wasn't Tianlong Yun, but a simple puppet under him like Yang Xiu.

Why was he laughing like that, and being so sure of being able to achieve his goal? That was known only to him, and Tianlong Yun circle, and one of the big reasons why this week had gone as it had.

It was only one day after he had initiated his Freedom Games, an inconspicuous free cultivator that seemed to have been trapped by the barrier arrived at Tianlong Yun's city lord mansion.

That guy only had one letter to hand over to Tianlong Yun, where it was written only one line.

'Do you want to see your precious lover alive!?'

Normally he would have just ignored something like this, but this was something that he couldn't because it was the handwriting of Tianlong Hu Die.

Whoever had sent this letter meant that they were holding Tianlong Hu Die hostage, so he had no other choice but to listen to the other side.

To Tianlong Yun who had just discovered true love, and had felt its power, there was no way he could let his beautiful loli suffer.

With that thought decided, he looked towards the messenger, and said in a cold and detached voice,

"So, what does your Master want me to do?"

Seeing that everything was going according to his Master's plan, the messenger showed a mocking smile and handed him over another piece of paper.

This time the piece of paper contained instructions for him what to do, and how to act, and also clear names that he had to clear out in the dark without questions asked.

When his job was done the messenger immediately took his own life, just to make sure that Tianlong Yun didn't learn anything from him.

The determination to kill oneself immediately after the job was done just to seal the information, showed that the Master's background and skills weren't low.

It wasn't easy to train these kinds of people and die with that much determination on top of that. But that still wasn't the worst news, the worst news was that Tianlong Hu Die was in that guy's hands.

If Tianlong Yun didn't want to endanger her, he had to make sure that he followed the instructions on the piece of paper right to the dot.

Every night a messenger would come with instructions for him, and then kill himself. Each night the instructions would go crazier, as the messengers wouldn't even care about his answer anymore.

It was like their Master didn't doubt and didn't care anymore if Tianlong Yun would follow the instructions anymore or not.

It was precisely due to that, that Tianlong Yun had to act like a eunuch for this whole week, and do whatever that guy told him.

But he didn't care much about it, the most important thing was to know where was Tianlong Hu Die, and how had she been captured.

With the protection she had by her side there was no way that she would be easily caught. He had made sure to sent a level 2 Boundary Ascension powerhouse to protect her.

Not to mention that she also had Irina with her, who despite being a Soul Formation Realm cultivator was able to send attacks that even a Boundary Ascension Realm powerhouse couldn't take lightly.

Just what had happened to them!?

Everything had happened the day that Tianlong Yun had decided to act, and attack the United Settlement with the purpose of revenge, and saving his two beautiful wives.

At that time Tianlong Hu Die had already started her plan, and movement in order to entrap a few small feudal lords and powerhouses of Soul Land.

To be precise she had been able to take under her control 3 barons. On their own, they didn't have much territory so to speak, but the three of them combined made for quite the catch.

Not only that, but these three territories were also complementary to each other in terms of products, and living.

One specialized in growing herbs, one was abundant in mining materials, and the last one was abundant in workers, and slaves.

If these three places came together they might even be able to create a small kingdom of sorts, even though it would be vanquished in a short time by the other nobles.

Perhaps the three barons didn't understand the potential of their collaboration, or perhaps they were being fired from behind, but these three houses seemed to be life enemies.

There was no way Tianlong Hu Die would allow something like this to escape her hand. It was like she had unconsciously hit JackPot after all.

But she clearly didn't seem to be the only one to have those thoughts, as there were other people in there trying to do the same as her.

What made her even angrier was that these guys were clearly people from the Earth Faction, part of those bastards that had captured and tortured her big sisters.

People she couldn't forgive for anything in this life, as her blood was boiling when she thought about that, as she wanted to skin them alive.

Faced with them she lost her cool, and instead of working against them from the shadows, she had followed behind them and attacked them.

Their strength and numbers were far inferior to her side, so her plan wasn't totally out of emotion, as her victory was secured, but who would have expected their luck to be that good.

Their opponents' group only had Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, and 2 Soul Formation Realm experts, who were nothing compared to Irina, so they had the upper hand.

She had followed them behind and awaited her chance to capture them all together in a relatively hidden place, and she had set up a trap.

Just as her side was about to capture them, and go somewhere quiet to have their revenge on them, their reinforcements arrived.

If those guys at the first group were just a little fish in the pond, their reinforcements were the lord of the pond, as they even had 3 Boundary Ascension Realm powerhouses in their midst.

This changed the whole situation almost immediately as Tianlong Hu Die and her group turned from hunters to hunted.

As if that wasn't enough, their battle noise and their flashy attacks had attracted the local feudal lords' attention, which had immediately run towards them.

This was the worst this situation could get, as they were stuck in a three-way stalemate, and Tianlong Hu Die was in the worst possible situation.

Differently from the other two groups, she had no way of calling reinforcements in her side, and she would have to make do with what she had, and it was far from being enough.

Her only choice was escaping the place, and finding another way to deal with the mess that was created.

She was frustrated that things had turned out like this, after all, this was one of those rare times when she lost composure and ended up in such a situation.

She didn't care much about herself or her fate, she was upset that she had compromised her man's plan, and was going to cause even more trouble for him if she got caught.

This was something that she couldn't allow to happen, she would rather die than cause her man more trouble.

But she wasn't going to die without a fight, or without trying to escape. It was going to be difficult, but it wasn't impossible.

Irina was her shadow, and her sword, Tianlong Yun had ordered her to be, and she knew that escaping was the best solution at the moment.

Especially when the other two sides seemed to be wary of each other, and were keeping the stalemate, waiting for their back-up.

But certainly, it was impossible to just turn around and run, especially considering the fact that the other two sides had more powerful individuals in their side.

Furthermore, there was a high probability that these scums would join together in her pursuit once she acted, and tried to escape.

No matter how much she hated this situation and the fact that her chances of escaping, and surviving this place were getting lower and lower by the moment, she had to wait for her chance.

She had to wait for one of the two groups to make the first move, and then make her breakthrough together with Irina.

The only other option was for Irina to stay behind and be her shield as she ran away, but that was just too risky and too difficult.

Not to mention that she didn't want to leave Irina behind. While she was nothing to her man at the moment, it seemed like he needed her, and valued her, so she didn't want to lose him a capable servant.

Her mind was exploding from all these thoughts, and pressure when she received a mental message

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