Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 527: Getting Captured

Chapter 527: Getting Captured

It was something that she hadn't expected, but the moment she heard it, and its contents the pressure from her immediately evaporated as she immediately regained her composure.

All her worries and problems disappeared at that time as if suddenly the clouds of the cold winter had been dispersed by the warm sun and the cold winter day had turned into a breezy summer day.

Her plans had clearly changed at that point, as she sent a mental message to Irina, giving her the new instructions.

They weren't running anymore, they would get caught. Her new mission was to make their capture as more believable that she could.

Irina was clearly startled by the new directives but she didn't say anything to oppose them, with what she had understood from Tianlong Hu Die was that she was someone really smart, and shrewd.

With the exception of attacking the small group in a fit of rage and anger, she had never taken any other hasty, or wrong step.

So, even though she had been by her side for a short time, she had created quite a bit of confidence in her and followed her words to the letter.

Not to mention that Tianlong Yun had told her to become Tianlong Hu Die's shadow and sword, and obey every decision she took, no matter what.

This time wasn't any different for her. Not to mention, that she could feel that Tianlong Hu Die had gotten substantially calmer, and confident.

She didn't understand why but she felt like that man had something to do with this. After all, he was the only one that could change this girl's mood that easily.

Irina hadn't known Tianlong Yun for long, but unconsciously she had started to think of him as some kind of miracle man, and truly believe that he could perform miracles.

But now wasn't the time to think about that, as she had more important things to think about, like for example how to get caught without looking like they wanted to get caught!

It wasn't really hard actually, as only a miracle would save them from escaping this situation, but still, it was different now that they were thinking about it.

The situation was quite difficult at the moment, as the two main parties were just looking carefully at each other while keeping an eye on them.

The more they didn't act, the more dangerous and problematic the situation would become though, and they clearly understood that as well.

Those who had the biggest advantage in this stalemate were the local feudal lords, as the more time passed more nobles would come to their rescue.

Those Earth cultivators understood this situation too, but they were still unwilling to move as at most they would get into a stalemate with the feudal lords, and their plans would get disrupted.

Their only way of winning against these guys was if Tianlong Hu Die, Irina, and their group joined forces with them, but could that happen?

After all, not long ago, Tianlong Hu Die and Irina had tried to kill their group, so it was more probable for them to join their enemies rather than them.

It was a truly troublesome situation created, but they couldn't help but hope, as one of those Boundary Ascension powerhouses sent a mental message to Irina.

"No matter what we are humans from Earth, even if we fight we should do it after we have taken care of the common enemy don't you think?"

To those guys, Irina seemed like a more fearsome opponent so she should be the leader of the third and weakest group.

Irina was clearly startled by the message, but she didn't give in immediately as she took Tianlong Hu Die's opinion, and then answered,

"Hmph! What do you take us for!? You are clearly a bigger danger at the moment, surely as soon as we take care of them you will take advantage of the situation and capture us!"

The experience was a frightening thing, as the old man didn't show any sign of displeasure on his face, as a matter of fact, he just looked at her calmly, then with a mental sigh, said,

"Sigh~! There isn't much I can do about that, I can only give you my word that such a thing won't happen!

Just decide quickly, otherwise, we all will be captured in here!"

While he was right, it was clear that he was trying to put more pressure on her, in order to make her agree to him, even though it was a clearly stupid trick.

To his good luck though Irina whose face was covered in veil didn't seem to be wise enough, as she accepted with a grimace,

"You better keep your word!"

The old fogie didn't seem to have expected her to agree so soon, as he thought that the Heavens were truly helping him today, as Irina was truly someone easy to fool around.

But now that this had worked out, he immediately sent a mental message to the other guys in his party, it was time for them to attack!

The next moment, that old fogie was the first to jump towards his counterpart from the local feudal forces, and his attack was received by a defense of the same strength.

The reason why neither side was trying something against the other was that the powerful guys at the top were in similar numbers.

Furthermore, even their power levels didn't seem to be really different from each other, they were around the same level.

The difference in the battle as a whole would come from the small fry around them, and the local feudal lords had much more, small fry than they had.

Not to mention that they also had a lot of slaves that they could use as cannon fodder in order to attract the most troublesome attacks.

Still, even then the fight would at most be a stalemate with both sides unable to win, for that reason the Earth guys needed Tianlong Hu Die's and Irina's collaboration the most.

But once that was decided the fight itself seemed to be decided as with Tianlong Hu Die's group numbers, they were able to clearly gain the advantage in the fight.

To make one thing clear, they weren't trying to kill the feudal lords and take control of their territories, that was impossible for them to do.

What they were trying to do was escape the place with as few casualties as possible, but to reach that, they would have to win the battle first.

If they just turned their backs and ran away then they were nothing more than asking for their own death, as the enemy wouldn't politely just let them leave.

The fight was necessary, but a losing fight wasn't good either. The locals clearly didn't like the foreigners, or to be more exact the 'aliens' coming from Earth in the least.

So almost in every meeting between the two sides, one side would always suffer the consequences, torture, and suffering.

In the local's case, they took the 'aliens' as slaves or as pets, while on Earth cultivators' side they took the locals as animals for interrogation.

For that reason, even though Irina's decision seemed to be just too good to be true, the old man could still understand her standing.

With them, they at least had a chance, and perhaps an opportunity to escape free, but with the locals of Soul Land their life and future were set in stone, they would be nothing more than toys.

The clash of the big guys was immediately accompanied by loud explosions, and heavy pressure and impact, and then with the clash of the small fry.

They were about the same strength, neither side had the upper hand in this, as everything depended on Tianlong Hu Die, and Irina's decision from now on.

Surely, they could try to run, but then there was a big risk they would turn into the common prey of the two big parties, so they had no chance but to stand and fight.

Thinking like that, Irina seemed to release a defeated sigh, as she jumped and joined the battle alongside the Earth cultivators, followed behind by Tianlong Hu Die and their party.

On a perfectly balanced scale, 1 gram of cotton is enough to tip the scales, as the battle turned completely in the Earth cultivators' favor.

Still, they didn't have time to gloat about this, because this was just the beginning, as they had to reach their goal as soon as possible and escape, otherwise it would have no meaning.

Seeing that Irina and Tianlong Hu Die had joined the battle on their side, the old fogies immediately dropped all pretenses and started fighting the enemies with all they had.

Since the last variable had turned in their favor, they had no reason to hold back anymore, so they started wrecking true havoc.

It took them 24 minutes for the Earth cultivators to reach their goal, and cripple the local feudal lords' power, as they didn't think twice before giving the order to escape.

The battle seemed to be going their way, but any moment the enemy reinforcements would be arriving, and then they would most certainly be the losers.

Irina and Tianlong Hu Die didn't falter either, as they immediately started escaping as far as they could, without looking back.

That was their golden opportunity to escape, and they couldn't afford to lose it, as they run for some time, until they finally thought they were safe from any pursuer.

Their breathing was rough, they were bloody and extremely tired, but they still couldn't lower their guard down.

They were still in a dangerous situation! And their premonitions seemed to come true when they suddenly heard a teasing voice,

"Don't you think it's rude to run away from your comrades like that ladies!?"

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