Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 525: Change

Chapter 525: Change

The moment their lips touched, Young Master Andre Davos felt like he was for the first time in his life tasting heaven.

He felt like he was kissing some kind of feather, it was that light, as a desire to kiss her roughly appeared inside his heart.

Without losing any time, he immediately decided to do just that, only to discover that he couldn't.

In fact, forget about the kiss and its specialty a sudden piercing pain started from his lips, then to his cheeks, and even included his nose.

Everything happened so quickly that he was unable to understand what was going on. He could only open his eyes, and look at the view, as he almost fainted by what he saw.

Not caring about Lu Bing's and Tianlong Yue's seething faces, his eyes were only focused on the free fountain flowing blood in front of his face, as he felt that parts of his face were missing.

His lips, his cheeks, and his nose were missing from his face, as he looked like some kind of flat-faced pig, with blood coming out of his face.

'Aaagghhh, mamaaaaaa, it hurtsssss~!'

At first, he was still shocked by what was going on, so he was unable to react to what had just happened, but once that reality and pain hit his nerves, he started screaming in pain and tears.

If it wasn't for the fact that his nose had been flattened, and that the cut was still fresh as blood was flowing freely out of it, there was no doubt that snot would be present as well.

It wasn't only the victim that was shocked, it was the whole plaza, the crowd inside and outside the barrier. No one could believe their eyes, it was completely out of their expectations.

They had already given up on every expectation that they might have about this situation. To them, Tianlong Yun had already prostrated himself in front of the Earth Faction, and he would never stand up.

Tianlong Yun's story was only that bravery he showed that day and nothing more. This was what everyone thought, he was nothing more than a scaredy-cat like them who grew balls for a day.

Everyone was stunned for more than a moment, they could only look at the scene with shocked expressions, they were only able to recollect their selves when they heard the cry of pain.

The next moment everyone was reminded of Tianlong Yun though, as they all turned their eyes towards him, to see his reaction.

It looked like this day would be the day of surprises, as for a moment none of them could believe their eyes there, as Tianlong Yun seemed to have a devilish grin plastered on his face.

That wasn't the face of someone who was afraid of Young Master Andre Davos, his background, or that Earth Faction behind him.

That was the face of a villain that had everything planned and was expecting something like this to happen.

If earlier people were shocked at how low Tianlong Yun was, right now they were shocked by the new situation.

In just a single moment, and in just a single action everything had fundamentally changed for everyone.

The situation had become really complicated, as no one in the crowd seemed to understand what was going on.

Right after Young Master Andre Davos's cry of pain, more than 10 screams of anger sounded outside the barrier, and many attacks hit the barrier too.

Not only outside the barrier though, even inside the barrier, 7 cultivators jumped in the air, 4 of them towards Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing, while the remaining 3 towards Tianlong Yun.

Their movement was so sudden, that many people in the crowd shrieked due to the panic, and startle, attracting everyone else's attention at that moment.

Those guys weren't really strong, but they weren't weak either, as each of them was in the upper levels of Nascent Soul Realm.

Even then, they didn't seem like they would be any challenge for Tianlong Yun who had been able to kill Boundary Ascension powerhouses, but that was only under a normal attack, and normal conditions.

It was obvious from the beginning that these guys weren't planning to fight under normal conditions, as they weren't simply attacking in rage.

Their assassination plan was as simple, as much devious and stupid, these guys were throwing themselves towards Tianlong Yun and his ladies with the intention of doing on the way.

Not only had they resolved their selves to die, but their plan was concentrated on that, as they were kamikaze attacks.

Each of the assassins jumped towards its target with full knowledge, and intention of letting their inner Qi run amok, and exploding their selves.

That way even if they were unable to kill their target, they wouldn't be able to escape unscathed either, as others in the crowd would take it from there.

They weren't the only ones who had been bought from the Earth Faction or worked for the Earth Faction inside the barrier.

In their eyes, there was no way for Tianlong Yun or the two beautiful ladies to escape their fate, as they were destined to die right then and there.

Would someone like Tianlong Yun give them that achievement though? Would he truly just wait for them to kill him?

There was no way something like that was ever going to happen, especially when his beautiful loving wives were included in the matter.

Thinking like that he didn't even move from his spot, as 2 shadows appeared before him decapitating the self-exploding idiots before they could even think about it.

The same thing happened even to the guys that went after his beautiful wives, they were brought down in less than an instant.

In fact, everything happened so quickly that most of the cultivators in the crowd were unable to perceive what had just happened.

There had been no strange development for more than a week, as Tianlong Yun was prostrating himself in front of the young, and old people of the Earth Faction and suddenly this happened.

But they weren't even able to think clearly at this moment though, as any line of thought they might start was interrupted by the painful and deplorable screams of Young Master Andre Davos.

'Agghhh, maammmaaaa, it hurts! Maammmmaaaa~!'

Who would have ever thought that such an arrogant good for nothing was a mama's boy, well with the new look he would have to be called a mama's pig, but anyway.

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were just looking at him with seething rage, remembering everything this piece of trash had done to them.

They were far from getting pleased by all this, this was only the start of the show, Young Master Andre Davos had much, much more to suffer in their hands, and not only.

The other finalist, Young Master Pietro Galdi seemed to be in shock as well, he was thanking God that he hadn't acted like the clear example in front of him earlier.

But at the same time, he couldn't relax or stop from shaking either as he could clearly remember the treatment he had given to the two ladies in the United Settlement quarters.

He had a feeling that there was no way he would be able to escape this fu*cked up situation, as he totally forgot about his background, or status at the moment, as some yellow warm liquid wetted his pants.

The same could be said even for the other Young Master's and Young Misses in the cages as well. They were in the same situation, and there was no escape.

If only that stupid motherfu*cker Andre Davos hadn't crossed the limit. Right now, they would be negotiating their release, and they would leave this fu*cking place.

But that son of a bi*tch had to go and act like a pretentious prick, when he had been kept inside a cage like a damn animal for all this time.

It was also Tianlong Yun's fault for being a wolf in sheep clothing! They had hope of leaving this place alive, and happy, why had all this had to happen?


Why did they have to experience this after everything seemed to be going great!?

They had apparently forgotten what they had done to the two ladies when the two of them were captured.

Or most probably that seemed like something just and right for them to do, but not to suffer. After all, they were special people.

They were the descendants of powerful people, they were the ruling Gods of Earth, so whatever they did was right, and whatever was done to them was injustice, and wrong.

Well, their thoughts weren't quite wrong, because everything would be fine as long as they held power, but the moment someone more powerful appeared in their way, they were done for.

This time, knowingly or unknowingly they had rubbed their horns against a much more powerful and terrifying enemy than their selves, so they had no other option but to pay the consequences.

Looking at their despairing looks, and at their reactions, Tianlong Yun had to admit that it made him feel quite proud and good with himself.

This feeling, those reactions, those faces, were a few of the reasons why he had done all this until now and acted like this.

Enjoying himself, and basking in that feeling, he finally said in a loud voice,

"Well everyone, are you ready for the true 'Freedom Games'!?"

The crowd was completely thrown into disarray, as they didn't truly understand what he meant. What did he mean by the true 'Freedom Games'?

If this competition wasn't the true game, then what was?

But before they could even make sense of the new situation they heard a powerful voice from outside the barrier

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