Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 524: Betrayed Love & Loyalty

Chapter 524: Betrayed Love & Loyalty

How dared that trash oppose him now of all times, he was burning inside to have a touch of those two women, his drive was in full charge as well.

It was something that he couldn't accept no matter what, as he said with an angry countenance,

"How dare you disobey me trash!? Now bring your wives here for me, I need some encouragement, and I am sure my friend here does too!"

He said that in order to involve even his opponent in the show after all two were always better than one.

Tianlong Yun might think of opposing only him, but with the other guy in the game, there was no way he would be able to keep his stand.

Young Master Pietro Galdi on the other hand had been feeling a bad premonition all this time, and he didn't want to get involved with this, but he understood Young Master Andre Davos's purpose too.

While it came as a surprise, Tianlong Yun's 'humbleness' and his 'surrender' towards their background and power as the Earth Faction was truly needed for them to keep their face.

But certainly, that didn't seem enough, as not only had Tianlong Yun openly fought against their Earth Faction, but he had also captured, and kept them in cages until now.

If they just accepted the competition and one of them left free, and the others negotiated their freedom, it was still not enough to regain their face.

After all, it would still look like Tianlong Yun had the upper hand on them, and the 'mighty' Earth Faction, was brought to a corner from a simpleton like Tianlong Yun.

There was no way they could allow that to happen, for that reason they had to show the 'courage' and 'power' they had over Tianlong Yun to the crowd, in order to make them realize.

It was against their expectations that Tianlong Yun would bear this much and that he would 'surrender' this much in front of them, as their arrogance made it seem only reasonable.

To people like them, that had been ruling over Earth for so many years, and the fact that their rule hadn't been questioned for years wasn't helpful in this situation either.

Even now, they still treated this whole thing like normal, and that it was only right for the situation to develop like this.

They were thinking of it, just like Tianlong Yun had finally recovered his sanity, and understood that he couldn't go against them.

Even though the crowd wasn't there to witness such a situation, they clearly wholeheartedly welcomed this top performance shithousery that Young Master Andre Davos was making.

They were all curious to see the reaction of Tianlong Yun after all that. Would he once again lower his head, and allow them to step over his head, and face like that, or would he finally react?

Tianlong Yun seemed to be between a rock and a hard place, as many thoughts, looks, and emotions were constantly passing through his mind.

It seemed like this would be the point where he exploded, but to the crowd's surprise, he looked at his wives with defeated eyes and said something in their ears.

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing seemed shocked beyond comprehension, as immediately tears threatened to fall from their eyes.

It was like they had just received the worst news of their life, after all, what else could it be? Those words seemed enough to devastate the two.

It was like the two of them were asked to do something that they would rather die than do, and yet it was coming from Tianlong Yun.

Their most precious person was asking them to do something that they would certainly regret their whole life, it was something that would destroy them as people, something that signed their death.

Both ladies seemed like they had lost their soul at that moment, but they still were unable to refuse his words, as they slowly slipped down, and made their way towards the cage.

Even though they were floating in the air, their steps looked extremely heavy, each step looked like they were crumbling everything beneath them.

Their lives, their dreams, their strength, their breathe, everything was living their bodies the more they approached the cage.

Everyone was astounded, none of them would have ever have expected something like this to happen, it was beyond any nightmare or bad dream that someone might have.

A lot of people inside and outside the barrier had to rub their eyes hard in order to make sure that this wasn't just some kind of dream or nightmare.

Tianlong Yun had turned from a hero into even lower than a zero in less than a week. Making everyone think that his show of a week ago was nothing more than that, a show.

They didn't know how to feel, should they be disappointed at his character, or feel better that he was just like them, one of the many.

As they were thinking like that, the two ladies had finally reached the cages, their faces clearly showed their thoughts, and made them look like some kind of fate betrayed heroines.

Who could blame them though? After that loyalty and love, they had shown towards their husband, the same man was forcing them to go as far as cheap themselves to someone like Andre Davos.

Their love, their trust, their loyalty was wasted on Tianlong Yun, as everyone in the crowd thought that they would at least show a bit more determination and resolve than that loser.

He didn't deserve them, and he didn't deserve their love, their trust, their loyalty. He was even worse than trash, or a scum.

He was the lowest of the low!

Even the protagonist himself that had requested something like this didn't expect everything to run so smoothly.

There was no way that the guy who confronted the whole Earth Faction fearlessly just a week ago, would so easily abide by his requests, was there?

Even he didn't expect things to go like this, if he had to say all this time his heart was beating as it would suddenly explode.

It was true that he was extremely arrogant, and he had his background behind him, but he wasn't a complete idiot.

Playing the tough in his enemy's court, when he was even captured, and placed inside the cage like a dog, wasn't something that quite fitted with his character.

He was instructed to do so from his contacts with the people outside, but it was still something that clearly surpassed his expectations.

Those guys had told him to do so with a steeled heart, as Tianlong Yun would obey to anything he said, but this was clearly beyond his expectations.

Seeing the two women that he had so longed to touch, kiss, and dominate approach him with those miserable faces made him even more arrogant, and self-pleased.

He didn't know or understand why, or how this was happening, but he most certainly would enjoy something like that happens.

As he approached the cage bars with the gloating face of someone being in charge and didn't bother to hide his lewd and dirty look from Tianlong Yue's and Lu Bing's bodies.

Even his hands were getting restless he wanted them to approach as soon as possible, so he could grope them as much as he wished.

He just couldn't bear dreaming about their skin, and their curves as he would reshape them according to his wishes.

Sometimes men get obsessed with women, and they are ready to turn into bloody demons only to make their obsessions a reality.

This was the case with Young Master Andre Davos, he didn't care what happened, or how it happened, as long as his obsession became a reality.

As they were walking towards the cage, Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing didn't seem able to hold their tears anymore, as their whole being was shaking at that moment.

Their presence was growing more and more feeble, as with each step they seemed to go towards their death, with great will and resolve.

Each step felt like an eternity, each step felt like one life passing in front of their eyes, and yet they continued to walk forwards with determination.

Nobody understood why all this was happening! After all, it was enough for Tianlong Yun to stay inside this barrier, and there would be no one who could harm him, or them.

So why the hell was he allowing something like this to happen, just how low and pathetic could this guy be?

Unconsciously the whole crowd was affected by the two ladies' emotions and were trying to sympathize with them.

They wanted to turn towards Tianlong Yun and scream, scream for him to stop this madness, scream for him to become a man, scream for him to grow his balls, but no one could.

The moment they reached the cage, the two ladies seemed to unconsciously keep their distance from the bars, and that monster inside, as they seemed like they would die in any second.

The moment they leaned forward to approach the monster for a kiss, the whole crowd thought that it was the end, this was the moment where this situation truly touched rock bottom.

Young Master Andre Davos was gloating though, he never thought that he would have such a stroke of luck and such a chance in his life.

Obsession was a terrifying feeling!

He didn't care about their distance, as he teasingly, and mockingly looked towards the scum in front of him, Tianlong Yun, and leaned forward to touch those lips he had dreamed all this time.

The moment their lips touched

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