Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 520: Soul Contract (Let the games begin!)

Chapter 520: Soul Contract (Let the games begin!)

Seeing the fact that Tianlong Yun was fixing such a stupid game in order to release one or more of them made these Young Masters even more arrogant and cocky.

After all, they were all important personalities, there was no way that they would follow the words of every cheap bastard.

Even if that cheap bastard had outsmarted them, and their whole entourage a few days ago had captured, and then caged them like animals.

The whole crowd was a bit surprised at their reaction, but just a bit, because they all knew what kind of idiots, and bastards these guys were, what mattered right now was Tianlong Yun's reaction.

Different from their expectations though, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to get angry in the least, in fact, he was calm, too calm.

He just looked at the one who just spoke, and said in a calm and natural voice,

"Well you most certainly may decide to not participate if you are afraid or feel threatened by your opposition Young Master Davos, but this is an opportunity for you to leave freely without paying.

Knowing the value of your esteemed self, I am sure that you wouldn't expect to earn your freedom for a cheap price, right?

But now you have the opportunity to leave this place without paying a single coin, and at the same time to be able to hit your chest in pride as you do so, because you have defeated the other Young Masters!"

Tianlong Yun's words were like the attacks of a poisonous snake, at first, he made it look like only a chicken wouldn't play his game, and secondly, he made the winner the proudest of them all.

There was one thing that had helped in his plan until now and would help him once again, these guys were arrogant pricks.

They would do everything they could in order to 'show' to the world that they were the best, and most powerful, and that the whole world should follow them.

It wasn't only that Young Master Davos, but all others started thinking deeply about those words, as they all seemed to agree, or it would be more exact to say that their arrogance agreed.

But there were still issues to fix, as another Young Master opened his mouth and said,

"You may be right, but what is the guarantee that you will truly let the winner go like that!?"

Once again everyone's head turned towards Tianlong Yun who didn't seem to have any dreg of worry on his face, he had the same terrifying calm of earlier, as he answered,

"I will write a Soul contract with each and every one of you, stating that the winner of the games will be left free when the games finish!

Is that enough!?"

With that said, immediately in front of all Young Masters in the cages appeared some kind of paper written with red ink, stating what Tianlong Yun had just said.

If his words were already shocking, then his actions were more so, as no one would have ever thought he would go so far and do that so quickly.

All the participants of the games were surprised as well, as they started reading what was in front of them.

There didn't seem to be many clauses in there, only important things like,


      Nobody will die during the games!

      No participant is allowed to kill himself, or any other participant of the game under any circumstances!

      No participant is allowed to quit the game after it has confirmed his participation!

      Participants need to abide by the rules and the games that the Game Master decides!

This is a contract between the participants and the Game Master, if any side does something in opposition to these rules, then their soul would belong to the other side!

The conditions were simple, but at the same time vague. There was no description of what the games would be, as they would be dependent on the Game Master.

Furthermore, that condition about not killing anyone else or themselves seemed a bit fishy too, and the weirdest was that no one was allowed to quit once they entered the games, not that had any wish to.

Certainly, the Young Masters didn't think much about the game itself, as they were all stuck at the last line, the soul of the contract breacher would belong to the other side.

Was something like that even possible? They didn't have much knowledge so they thought it could be a hoax, but they couldn't quite express their thoughts either.

But it seemed like Tianlong Yun had thought about this too, as he said,

"Certainly, those Master's outside can check and prove the originality of the Soul Contract as well, in fact after signing it they could be its keepers and caretakers."

As he said so, the contracts in the Young Masters' hands flew up, passed through the barrier, and then appeared in the hands of those surprised, and confused Masters.

They had no idea what Tianlong Yun was trying to do, but at the same time, they felt like they couldn't lose such an opportunity.

Who knew what this devil might ask in return for their Young Masters, as it would surely not be something easy, or cheap.

In order to not suffer a hit to their finances and resources in this place, they had no other choice but to hope that their Young Masters would win.

As they were thinking like that they were more checking on the validity of the Soul contract than its contents, and they were pleasantly surprised to see that it was original and valid.

Taking the confirmation of the Masters, the Young Masters in the cages immediately signed the Soul contract with their blood without thinking much, as they were all preparing for the games.

Just like Tianlong Yun promised the signed contracts immediately went in the hands of those Masters outside, as he looked at the participants with a smile on his face.

"Now that all the theoretical issues are taken care of, I officially announce the start of the Freedom Games, let the best among you win!"

The crowd was clearly surprised and confused by everything that was going on, but they certainly would love to see a good show.

In fact, the people inside the barrier felt like they were VIPs as they would be able to watch the games from such proximity.

It was just unbelievable for most of them, they had never expected something like this to happen, ever, this was most certainly their luckiest day.

They could brag to their descendants about this so much in the future, telling them that they once witnessed the young dragons, and young phoenixes fight against each other.

The truth was that there weren't only Young Masters in Tianlong Yun captives, there were a few Young Misses too.

None of these bastards or bi*tches was innocent though, each and every one of them was more of a bastard, and bi*tch than the other.

In total Tianlong Yun had 13 Young Masters, and 8 Young Misses captured, as they were spread almost equally through the cages.

The Young Misses were not bad in their appearance, but none of them was comparable to his wives, and that made them jealous.

A woman's jealousy was truly a frightening thing, as they would enter his wives' cell, and then they would burn their faces, their hairs with their Qi, and before they left they would heal them back.

They had been doing this for almost every single day that his wives had been captured, as every day it would get worse.

The moment that Tianlong Yun thought about these things the colder he got, and the more enraged he was, but the calmer his brain become.

It was overwhelming, but nobody seemed to have understood his intention of doing these games in front of them.

Since his voice had been calm, and natural all this time, no one had been able to understand the meaning of his words at the beginning.

It was truly strange, but sometimes not only humans, but every being understands words, actions by the way they are performed, and the tone they carry, rather than their meaning.

For example, if someone looked at another person with a smiling face and said, I hate you, the brain would treat it as more pleasant than someone screaming in rage, I love you!

Even though cultivators and powerful Masters had a higher mental fortitude, and more attention, Tianlong Yun's voice seemed genuine, and they wanted to truly believe it, so they believed his words.

It was surprising but it was true, it was one of the Soul techniques that Tianlong Yun had found in the inheritance, together with the Soul Suggestion.

It was said that as long as the Soul waves transmitted towards the target are in the same wavelength that one would say those words truthfully, then the target is inclined to believe that they are the truth.

Furthermore, considering the difference in Soul Levels between Tianlong Yun, and these guys in the crowd, and especially the Young Masters, and Young Misses in the cage, then there was no way it would fail.

But it was only after the contracts were signed and activated that finally, Tianlong Yun could relax totally, as he couldn't wait for their reactions while playing.

It was most certainly going to be a great show, he could guarantee it himself. After all, he had pondered for so long, on the idea of how to have his revenge on them.

He was looking forward to what these guys had to offer, as he finally continued,

"Every competition is useless if there is no strongest, and weakest! So, it is more than natural for our Freedom Games to start with a competition of strength!

The rules are simple! You have 15 minutes to determine the strongest of each cage while abiding by the contracts!"

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